Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] [vb mod] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 No young farm worker enjoys having his leg pulled by taunts of ‘ yokel ’ and ‘ country bumpkin' in pubs and discothèques and eventually he may even become ashamed of admitting to his occupation .
2 and eventually it will all have to come out .
3 Then he smiled , and thanked her in that tearingly familiar voice , and suddenly she could hardly bear to think that she had lost him .
4 And so we might well Express these then or even send erm
5 Well he 's gone on seven days of the week complaining about so and so we 'll just narrow that down to one article about his his complaint that they may just make a little note he 's complained seven times about this !
6 And so we could possibly you know
7 We 're talking about a lot of money here , that has been spent , and has continued to be spent , and the sooner we get it sorted out the better , and I 'd like to see it on the agenda of the next budget review committee , which would prior to the policy committee , I believe next , and so we could perhaps augment er , Mr 's report with some findings of our own .
8 We have just arrived here with everything we have soaking wet and so we must just sit still till our clothes are dried and I take the opportunity of the idle time to write to you —
9 On the other hand we are not positively told that he was insane , and so we must also consider the unlikely hypothesis that the mistake was merely an act of folly .
10 After you finish your first tape can we rewind it and so we can all listen to it and then rewind it back so they do n't
11 Well absolutely , I mean we 've got together a little earlier this year to make sure we did n't have the same problem as last year , and obviously that 's a good thing to get all the problems out of the way so early and so we can all plan ahead for next year without facing any problems that , you know , just before the season starts like we did this year , so altogether a good thing , yes .
12 as I say although , erm we 've not been the government has n't yet got an airport policy , it has got an airport policy and it 's by the white paper er and so we can then say things that are not true .
13 And so nowadays , with the advent of high-speed telecommunications , satellites , and the formation of the World Met Organisation in particular , we now get the information that I 've already mentioned all over the world , very high-speed arrangements , and so we can now study the atmosphere all the way across .
14 On North went : ‘ I 'm really worried because I have the only copy and it 's in my safe , and I could cross the street tomorrow and get run over by a truck and so no-one would ever know .
15 and so there will only be one franchise , this will build up gradually .
16 However , in reality all the assumptions which underlie riskless arbitrage will not be met , and so there will always be some risk .
17 and say to him so and so and so and so he 'd always answer back and say I want to do it this way
18 And so he can still express his aspiration towards that " wholeness " in terms of a unifying Schopenhauerianism .
19 and so I could only have marmite or fruit to eat and
20 Indeed , you had , you had thought about it and so it would just have been a case of saying , yes , this is obvious .
21 Current educational philosophy has moved away from focusing on the physical or sensory basis of disability and so it may initially appear that an understanding of the cause of a child 's disability is primarily a medical matter and not one of concern to the educator .
22 This type of stretching can clearly be dangerous if done before exercise when the muscles are cold , and so it should only be used at the end of a training session .
23 Chain , which was introduced in 1811 , could be stowed in a small damp locker and so it can almost be said that chain cleared the space needed below for engines and coal bunkers .
24 And perhaps they would never be fully at his mercy again .
25 Do n't move , and perhaps we 'll both get through the night with our sanity ! ’
26 It 's all we can do , and perhaps we 'll really finally be out of it . ’
27 ‘ Get it down you and perhaps we can both get some sleep .
28 In summary , we do not know and perhaps we can never know if babies experience pain as the word is understood by adults .
29 Well , on the specific issue , which is item one three two , are we agreed that we write quite clear but nonetheless firm letter to Mr Patten , explaining that we are minded to ask him to comment on these matters , it this time comes from the Chair and the Chief Officer about and perhaps he will therefore take it more seriously .
30 The er issue of stock lending if you heard the Maxwell pensions earlier on comment on stock lending , whether you think pension funds should do that er in the case of Maxwell as you 're probably aware a lot of the stock lending was off market rather than on the market and perhaps you could also comment on the use of independent custodians in terms of the custody of investment .
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