Example sentences of "and [adv] if [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 Er , so again it 's a matter of security , and so if you 've got lots of money in one area , better to move it about .
2 And so if you have not been concentrating on the question
3 Well if we could send that with the amenities and perhaps if they 've got any , we ca n't say that er , I view this as very much , we 've , we 've got a platform here .
4 Nor was he helped by being up against the mighty deeds of the West Indies in his first two series , and perhaps if he had been able to cut his teeth on something less difficult the story might have had a happier turn to it .
5 So is n't it good for us rather than quibbling , rather than criticizing , and recognizing that we 've all got different abilities and perhaps if you had n't got one of those abilities there , the , the body that it speaks about , you see every part plays a part does n't it on our physical body and so we are in accommodation , we all have a part to play , and that 's the way we , we grow you see and we mature and we become better , able , equipped to go out and tell others , gives us confidence as well if we know what we 're talking about , that way we can learn , so never quibble about assignments and arrangements , never criticize brothers and sisters in the congregation .
6 1 Entertain only if you have a good reason for doing so and only if you have something of value to impart to the guest .
7 Right , because the body is acting in order to protect its vital organs and it 's drawing the blood vessels near the skin , shut down , you 're not needed there , you 're needed here , in the core of the body , because your blood is what warms your skin up , it 's taken away from the skin , then the skin feels cold and clammy , yeah , clammy because of course if there 's no heat , we sweat all the time and especially if somebody 's had an accident or is seriously ill they will be sweating , yes , then there 's nothing to dry the sweat off okay , what happens when we sweat excessively in the summer time ?
8 I agree , I find it quite difficult to drive a lot of vehicles because I 'm very small and especially if you 've got small feet and I think there 's a big problem in that area and that it should be looked at for small people driving cars .
9 If tempers have flared , and especially if you have been badly treated by your employer , the urge to retaliate with every means at your disposal will be enormous .
10 When you choose your bathroom flooring , and especially if you have children , make sure that surfaces are non-slip .
11 If you are dieting in the long term , you may need to take multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement ( e.g. Diet Balance ) — if you need to be on a weight-loss programme for more than 10 weeks , or if you have to rely on prepared reduced-calorie meals , and especially if you have any of the signs of vitamin or mineral deficiency .
12 Er and obviously if we 've got thousands of those coming to each three regional offices we 've got to find some method of distributing them , we do n't want them left in the office do we ?
13 Just raised slightly does n't it yes and obviously if you 've got fifty people and you do n't have a microphone or anything then it becomes even more so .
14 However , if part of that heartwood were found on an archaeological site , the radiocarbon result would not provide the date of usage of the wood , but rather a date three hundred radiocarbon years earlier , and more if it has been seasoned before use or re-used .
15 Vince has has raised a point about er erm , informing er and consulting local people and to let local people know erm when the meetings are then local ca n't go , I 'm sure that if they really wanted people to come they 'd make it much more er , in erm with the advertising so clear that er people would be able to and also if they had it at the times when a their meeting at the times when it was mostly convenient to er , the general public .
16 And also if they had a timber like that one there where they had obviously a joint in it , the position of the joint was marked .
17 They all seek declarations to the following effect : ( a ) that as a matter of law in the case of a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence the Secretary of State is required to set a period for retribution and deterrence which does not exceed the tariff recommended by the judiciary ; ( b ) that the Secretary of State is required by law to tell the prisoner what period the judiciary have recommended , and the reasons for that recommendation , and also if he has departed from that recommendation to tell the prisoner his reason for doing so ; ( c ) that the prisoner is entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before the tariff is set , and for this purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State will make his decision which is not in his , the prisoner 's , possession .
18 So the distance makes something look rather fainter , and similarly if you have something like a particular kind of start that you can identify by some property — which we 'll perhaps talk about in a moment — if you can identify it and you know how bright it is , then the fainter ones are further away and you can estimate the distance by how faint they are .
19 Murderers , bank robbers , gangsters , swindlers , dope pedlars , arms traffickers , terrorists , kidnappers ; ‘ bent ’ bankers , accountants , lawyers , politicians and policemen ; dead , alive , in gaol or simply missing — if they had appeared in print , and often if they had not , he had them filed .
20 I think it 's wrong to underestimate erm i i it 's particularly initially , how , how positively reinforced it can , it can be around you erm , just this the idea of losing weight and that er you know , people will be wha , for whatever reasons are , either envious or they want to know how you can do it , they want to know , and particularly if it 's linked with exercise then it 's all very good things to do and you know , the media 's telling you and a , everyone 's telling that this healthy lifestyle that actually then goes out of control through being so controlled erm e e , there 's a , well there 's a thin line between it , being a very positive experience , and you 're suddenly buying smaller jeans and erm you know , it 's just everything is is feeding , if that 's the right word , this idea that it , that that it 's tremendous to be
21 And even if they had n't told me , I would have known .
22 And even if they had , who could say that Christ had not died for them also ?
23 Always the money that had not arrived , always the arrears of pay causing disaffection , and even if they had been sent substantial tallies on regional treasuries or port taxation officers , still the endless complaint that the money simply was not there to meet the bills .
24 Well , it does n't open till May , but the Health and Safety Executive say that safety procedures still have n't been tested , and even if they had , would you go through the Tunnel ?
25 They were constrained by s I mean like what they wanted to do was constrained by the practical sort of necessities of the time and even if they had wanted to have a more vigorous policy of land reform
26 Bureaux in the main are not purpose-built and even if they have been especially partitioned for the purpose-built and even if usually enough total space to consider the ergonomics of advice work .
27 It 's extremely doubtful that they will have been stored in ideal conditions , and even if they have , the ideal conditions of the timber yard do not correspond to those of your own home — there 's bound to be some shrinkage as they dry out in the higher temperatures .
28 Other occupations have adopted the professional rhetoric and even if they have done so in order to enhance their status and monopoly or guild power , they have had to accept the concomitant constraints on self-interested behaviour .
29 I do n't think they can take any more , you know they 've left nothing there , but now the allies — I do n't think there is much , and even if they have they call them surgical , you know , sight bombing
30 We feel quite like VIPs , although it is really the only practicable way of travelling , since the Institute is a couple of miles away , and even if we had the energy to cycle ( as all the Chinese do ) I do n't think we would have the time .
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