Example sentences of "and [noun prp] have [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Dorothy Best , secretary of Durham County Schools AA , said : ‘ Cumbria and ourselves are staging the county championships on the recommended date but unfortunately Cleveland and Northumberland have held theirs a week earlier .
2 Me and Lisa have to do it .
3 For example Bar-Yosef and Kolodny , and Litzenberger and Ramaswamy have found dividends to be significant while Black and Scholes have found them to be without significance .
4 ‘ Lee and Ian have shown they have what it takes to earn first-year professional terms and I 'm delighted they 've agreed to join us .
5 Both Lemper and Stratas have recorded it , but Réaux stands comparison well .
6 Although such answers may not seem entirely convincing today , principally because of the insights which Darwin and Freud have given us into ourselves , it is nevertheless true that an approach to the problem based on evolution and psychoanalysis would yield analogous , if different , answers .
7 There has always been an international dimension to civil litigation , and States have found it desirable to devote some efforts to easing the difficulties experienced by their citizens and business enterprises in pursuing or defending claims involving persons or entities in other countries .
8 Robert Fleck , although a Scot , Gary Lineker and Wright have done it consistently .
9 Glad you and Edward have hit it off .
10 Gloucestershire and England have missed him .
11 Dick and Ray have found it hard going .
12 Er , it used to be called Joe , but he 's died and Woods have got it now .
13 Bauer was to describe this process as ‘ a counter-revolution ’ and Roffman and Purdy have seen it as a matter of Hollywood turning ‘ to the Right ’ .
14 ‘ So you and Matthew have adopted her ! ’
15 Wittgenstein and Ryle have taught us that no kind of philosophical argument is exempt from the danger of vitiation by concealed analogies .
16 An example of the practical similarity between determinist and indeterminist positions occurred earlier in the difficulty that was encountered in identifying sociological ‘ invention ’ theories , such as anomie , as being in the deterministic , positivist tradition ( where writers such as Jeffery and Matza have located them ) .
17 So I said , I asked her what was the matter and she said well I feel as though er , that you 've er , you and Arthur have ignored me .
18 ‘ From what you and Aubrey have told me about Alice 's life , she has always had to fend for herself .
19 Urwick and Dale have defined it as ‘ functional staff ’ as opposed to ‘ general staff ’ .
20 So far , Australia the US and Austria have indicated they will help by running one-year scholarships for space engineers .
21 For the non-colinear case , Hauser and Ernst have found it convenient to work with the complex function Z defined by ( 11.5 ) and to use the transformation ( 12.20 ) which consists of a rotation and rescaling to put at the point of collision when and .
22 He said nothing , he said you ai n't got ta cook Jeanie and Rob have invited us down , he 's
23 Stockton and Langbaurgh have denied they owe money to the company , which owns Teesside Motor Services and Tees and District Buses .
24 ‘ Kathie and Laura have helped me to keep my feet on the ground , ’ says John .
25 Rush and Hughes have done it all over the years .
26 i i it got ta be justified because Roger and Terry have signed it all off .
27 Keeping the colour going from spring to summer is not always easy , but Jenny and Michael have managed it with the density and variety of planting .
28 Kevin and Tony have taken it all beyond the slopes and use similar methods , often combined with the skiing experience and teaching languages .
29 If to do this , if to be a Whistler at best , in the art of poetry , is to reach the height of poetic expression , then Ezra and Eliot have approached it and tant pis for the rest of us .
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