Example sentences of "and [noun prp] be [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 In 1663 Martyn and Allestry were sworn into the position .
2 For example , Hungary , Poland and Romania were inserted into the upper-middle-income group , where their apparent per capita income scores would locate them in any case , whereas Angola , Cuba and North Korea were transplanted from lower-middle-income to nonreporting nonmembers .
3 Her mother was trying to quieten her and Hawkins was disappearing into the stables .
4 Jack and Wise were thrown into the water , but scrambled back onto the aircraft , which remained afloat .
5 She and Cati were born into the same family , went to the same school , heard the same sermons on Sundays and feast days , and often confessed to the same priest ; but Cati liked to cover herself in guilt , a kind of protective clothing that her elder sister had once inspected , tried on for size , and then discarded .
6 In 664 , the Synod of Whitby effectively dissolved the Celtic Church , and Ireland was brought into the Roman fold .
7 The several centuries of the ‘ Dark Ages ’ that followed the Roman withdrawal from Britain were a period in which peoples from northwest Germany and Denmark were coming into the country .
8 If anything , these developments strengthened the links with England : the sugar planters , just like the tobacco farmers , needed a market to which they could send their staple export product , and England was turning into a market that was always ready to absorb new products for domestic consumption or for re-export through its expanding commercial system .
9 Then Hitler invaded Russia , everybody remembered old man Eismark had been a pinko , and Gustav was hove into the night . ’
10 Worrying delays and cost increases emerged soon after construction began in January 1988 and Eurotunnel was forced into lengthy negotiations with Transmanche Link which resulted in significant management changes announced in the early part of 1989 .
11 Leading Bolsheviks , including Trotsky who now joined the party , were arrested , their press was attacked , and Lenin was driven into hiding in Finland .
12 More immediately though , Carl Theodor moved to Munich , where members of his court were eventually to follow him , and Mannheim was plunged into a state of mourning with all concert , theatre and opera performances cancelled , and a considerable impact on the local economy .
13 Unfortunately , as viewers discovered , John and Pam were pipped into second place , but they would n't have missed the experience for anything .
14 Janice and Rory were tucking into their salads ; the terrace of the Achnaba Hotel was crowded with tourists , and on the road in front of the hotel cars , caravans and coaches hummed past , heading for Lochgilphead , Gallanach , or Kintyre .
15 terms and conditions of engagement and as I said previously they are looking for us to provide them with spreads of expenditure of fees and , and Trevor 's looking into that .
16 Eight vehicles in Aycliffe , Shildon and Sedgefield were broken into on Sunday .
17 He and Catherine were ushered into the presence of Mr Timothy Hutton , who was housed in outwardly featureless modern offices in one of the little streets off Ludgate Hill .
18 Sure enough , soon afterwards Weibel and Gallardo were pushed into a van .
19 When he was seven , his mother revealed that the young lives of William and Harry were divided into Fun Days and Work Days .
20 Ted and Jack were drawn into conversation with the old man and Ted , remembering the mysterious incident , asked him if he could bring to mind any relevant details .
21 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
22 The Night Goblins and Orcs were thrown into disorder .
23 It was certainly done most effectively for one culture some years ago when Romeo and Juliet were transposed into the idiom of youth group clash in modern New York in West Side Story ( p. 95 ) .
24 Lawyers for Virgin and BA were working into the night , going over a settlement which could cost BA up to £10 million .
25 Lawyers for Virgin and BA were working into the night , going over the small print of an agreement which could cost BA up to £10 million .
26 At the beginning of September , the doctors recommended an operation , and Albert was moved into a nursing home .
27 The bedroom door had burst open and Peter was striding into the room .
28 John and Angela were bundled into the back of the caravan .
29 Later , the influence of Saint-Simon and Comte was introduced into English humanism through the efforts of John Stuart Mill ( 1806–73 ) .
30 When she and Ianthe were shown into their room she sat down on what looked to be the best bed and lit a cigarette .
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