Example sentences of "and [noun prp] have [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It might not be as easy as plotting Vologsky 's defection — and Kirov had only just reminded himself of a few of the terrors which he could face if he failed .
2 The traffic was thick through the outskirts of Ramsgate and Jim had still not made it when the traffic lights at the crossing where the Sandwich road met the London road showed up ahead .
3 However , Miller praised the English cauliflower , originally from Cyprus , and commented that in France they rarely had them until near Michaelmas while Holland was generally supplied from England , and Germany had only recently started to cultivate them .
4 For instance , half a dozen A's are included much later because as Miller explained varieties of Aloe and Agave had only recently flowered in the Chelsea Garden for the first time and could not have appeared before .
5 The area is predominantly ethnic Hungarian and Hungary has therefore always maintained a close interest in the treatment of Hungarians there .
6 But now the meal was over , and David had only just made an appearance .
7 The force , the weight and heat of Fenna 's will was no small thing , and Maggie had never before tried to resist it .
8 Only Germany and Denmark have so far agreed to adopt the 20 per cent cut as a target .
9 So maybe the relationship between her and Ross had never really stood a chance .
10 The unbeaten Irish lead Group 3 and have yet to concede a goal — an error-free level of consistency that main rivals Denmark and Spain have so far been unable to match .
11 Disturbingly , however , 27 patients who had been referred between August and December had still not been seen by the end of the study .
12 Lords Forte , Taylor ( of the construction giant Taylor Woodrow ) , Weinstock , King , Edwin McAlpine , Matthews , Vinson and Sieff had also coincidentally been associated with companies which had given money to the Conservative cause .
13 How Brampton and Vechey had probably not committed suicide but been murdered and that Allingham 's supposed death from natural causes was probably the murderer striking again .
14 12.01 am , Richmond and Barnes : For the Liberal Democrats the story in Richmond and Barnes has so far been ‘ so near but yet so far ’ .
15 She had n't imagined that this woman could be at all assertive , but she was being exactly that now , and Alain had so far said nothing at all .
16 Later , Stephen being absent , Jack looks to music to calm certain professional anxieties but in exploring the great Chaconne of the Partita in C he is almost unnerved by the force of the work compared with the Scarlatti and Hummel pieces with which he and Stephen had so often relaxed .
17 But assumptions , as she 'd discovered that day , could be dangerous , and Isabelle had never actually stated where she was born .
18 Roffman and Purdy have quite rightly stressed that Vidor 's traditional populism gave him sympathy for the underdog , but prevented him from moving towards any collectivist political situation .
19 The plebeians then see the light and Brutus has very cleverly swayed the plebeians into seeing the reasons why Caesar most definitely had to be killed .
20 The discussions began in Tokyo in March 1982 , after Sony , Matsushita , Sanyo and Hitachi had all separately demonstrated prototype ‘ camcorders ’ ( video cameras with built-in recorders ) .
21 In a purely agricultural context ( and MAFF has only very recently recognised others ) it is sensible to provide an incentive for increased agricultural production but this as we have seen is clearly not an objective of the LFA Directive .
22 By the beginning of the fourth day , England were well placed at 145 for 2 , although both Boycott and Woolmer had once again been missed ; but they batted slowly and then four wickets fell quickly .
23 While Collier and Rosaldo have relatively successfully characterized one type of ‘ brideservice economy ’ , they are too sweeping in their wider generalization ; for brideservice economies are not always associated with the cultural values these authors stipulate .
24 And Daak had apparently not heard the speeder , anyway .
25 In June Lithuanians had voted overwhelmingly for Russian troops to be withdrawn by the end of 1992 ; Latvia and Estonia had reportedly also made the same demand .
26 And God has only ever , and only ever will send one pentecost , and that took place on the day of pentecost , the birthday , the birth of the church .
27 Janice and Jill have since wisely divided the 50–strong class into two sessions — one for under-threes and one for over-threes .
28 And Rodger has only just come back from three weeks ' rehabilitation at Lilleshall .
29 Austria , Denmark , Germany , the Netherlands and Norway have already unilaterally imposed a 1 January 1995 deadline , and the German chemical industry federation , VCI , has called for a uniform phaseout timetable to be adopted by all signatories to the Montreal Protocol , who will be meeting in Copenhagen later this year .
30 Their principal demand was that Kosovo should become a full republic , like the other republics inhabited mainly by one ‘ nation ’ , of which Slovenia and Macedonia have only slightly larger populations , and Montenegro a much smaller one ( see Table 10.1 . ) .
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