Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [was/were] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 So , ‘ What would my priorities be if the bad dream came true , and I were Minister of Health now ? ’
2 Angela and I was head of the International Department from nineteen forty-eight to nineteen seventy-two .
3 Er as regards to the team that was gon na come down from London and I was Secretary of the Football Club at that time .
4 And I was chairman of it for about six years or so before the council broke up .
5 Music was a sideline and I was sort of the loner of the family , sitting for hours in my brother 's room listening to records .
6 ‘ He said something that made the implication that I 'd copied and I was sort of so choked I did n't answer .
7 And I was sort of juggling , I did n't realize how much I was doing until one day shortly after mother 's death , a lady stopped me and she said has something happened to your mother ?
8 and I was sort of concentrating so I just
9 Jackie phoned me up to say , she phoned me up today for a chat , we were chatting away and she said erm , I heard Brenda , Brenda , so I knew it was girl , and er , I was saying she walked straight into the kitchen and I was sort of still on the phone , I was saying yeah , yeah , ok and erm , I said I 'm going out shopping and I 'm taking the dog with me , I said ok fair enough , she said well you 'll probably be gone when I get back , I said oh might be but she said but I do n't know and erm you know and I just put the phone down cos she wanted to see the pictures , my little girl asked put all the pictures up for him and er were looking at all the pictures and I 'd forgotten about Jack on the phone you know , so she s all of a sudden I got back she said oh your phone call she said who you talking too ?
10 He had a cigarette in his hand and flicking ash up the carpet and I was looking at him , you know , and I was sort of going , and Jane was sat in here and she said , put that cigarette out !
11 so I left it and I was sort of like , falling asleep so I thought oh right , and so I turned off my music , went to sleep , then woke up again and
12 Right , so me and Jim had a chat the other day just looking at the the roadside entries and the counts and I was sort of saying if we work on the basis that we want between ten and twelve people , twelve people maximum
13 Well , he was in this pen and I was sort of behind him
14 and you were sort of given the time and and and er er you know I 'm sure they paid for the books or whatever you needed
15 Well you laughed and you were sort of and I just sort of told her and said shut up , shut up and stop being so bitchy .
16 But the rumbling hulk of the ship was dense with the sounds and smells of men on pay-day — and she was part of their pay .
17 And er he went to him so he went to speak to this woman about the thing and she was member of the Co-op see .
18 And she was sort of telling Sue to do this , and Sue said this is n't is it ?
19 I felt so ashamed because I did n't recognise her and she was sort of talking away to me as though , you know , and I thought oh very friendly person , you know ?
20 I was saying to Jean this morning , cos it 's funny enough we went out to Dartington yesterday and we were sort of looking at the restaurant there at Cranks , and I said to her you know about this bowl of soup and then the erm
21 William Belshaw , and Roy Beggs of Larne before him , left the Party because they moderated and abandoned the party 's policy of non-recognition of the Republic 's representatives , and they were part of the founding generation .
22 And if you were doing a little programme on , on yogurt and they were sort of going at it absolutely straight for the ‘ You watch this and you 're going to do that and you 're going to do the other ’ .
23 While he wrote on many aspects of neurology and psychiatry ( which he regarded as ‘ neurology without physical signs ’ ) his major research interest was in multiple sclerosis and he was chairman of the medical panel of the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society and honorary clinical adviser to the MRC Demyelinating Diseases Unit .
24 His name was Heinrich Kost , and he was Chairman of the German Coal Board .
25 and I 'm not entirely sure , Marcus did phone me and say , at one point , when he was making up the mailing list , he 's had three hundred copies of that made of the extract and he was kind of you know , sniffing around for who to send them
26 and he was sort of back and forwards but he was based
27 And he was sort of he managed to get his legs round but he just could n't quite get his body up to sit up .
28 We went swimming with Jonathan the other night and he got up on the top board and sort of and he was sort of like hanging on to the bar like this looking over
29 He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries , and he was President of the Bristol and Gloucester Archaeological Society .
30 It was a decision which he regretted for some years , although within the university he proved an effective teacher and he was dean of the faculty of science from 1894 until 1913 .
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