Example sentences of "and [indef pn] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They were great champions and everyone who saw them on the ice thought they were lovers .
2 ‘ She was a very brave girl and everyone who knew her admired her spirit .
3 Responsibility for waste will rest on the person who produces it , and everyone who handles it through to the process of disposal or reclamation .
4 That the little girl who had sat on her granny 's knee and smiled and laughed , would grow up to give herself to anyone and everyone who asked her ?
5 I go about in a wheelchair and someone who pushes it very often goes into a shop and says , ‘ Look here , you have bought rather a lot of things I think you had better give a cheque for them — now I ? I write the cheque out , dear , and you shall sign it . ’
6 Two weeks could be a holiday but now its longer than that and someone who knows them might be wondering where they are , ’ said Detective Chief Inspector Brown .
7 One of the virtues of parental investment er theory I would say is that er it 's particularly sensitive to female interests in , in in sexuality and nobody who knows me or has read er my works would , could possibly suspect me here of fashionable feminist prejudices er so I do n't say this because I think this is what people like to hear , but because I happen to think it 's true , I 'm afraid I 'm one of these old-fashioned and you may think stupid people who believe that you should er say things cos you think they 're true , not because you think er it 's what you think want w want to hear or if you say it , you 'll be accused of sexual harassment by a lecturer as I was last year .
8 I think you need reminding that I am not your property ; never have been and never shall be ; and that you have no right at all to touch me if I do n't wish it , and none whatsoever to hurt me .
9 Lengthy booklists are expensive and dull : with some time and effort it will be possible for you to build up a personal library and reference system which is individually geared to your particular needs , and one which helps you to build on your existing knowledge rather than attempting to start again from scratch .
10 On the other hand ( as Ludens surmised ) Jack was not in too much of a hurry to shift Patrick , as Pat was an occupation for Franca , and one which brought her and Alison together .
11 Dulles on 12 December 1957 went as far as to describe France as " a very weak partner indeed " and one which caused him a lot of anxiety .
12 It was a sorry thing , and one which caused her a few silent tears .
13 One of the main processes in training a bird , and one which gave me a few problems , is known by falconers as ‘ manning ’ .
14 It was almost a religious conviction he had , and one which gave him the courage to carry out his plans .
15 It was a neat idea , and one which placed it half way between the rigid discipline of the Trotskyites and the hopeless chaos of the Anarchists ( or Libertarians , as they preferred to call themselves ) on the ultra-left spectrum .
16 A particular , and in representational terms crucial , development of this new activism ( and one which links it to other movements based on class , gender , colour , and so on ) is the de-biologising nature of the disability .
17 Because the nature of this experience subtly eludes the normal processes of human thought and feeling and is felt to engage with a power beyond them , it is termed " mystical " and one who knows it a " mystic " .
18 It presumes the existence of at least two parties , one who allocates responsibility and one who accepts it with the undertaking to report upon the manner in which responsibility has been discharged .
19 The new entrant in this category , and one who interests me a lot , is Fred Couples .
20 Well , the city was n't a nice place to live because of all the silly laws the merchant had passed , and people started to leave it and go to other towns and other countries , and the merchant was spending so much time passing new laws and trying to make people obey the ones he 'd already passed that his own business started to fail , and eventually the city was almost deserted , and the merchant found that he owed people much more money than he had in the bank , and even though he sold his house and everything he owned he was still broke ; he was thrown out of his house and out of the city too , because he had become a beggar , and beggars were n't allowed in the city .
21 I said Pete what are you talking about , you do n't know what my hair looks like , you know , thick or thin , it did n't er well it had n't made any difference at all basically , and he was agreeing , and everything you say he agrees .
22 Course with the winter and everything you see you ca n't do much outside .
23 And anybody who says he 's absolutely certain is a fool .
24 Erm and anybody who tells me that they 're gon na get one and arrives by train at the course whatever their excuse I would be suspicious .
25 He says he 's been asked about it , but he ca n't help , and anyone who uses it is banned .
26 There 's a caravan leaving for Kinsai in the morning , and anyone who displeases me will be on it . ’
27 ’ It 's for enjoyment , and anyone who says it 's art is in the wrong business .
28 ‘ I do n't consider myself an idiot and anyone who says I am does n't know what they 're talking about .
29 Details of entitlement can be obtained from the address below and anyone who considers they may qualify for such relief should contact this office .
30 The 'Boks may be ring rusty but , says JOHN ROBBIE , they are top-heavy with talent and anyone who writes them off does so at their peril …
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