Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Where is Andrew ? ’ and eventually I can tell them and Mrs Gould gives a strange little shuddering cry and Mr Gould tells her to get the people in the house and phone for an ambulance and runs away down the path towards the river with the four Golden Labradors barking excitedly behind him .
2 It is not a simple case that we can run along , sell a few houses , get the capital receipts and suddenly we can go off and have a wonderful programme and replace the assets which we have sold and when we 're talking about assets in this case I think there 's one crucial difference between us and you and that is we recognise that that is n't just an asset it is a person 's home a person 's home , that 's so important an a I 'm , just to talk about it as if it is is something else , y'know , just some petrified lump of cattle , petrified lump of stock money that was doing no good whatsoever , is a nonsense and I think most of us would agree that it is a complete and utter nonsense .
3 Now we have the ocean and the atmosphere and we can go and we go forward and , in a good year , if we 're lucky , the way the model evolves with the ocean driving the atmosphere and the atmosphere driving the ocean , mimics what happens in the real world and so we can make a prediction .
4 But the coefficients estimated on and in the output equation are estimates , respectively , of , and and so we can deduce from these four estimated coefficients estimates of and .
5 And so we can show that by speech convergence .
6 And so we can go back to all the Beatitudes , seeing how each stands or falls in relationship to the previous ‘ Be-attitudes ’ that we have before God , in God , for God , and through God living in us .
7 Now what 's going to happen along the right hand axis we go up to twenty and so we can go along there in twos and it 'll just fit on .
8 So if that 's that 's approved I 'll give that a tick and so we can bring it up again later .
9 I have been told by many other breeders that they have experienced a similar thing in their own kennels and so we can assume that the pecking order is not always maintained through physical strength .
10 Erm so two pounds of that went with sale with the sale of the journal and so we can say we had twelve pounds unsolicited donations , erm as Peggy would back me up if she was here , saying that any time you ask someone to sign the flood gates open with what they thought about the position of pensioners , in fact we 've probably got a lot more signatures if they had n't , but erm , we did pick up , we , I picked up the news about Welwyn Garden City 's cost of and things like that not going through and erm , erm , now , our month our monthly , our monthly stall will not be on the third third Thursday this year , it will be on the fourth to co-inside with the week were celebrating pensioner 's week , which is a week behind National .
11 For nearby stars , we can measure their apparent brightness and their distance , and so we can work out their luminosity .
12 But our God wants His church to be a place where the Holy Spirit is able to increase those three , steadily and thoroughly , and so we can pray with Paul :
13 We still fall well short of that , I mean er it 's bad news that anyone is addicted to drugs but what is important is that we should actually know who is and so we can help them .
14 Its a sort of signature — you can recognise that particular kind of star — it 's called a sephied variable , and we know how bright that is and so we can use that to get distances to nearby galaxies .
15 There are three stages in this calculation : Stage 1 : Determination of The reaction is carried out at constant pressure and so we can put 4 qP .
16 The changes a and a′ correspond to the elastic response of the polymer and so we can begin with a Hookean spring .
17 Thus Benzene contains three double bonds and so we can calculate the standard molar enthalpy of hydrogenation of benzene by just multiplying the value for cyclohexene by 3 .
18 erm But I do think that women need to have much more of a sense of their own power , or at least of the fact that they 're not as powerless as they think of themselves as being , and so they can say when the tutor puts his hand on their knee or something like that ‘ I 'm sorry , would you take your hand away , that 's not part of our relationship ’ or something that just so they do n't have to feel so bad about it .
19 For example , scales a tritone or a semitone apart have only two notes in common ; all other notes are different , and so one can expect a considerable degree of conflict unless ( as in the Bartók example ) adequate vertical consonance can be maintained .
20 For heterosexuals up to 1991 , the peak of HIV infection had yet to be reached and so one can expect a continued rise in the annual incidence of AIDS cases for some time to come .
21 Eyepieces are interchangeable ( theoretically , at least ) , and so one can use any eyepiece with any telescope .
22 Interviewers can not be sure of people 's age or social class before an interview is begun and so one can see the temptation of putting a woman down as under 35 if that is just what you need at the end of a hard day when the woman turns out in fact to be 38 .
23 And so he can make his profits and feel like a philanthropist at the same time .
24 In the latter case the special appliances are unlikely to have increased the value of his property , and so he can recover their cost in full .
25 ‘ I 'm a storyteller , and so I can show readers that people think in a certain way , and suggest to readers that under those circumstances they might thing in the same way .
26 When we move in here , we get this guy come along to look at it , he say well this machine the er the Germans erm they 've really the pump is th is really easy to go , and so I can change your pump for you but l in your washing machine washing machine .
27 Er , yes I am a person who uses public transport and I believe in it very much , but I must say that erm its very , very inconvenient , I have to rely on three different forms of public transport to get to my work and it takes twice as long as it would as if I , if I could go by car and so I can see the , the attraction of , of going by car and there are many improvements that could be made where I live for instance in , in Glasgow so that you would only have one change and not constantly shuttling to and fro between stations and buses and so forth .
28 This is the kind of thing that we really ought to be addressing because this actually addresses the safety of people in this county , not only the safety of people , this addresses the safety of property as well and there 's no disagreement about the fact that this enormous development that 's happened over the last few years in an area where you 've got a regular traffic snarl-ups mean that you have got a potential disaster there on your hands and we 're jolly lucky we have n't any more serious incidents than we 've had already and so I can see no reason why these two mo these two amendments should n't both happily be accepted though I 'm very cynical about the number of times we 've spent the airport money already and sooner or later we 've obviously got to actually seriously address that but the important thing is that we do all take it seriously and it seems that we all do now take it seriously .
29 I have explained to pupils that I do not know ‘ the answer ’ and so I can share the excitement of working out a problem with them .
30 I need to get myself back on my feet and forget all this and get it all sorted out and so I can live my life again .
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