Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 gets past but he ca n't get past and Shrewsbury are breaking with it but they 're still inside their own half at the moment with Kevin who gave them the fighting chance with the original equalizer inside the first half .
2 He has few friends , and already the pressure Ipuky and Reni are putting on him through their friends is filtering down to me .
3 On the buzzer I rolled over quite a large flathead , but it missed , and that was a fish much bigger than the flatheads both Kate and Ben were catching with great rapidity on fish portions .
4 The next second , the door swung open and Doyle was standing in the doorway , with a tray in his hands , looking at them both .
5 He had a few drinks and fell asleep and when he woke up he was in bed and Beryl was lying beside him .
6 Andy and William are standing on a seat ; Andy leans out over a table laden with glasses , a champagne bottle in one hand and his other arm held by William , who leans out the opposite way to balance him .
7 He and William were working in a field covered with snow .
8 It was seven minutes past nine the following morning and Lisa was standing in Alexander Vass 's office , having reported for duty fifteen minutes earlier .
9 Betinna and Liese were sitting by it , their faces half shadowed in darkness , half aglow from the flames .
10 And there 'll be playing for civic pride in Hereford over the coming week … more than a thousand sports men and women from Cheltenham , Worcester and Hereford are competing in 21 different sports in the annual ’ Sport for All ’ festival .
11 By yesterday the story had changed , and Vallance was leaving after a row with Michael Hepher , the managing director recruited from Lloyds Bank .
12 And Sarah was asking after
13 Claudia could have warned him to beware of Roman when that note entered his voice but Dana and Garry were smiling at each other in mutual satisfaction .
14 And so that means erm he come in he come in and Danielle was lying across my arm like that and he
15 New rules for athletes in Portugal are being drawn up and Mota is helping with the project .
16 It is an original , and Warner is looking for a serialisation .
17 Jack and Alison were going for a few days to Amsterdam .
18 When I got to school , Kate and Alison were waiting for me .
19 Xanthe 's bathroom is raspberry and cream , with toile de Jouy curtains of shepherds and shepherdesses with crooks and ribbons fluttering from them , and Feeny 's sitting beside them in her flowered pinafore by the tub , on the stool with matching toile de Jouy cover and frill .
20 The beauty had disappeared below deck now and Fernando was leaning on the handrail waiting for her and gazing out towards the harbour buildings .
21 right , and I look over to Roger and Roger 's flicking through his notes like this and as you , you were peeping through and he 's trying to find out what , what he 's talking about , they 're not looking at each other and anyway at the end of it , er we went through it and at the end of it he turned round and went how was it , what were you playing at , what was that spiel that you gave it 's in my brief , that 's one of my objections
22 Aunt Margaret was peeling potatoes into a plastic bowl of water on her knees and Victoria was helping with a small but dangerous-looking knife and they were surrounded with puddles .
23 Trevor and Jim are gon na produce the first
24 During the time that Ted and Jim were working on the engine , our chief researcher Bill Welbourne had been finding out a few details about the aircraft .
25 Hodai and Jenjin were sitting on the grass .
26 In the scene following , Celia and Rosalind are conversing in prose about Orlando when Duke Frederick enters in verse , ‘ his eyes full of anger ’ , to banish Rosalind ( 1 .
27 But when he turned to look , she was gone and Marcus was talking to someone else .
28 But then there was a calm hand on his shoulder , and Madra was leaning past him to set a tray on the table , her hair swinging over his arm .
29 In 1984 Britain and Germany were quaking under the American nuclear umbrella .
30 Alfred was nowhere to be seen , Emily and Heinrich were bickering over the mayonnaise , and James Pegg and Alice were silently working together on a salad .
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