Example sentences of "and [pers pn] could see a " in BNC.

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1 Sarah 's house was at the other end of it and I could see a couple of cars parked outside what I was sure was their home .
2 Mr Parsons looked down at me at last , and I could see a different embarrassment replacing the first as he met my ironic eye .
3 All the time Lucille was talking , my mind was covering the side roads , and I could see a glimmering in the distance that might be the approach of daylight .
4 There was another door and I could see a smaller room , next to the office .
5 Yeah , I said yeah I am , I said I 'm gon na drive up and see , so we got in , went up to Wendy 's , you could n't see through the door Pen , Penny and Kev said well we 'll drive round as well , I said well she 's had us up and down , cos one minute she was quite strong then the next she could n't cope , I said Wendy all I want you to ever know is that I 'm there , if ever you want me phone me , I do n't care whether it 's middle of the night , middle of the morning or whatever , so she says alright , anyway Penny went up , she said she could n't see anything she thinks she 's gone a bed and then me and Rudy went up , it must have been quarter to one cos I took him for a little walk and I got out the car and walked round the back and then , I could see her curtains were open and I could see a light on , so I went round the front and I shouted through the letter box , Wen it 's only me I 've come to wish you a happy new year , let's hope next year will be better than this one and she come to the door and she was broken hearted
6 just gon na have to you know be stopped there anyway this young lad after the first fast bend he went to overtake and I could see a car coming the other way and he was like er running along side this pick-up but it was like he could n't drop back and he could n't make it either
7 While I had been in there there 'd been a day or two of beautiful weather which we did n't know much about inside , although there was one big window where we used to go and sit and have a smoke — the ones who were getting better — and you could see a big tree from there , so you sort of felt it must be nice outside , and the people who came in from outside were n't so muffled up .
8 It was a very clear day and we could see a long way .
9 Bashed your dad 's side , the wing and we could see a policeman putting , it was pouring with rain and he was putting his er , big mac on and he should of been directing the traffic , he told us that , he come over to us and he was only young like and he said , oh I 'd just left , I was on duty here I 'd just left to go and put my mac on !
10 The house seemed to stand in a field near the top of a hill , and they could see a long way .
11 The hills levelled out as they reached the crests , and they could see a vast , rolling country expanding blindingly far northwards ; a sea of white frozen breakers tumbling into an unknown shore under a clear sky .
12 They navigated by the , by the ley lines , that 's why you find monuments built up on hills so they could stand in the middle of the of nowhere and they could see a , they could either feel it through their feet
13 In his own house the curtains were open , the light was on and he could see a young girl with a pigtail , seated at the piano .
14 He had a good view of the main road and the side track that climbed to the row , and he could see a part of the buildings themselves , small and neat and quiet .
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