Example sentences of "and [adv] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Another time I went to St Kew primary , which is really small and right out in the middle of nowhere , and they made me feel really welcome .
2 He may have to change his tune if a swing to the right-wing Republicans shoves his beloved Free Democrats below the 5 per cent mark and so out of the Bundestag in the next elections .
3 In a reference to continuing reports that more Soviet weapons had been moved east of the Ural mountains and thus out of the treaty area , the UK Defence Secretary Tom King raised doubts about whether the treaty process was going forward with " the degree of control and accuracy that was intended " .
4 Round and round went the rich , creamy milk , as the cool spring water flowed past , down through the three sloping troughs and away out of the yard .
5 The casket was cast into the river Nile nearby in the hope it would be carried down the river and finally out into the Mediterranean Sea to be lost for ever .
6 Our film stock and equipment , which comprised some nine-tenths of our travelling weight , had to be husbanded first past the Pac-Man thicket of Customs and Immigration , thence through unpredictable months in the jungles , and finally out of the country again intact and undetained .
7 We tried lots of rehearsal spaces but they were all a rip off and totally out of the way .
8 We could only travel at the rate of the slowest ship , and once out in the Irish Sea were ‘ blacked out ’ .
9 I think of Camus and the beauty that each year is pushed further and further out into the oil-filmed sea .
10 Industry was geared up , under Lend Lease , to produce the armaments that would defeat Hitler , and also pull the country finally and forever out of the stagnation that had crippled it for a decade .
11 This will get your cavalry into close combat and hopefully out of the hail of missiles fairly quickly .
12 And they understand those devices and work with them very well , they 're not particularly interested in a mouse and all sorts of graphical facilities because their job in life is to get information quickly into and quickly out of the system .
13 Ted jumped at the chance to work with Eva and Dad , partly out of nosiness — to see what freedom had made of Dad , and could perhaps make of Ted — and partly out of the returning appetite for labour .
14 However , midfielder Jason Ainsley will miss the game after picking up an ankle injury in midweek , and also out of the side is striker Andrew Shaw , who is suspended .
15 Typical English , thought Pamela , their first day and straight out into the midday sun .
16 He also looked sophisticated and wordly — and far out of the reach of someone like Ellie Browne .
17 And far out on the perimeter of empire in the Russian Middle East , where — apart from the mullahs — there was no intelligentsia , Russian colonization of the nomadic grazing lands made class conflicts over land and revolutionary land reform vital national issues .
18 Things look grim for the Dons — languishing third from the bottom of the Premier League — and now out of the Cup .
19 The brilliant blue eyes , hardly dimmed by his all too evident tiredness , shut , leaving Kate with tears pouring down her face as she gazed silently and unseeingly out of the window .
20 Most passengers had got across , and even out of the station altogether when the Barnstaple to Taunton train came around the bend under the bridge .
21 We chatted a little after the movie and well out over the Atlantic at 37,000ft I commented that a lot of my consultancy work was with the British Conservative Party .
22 Even so , Ellie made sure she was upstairs and well out of the way when her father returned on Saturday .
23 Lauda added nine more points after leading from start to finish at Monaco while Hunt was again out of the scoring , and seemingly out of the championship .
24 In one of heavyweight boxing 's most distinguished nights , Bowe had to tear the crown from a champion who refused to accept the inevitability of defeat even when he was knocked down and seemingly out in the 11th round of a brilliant fight .
25 The Smiths were completely and hilariously out of the reach of the general press .
26 Cheerfully they got out of the car into the open day and went down the rocks to the strand and then out to the tideline .
27 Turner 's view that migrants move into the city slums and then out to the shanty towns , is not so much the case now since the large number of spontaneous housing settlements and the widespread knowledge of their existence make this sort of housing immediately available .
28 In the 1860s a line was built along the path of the old moat and then out to the new dock at Neufahrwasser ( Nowy Port ) , and ten years later a second branch line went on up the coast to Koszalin .
29 If the liquid was meant to flow into the chamber from some high point on the hillside and then out to the tank supplying the house , it had given up in the hot weather and was no longer doing so .
30 Stop , then drop down a line and put a heading in the middle of the page originally , and underline that , and then out to the right , allocated , underline , then next line , left hand side .
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