Example sentences of "and [that] he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His enemies in the Party , who were numbered among the brightest and the best , suggested unkindly that his libido was turbo-assisted , and that he traded in his women after two years .
2 Beaverbrook told a meeting of the Commonwealth Prime Ministers on 10 May about his discussions with Berle the previous month , and that he hoped for Commonwealth agreement before an international conference .
3 His father would now and again telephone me saying that David was down to his last few pounds and that he worried about money .
4 This may seem a curious exception , but it is as well to remember that Gregory would have known of the versification of Sulpicius Severus 's Life of St Martin by Paulinus of Périgueux , and that he counted among his friends the poet Venantius Fortunatus , himself the author of a poetic work on the miracles of St Martin .
5 But our ‘ yes ’ is necessary , the ‘ yes ’ of faith which is ‘ the empty hand that we hold out to Christ and that he fills with himself , and the impulse and strength to stretch out the hand comes from the Spirit . ’
6 Whatever the exact circumstances , it is at least clear that Eliot vacated Carlyle Mansions quickly and deliberately — and that he left behind him a man to whom he had been a companion for ten years .
7 These details make it clear that Beveridge regarded young workers as constituting a separate source of labour supply which required specialized provision and that he agreed with the ASEA and the ‘ boy labour ’ reformers in wishing to see the transition from school to work treated as an educational matter ( though not necessarily one controlled by the Board of Education ) .
8 And I heard Monks say that he 'd seen Oliver in the street , and that he knew at once Oliver was the child he was looking for , although I could n't hear why .
9 Assume , for example , that X is the settlor of a non-resident settlor-interested settlement and that he emigrates from the United Kingdom part way through 1993 – 94 .
10 We have seen that he personally undertook the defences of the south coast when the king campaigned in the North , and that he wrote in warm praise of the king 's energy and practical wisdom , and ordered prayers for his protection against the malice of evil men who hated the king s good qualities .
11 He told me he was a money lender in a small way and that he lived in London now .
12 He later went on to say that he had seen the same man in the vicinity about 5.30 to 6.00 , and that he seemed to be heading for the Oliver 's shop .
13 Gregory says he was the son of a slave and that he came to prominence in the household of king Charibert , whence he was promoted to being comes of Tours .
14 The manager of the American Theater in Terre Haute , Indiana , stressed that he kept ‘ in direct touch ’ with his patrons and that he went into his audiences ‘ as the pictures were being shown on the screen to listen to their comments ’ .
15 But we still do n't know much about the man himself apart from his age ( 59 ) , and that he went to Shrewsbury School at the same time as Michael Heseltine .
16 What is striking about it is that he is the first Anglo-Saxon king known to have abdicated to go to Rome and that he went to Rome not as a baptized Christian but to seek baptism .
17 You do n't mention him , except to say that he was a biologist and that he went to England to work for two years at the chemical weapons experimental establishment at Porton Down .
18 He finished his letter by saying that she was still close to him and that he wanked about her a lot .
19 If so , it was impatience of a singular kind — not just the feeling that he had something important to contribute , but the certainty that France ( and the whole world ) was on the verge of a colossal crisis and that he had to be ready .
20 Only later did it emerge that the Germans had supported his candidature for the post of High Commissioner in Danzig , and that he had since 1920 been on very friendly terms with Baron Ernst von Wiesäker , the head of the political section of the German Foreign Office .
21 AI has repeatedly expressed concern about the case to the Tunisian Government since October 1991 but the Tunisian authorities have continued to insist that Faisal Barakat had never been arrested and that he died in a road accident .
22 Some of Lakatos 's writings indicate that he wished to defend a position something like the one I have labelled rationalism , and that he viewed with horror the position I have labelled relativism , a version of which he attributed to Kuhn .
23 Al-Shara in his speech brandished a wanted poster showing Shamir when younger and said that " he himself recognizes that he was a terrorist and that he participated in the assassination of Count Bernadotte [ the UN mediator ] in 1948 " .
24 It was hard to remember that God had made them , too , and that He begged for leniency for them .
26 We can infer that George was in a restaurant , and that he sat at a table and looked at a menu .
27 The deep-seated feeling that man 's nature is essentially structured to survive nomadically and that he needs to be on the move in some way if he is to be satisfied , is complemented by the mystics ' witness that true human fulfilment is the concomitant of what is experienced as a spiritual journey to a goal beyond time that is occasionally anticipated and known in time , the element within which our curiously mixed physical and spiritual natures cohere and mature .
28 ‘ Simon reckoned he 'd adored you for years and that he intended to be that boyfriend , and he 'd make it happen by ensuring the two of you were together as much as possible .
29 Within minutes , he has told me he will be seeing the PM this afternoon , and that he dined with Mrs Thatcher the previous evening .
30 Willie lay in bed that night , tired and aching , but the aches were very pleasant ones and as he slept he dreamt that Adam and Eve were being chased by a large whale and that he stood in the garden of Eden wondering if God was nubbly and ate infinite sauce and sagacity .
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