Example sentences of "and [that] it [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You 're lucky in a way that he 's there , and lucky , too , that he 's got his music and that it 's bringing him a name , for it 's some sort of compensation in the meantime , helping his waiting . ’
2 ‘ I wanted to say , you see , that I know you thought Frannie should n't have gone , and that it 's ruined your holiday plans , and , on behalf of us all , I 'm sorry .
3 and that it 's called the Salvation Army group
4 And I think it 's both important for N C V O itself , to ensure that it 's working on issues , equal opportunities issues that affect itself , and that it 's helping the sector as a whole to do that , and and we 're very conscious of that , and er , certainly just in the last few weeks , have been looking at how we can upgrade what we 're doing in that sphere .
5 Just had a chat with Mickey Stewart and erm , he offered that he thought David Lawrence was a bit tired in the test matches that he 's played and that it 's took it out of him and not , not very quick .
6 bring this new tax , but instead of poll tax and community charge and that it 's gon na be like a new erm property tax .
7 ‘ You were saying that he has written a wonderful book — and that it 's going to be published ? ’
8 The thing to do , Bob , is to face up to the fact right from the beginning that it 's going to be something Victorian or Edwardian , and that it 's going to be in some slightly less fashionable postal district . ’
9 We still believe that there 's going to be a kingdom over in Israel and that David Koresh is going to come back and be the head of that kingdom and that it 's going to be a peaceful place as prophecized in the Bible .
10 Now let's say that urban wages , right are up here and that it 's going to take , it 's like this individual , this amount of time to get er a job at that , at that wage , let's say that 's the expected wage , of the urban area , okay .
11 I mean they do n't honestly care two hoots about people , if they can talk about the dreadful state the , the care of old people is in and all the rest of it and that it 's going to get worse , frightening old people .
12 Applix Inc is moving to get itself well distributed : this week it will announce it 's got Merisel handling Aster*x state-side and that it 's pulled off an exclusive five-year $15m deal with K K Ashisuto , Japan 's second largest software distributor .
13 We duly went back to Sun , which claims there is to a deal , just like it said , has been for months and that it is moving lots of product .
14 Evidence suggests that , on the contrary , grazing pressure is evenly spread throughout the area exploited , that area is related in size to the size of the nest and that it is defended against competing leaf-cutting ants and that a wide range of plant species is exploited .
15 Encore says its current plan is to move to the next-generation 88110 RISC over time , but claims its architecture is CPU-independent and that it is evaluating other architectures .
16 The investigators have put forward a theory suggesting that the gross organisation of human action is carried out by different parts of the mind from the fine detailed planning and control of behaviour , and that it is governed by emotional factors to a much greater extent than people had realised .
17 We may be handling a horse and get a feeling that we are in tune with the horse and that it is accepting and even anticipating whatever we want to do : we are in rapport with the horse , and are communicating with the horse but in a way that is not through the other senses .
18 Axil aims to price 20% below Sun and that it is targeting non-technical markets such as manufacturing , transport , financial services and health-care .
19 I believe that this trend will spread and that it is based on very sound educational grounds .
20 We are told that federalism means different things to different people , that it is a benign arrangement which does not centralise but pushes power downwards to the people and the regions and that it is based on subsidiarity .
21 THERE have been a number of articles and letters published recently about North-East drift-net fishery for salmon , which suggest that the Government 's proposal to phase out this fishery is unreasonable and that it is based on political expediency under pressure from owners of rod fisheries .
22 Make sure food is as free as possible from food poisoning organisms and that it is handled hygienically at all times — see Good Food Handling Guide on p 6&7 .
23 What apparently made all the difference to the price was that the clock came from a historic house , Cassiobury Park , and that it is illustrated in an important book on the craftsman — Thomas Tompion , His Life and Work by R W Symonds .
24 In May , 1991 , the Digital Information Group 's Software Industry Bulletin reported that SelecTronics expects to report a ‘ significant loss ’ for its financial year ended 31 March and that it is restructuring its business so that it manufactures handheld devices only when it has firm orders from its distribution channels .
25 The finished result will be a Fortran-90 mathematical library tool that NAG will likely market and that it is hoped will encourage the use of parallel machines in non-linear programming such as scheduling , planning and optimisation .
26 Intel stresses that there are no problems with the P5 and that it is taking the opportunity of strong demand for the 80486 family to spend longer testing the highly complex new chip in the hope of avoiding the bugs that plagued the 80486 in its early days .
27 It says it expects to offer a wireless electronic messaging service by the end of the year , and that it is aiming for beta testing during the summer .
28 In Dixit and Stiglitz ( 1977 ) this effect is ignored , but here we allow a more general treatment , introducing a parameter γ , so that implies that the effect is taken into account and that it is ignored .
29 My right hon. Friend ends his letter by saying : ’ I am pleased to learn that following the granting of an ECR by Parkside HA Mr. Thorpe has received treatment and that it is proving beneficial . ’
30 All you have to do is to ensure that you have sufficient work of the agreed type and standard and that it is framed and presented as required .
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