Example sentences of "and [adv] [v-ing] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the long run , investment will also affect the supply side of the economy , raising its productive potential and thereby pushing outwards the production frontier .
2 That in turn means concentrating our limited resources on fewer and carefully selected targets where we can , over the years , bring about change and effect medium and long-term and far-reaching improvements , as opposed to merely and inadequately propping up the status quo .
3 no , there 's more schools than that , cos er the lady said that er , she goes I 'm , cos there is when you he went what schools are these ? , and so reading out a couple of schools , about four of 'em
4 The curtains were not drawn half across the window and so closing out the light as most curtains were wont to do , but were wide apart showing , of all things , a piece of grassland parched by the sun but , nevertheless , still giving evidence that it was grass by the strip in the shadow of the house .
5 But he decided they probably had enough on their minds for the moment ; and swiftly tossing back the Glenlivet , he left them , making his way thoughtfully to the front entrance , and wondering something else : wondering whether any announcement of Kemp 's death — Kemp 's murder — would have come as too much of a surprise to one of the four people who still sat round their table in the Chapters Bar .
6 This was in view of the company 's established reputation in providing environmental services safely and responsibly in pest control , clinical waste disposal , property conservation , timber pre-treatment , air cleaning equipment , water and air conditioning servicing , and generally carrying out the types of work that other companies are reluctant to undertake .
7 Processing the data and analysing the results Having collected all the completed questionnaires or interview schedules , it is time to process the data , putting answers into categories , adding up totals , and generally finding out the pattern of the responses and expressing them in statistical terms .
8 I ai n't got no money , but I do n't reckon they 'll mind me sitting there and just looking out the window .
9 As Beatrice and Orage became lovers , she worked for the paper , assuming increasing importance editorially and soon writing about a third of the contents herself as reviewer , poet , satirist and literary adviser .
10 ( Grimmitt 1973 ) , which advocated the dimensional alongside the existential approach to RE , advised intermingling the experiential , mythological and ritual dimensions and focusing on them in the primary school , adding the social and ethical together for lower Secondary , and finally bringing in the doctrinal with the upper forms of Secondary schools , as this dimension is the most difficult to cope with ( pp. 50 , 92f ) .
11 Getting fit is about small amounts of physical exercise , starting slowly and gradually building up a regular routine .
12 Otherwise , they planted in time-honoured cottage-garden fashion , pushing bulbs in here , slips of shrubs there , and gradually building up a very large and varied plant collection , traditional favourites rubbing shoulders with exotics , and everywhere ferns and wildflowers .
13 Without actually giving her the details — and still keeping back the crucial fact of Christine 's death , which would have changed the tone of their conversations completely — Lucy had been able to give Josie some idea of her home situation and of the problems that she 'd caused with actions that she 'd felt to be right .
14 These products , claim the manufacturers , prevent crust formation and solids settlement without the need for agitation , thus permitting easy and total emptying of the slurry store , digesting the solid material and biochemically breaking down the odorous chemical molecules .
15 Community development has to do with communities assuming greater control over their own lives and with people , both individually and collectively taking up an increased decision-making role in social life .
16 Choppy 's comments about schools in urban areas is quite interesting , because the first one was actually in Lincolnshire , which in no terms could be regarded as an urban area , and quickly looking down the list — and there are actually about sixty throughout the country — an awful lot of them have been in rural heartlands like Oxfordshire .
17 Then , as the players came thundering down the boards , she joined the stampede , trying to steal the ball and nearly bringing down the pony of a fat child with pigtails , whose mother promptly started yelling at Daisy .
18 We have completed a great deal and the team knows exactly how a thing must be done , so it is simply a question of completing the sequence , designing our record packaging , and also seeing how the market is developing for the video players and monitors .
19 If you are waiting for post-feminists to hasten to your rescue , girding their loins and hairy-leggedly taking on the Viz comics and Dennis Potters of this world on your behalf , I would suggest that you do n't hold your breath .
20 If the function is seen as the delivery of a service to carers and hence taking on the role of respite care rather than that of aiming for functional improvement then this could have import for the type of staff , ie specifically trained , ratio of staff and the drawing of expertise from other fields , ie occupational therapists .
21 This is brave talk after the event , but in 1981 the speaker certainly acted as if the president had a mandate , meekly conceding control over the timetable and repeatedly running up the white flag before crucial votes .
22 And now facing probably the biggest crisis in its history , Bull last week reported that turnover for the first quarter of the year crashed by 10.6% , to the equivalent of $943m .
23 Jon Scargill 's five-year-old has been in good spirits this year , finishing fourth to Night Clubbing on his reappearance at Newbury and then chasing home the well handicapped Azhar at Doncaster .
24 If your engine is fitted with a viscous coupled cooling fan and the viscous unit is faulty after running the engine fast for a short time and then slowing down the fan continues to spin freely and even speeds up .
25 Trees cut her view for part of the way and when she could see the street door leading to her flat she noticed a man dawdling by , looking up and down the pavement and then strolling back the way he had come .
26 She 's acting more naturally to the gusts , leaning out and then easing out the sheet .
27 Drag and Drop , a facility to move and copy text by selecting it and then holding down the mouse button , is now included .
28 an operation consists of mounting an expedition and then filling in a bit more of the map when it returns .
29 It will be some time before I forget the sight of Greg Hicks in a mini-skirt , fishnet tights and Rod Stewart wig , first furiously threatening Lillibet with a knife and then chewing up a wine glass in his torment .
30 More topically Smith drives home the absurdity of the present British water industry installing meters in households and then setting up a huge bureaucracy to monitor them and gather payment — a move that will make water much more expensive ( and thus more attractive to the private companies which will eventually provide it ) .
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