Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Lassa Java … and Ringa Hustle through to the Greyhound Derby …
2 One after the other , Nat , Aldo , Jimmy and Ben got on to their bikes and rode off .
3 Inevitably , perhaps , Parr and Jessica ended up in bed together at roughly the same time that evening .
4 ‘ Inscrutable bastard , ’ Bodie said , as he and Doyle walked back to the car .
5 He broke off abruptly , and Doyle glanced round as the sleepy shape of Stone 's young son , Nick , entered the room .
6 ‘ I remember when I was a coach at Wimbledon — in the Southern League then — and Middlesbrough came down to Plough Lane for an FA Cup-tie .
7 Yet I seemed to hear the distant cheers , as each Province selected its king and the champions of Ulster , Leinster , Connaught and Munster set out for Tara and the kingship trials .
8 They take off their masks and William comes over to us , mask under his arm , sabre hanging from his hand , his face red and sheened with sweat , glistening in the sports hall 's brilliant lights .
9 Some of George 's character is also shown when Curley does start to fight Lennie , and Lennie calls out for help from George .
10 Ĺeonie 's birthday was a week after Thérèse 's , in mid July , just before she and Madeleine set off for their summer holidays with the family in France .
11 This confirmed everyone 's worst fears , and Stirling radioed back for instructions .
12 The baby was now cleaned up and Sarah looked down into the bluest eyes she had ever seen .
13 The boys all nodded but Benjamin and Sarah went back to bed .
14 Some nights , me and Sarah went down to the ocean with a few flasks
15 The slide of bodies bathed in perspiration ceased as Luke shuddered and stilled momentarily before moving to kneel over her , surveying her with glittering eyes , his shadow cast over her , and Maria fell back against the pillows with a hoarse sob , wordlessly pleading with him to end the torment , aching for him , needing to feel him inside her , hating him for prolonging her agony like this and resenting the control that enabled him to do it .
16 Luke asked as he and Maria stepped out of another lift , this one mercifully crowded , on their return to her apartment .
17 At his urging she raised a tentative hand as if at school , and Karlinsky smiled down at her .
18 Pascal , Butler and Newman pointed out in their different ways that religious belief can be endangered by too much evidence for the existence of God — evidence that amounts to proof .
19 His crisp jabbing had Gary Newton of Teams instantly on the defensive , and Exley followed up with tremendous hooks that had Newton down three times in the first round before the referee stepped in .
20 Erm , if you feel that you are in any way upset by the distribution of schemes in this booklet as it stands , your chance is between now and March to get back to the officers and say , but what about mine .
21 He was dialling when Miles and Frances came in from the kitchen .
22 He insisted he had not abdicated , but what should he do know ? *q Before any advice could given , at least by the British the Shah and Soraya flew on to Rome — perhaps because King Faisal was embarrassed by his presence in Baghdad and perhaps because the Shah thought they would be sager and more comfortable in the Italian capital .
23 They changed roles , and Lucie climbed up on the playmaster 's shoulders , his weight hardly bending Garvey 's back .
24 The man stumbled against the wall and Bernard followed through with two more crippling kidney punches , dropping the man to his knees .
25 After a year abroad , Laura and Bernard drove up to Rhydoldog in snow to find that Ruby and Molly , as a welcoming gesture , had put out the French flag on the lawn .
26 He looked down at Edouard from the horse 's back , and Edouard looked up at him .
27 The child 's face lit up and Peggy looked down at her , saying , ‘ You 'd like me to bath you ? ’
28 She wondered what her father and brothers were doing at that moment , and pictured Niall and Roger riding in through the castle gate with more stories of escapades , cattle raids , skirmishes , pranks and hunting expeditions ; and so vividly could she imagine them that it seemed that she actually heard their voices , saw their red-cheeked smiles , and smelt the leather of their boots and the steam from their bodies when they came into the big kitchen at the end of a day .
29 After dinner , the sun shone and Jim cycled down to Uncle Albert 's cottage , situated near the railway line , but the old man was not in .
30 With this hope , he and Eugénie set out in August 1867 on a state visit to Austria to meet the Emperor Franz-Joseph at Salzburg .
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