Example sentences of "and [pers pn] only [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 In the court were twelve tiny cottages and I only remember a few of the families who were unfortunate enough to live there — the Pragnells , Goodfellows , Wheadons , Dears , Rattues and Dawkins .
2 And I only had a bit though , with rice and some bread and some
3 I broke my leg in training and I only played a dozen games undefeated , mind you !
4 a big graph like and and I only need a little tiny
5 Sorry to sound a little perverse on that issue , but I , we really wanted to have a clear indication of what you felt as District Planning Officers , er an and indeed we 'll hear what the County feel and in fact have pursued through this alteration , but can I again , just for clarification , and in fact it 's a sort of final head count , er and again I raise this in the context of P P G three paragraph thirty three , and that is the degree of acceptability , or otherwise , by the local planning authorities , erm and I only need a nod from you , or otherwise , for the record .
6 Now I 'll pay you ten pounds to play this game , and I only want a pound if I win .
7 Not more than a thousand and you only reach a limited number of people .
8 and you only need a normal phone
9 ‘ It was pouring with rain and she only had a thin dress on . ’
10 And , since the banks were now firmly closed until the end of the holiday , and she only had a small amount of currency in her purse , she had no way of being able to buy any new , cooler dresses .
11 Her ‘ traditional ’ primary education restricted her and she only became a professional journalist ( Echo February 4 ) .
12 ‘ We went three goals up away from home , ended up scoring five and we only got a share of the points .
13 And , and we only had a rain on one day I think it was .
14 The youngest ones are the Institute of the future and they only require a little encouragement ( a twist of an arm ) and they will become reliable , enthusiastic committee members , secretaries or chairmen .
15 But within this group he looks specifically at solid tumours and they only have a four year survival of twenty percent .
16 big like gun in like a staple thing it was , but it was a la , it was an extended one , fitted inside this rubber hose and then , clamp it and they only have a little bit of stomach left so they ca n't eat proper meals
17 Because it 's there 's if I 'm there for three weeks and they only want a score card done then my potential earnings er total earnings are that but I 'm there anyway so if I 'm getting both of them done then I can earn a lot more money .
18 And he only exemplifies a much stronger theme in the work as a whole : the failure of the good , one might even say a sense of ‘ defeatism ’ .
19 A normal two page A4 fax can demand up to 200k and it only requires a moderate amount of activity before faxes are stretching the memory requirements of any system to the limits .
20 This was n't a major catastrophe , and it only took a minute to rectify , but it 's a clear case of poor quality control .
21 ‘ Our stables are just a few miles away at Bognor and it only takes a short time to get him there .
22 I was n't so sure I was going to throw up now , but that same irresponsible , destructive part of my brain-just a few neurons probably , but I suppose there are a few in every brain and it only takes a very small hooligan element to give the rest a bad name — kept thinking about those fried eggs and bacon on the cold plate , and each time I almost heaved .
23 Dealing exclusively with C64 budget titles , Budswap offers the chance to exchange unwanted games for different titles , and it only costs a pound !
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