Example sentences of "and [noun pl] and it [be] " in BNC.

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1 But 20 per cent of its hops are now in the form of oils and essences and it is a growing sector .
2 He rings you up and goes he goes hello it 's Jonathan and you go oh right hello Jonathan and he does n't say anything so you talk to him for about half an hour or so and then you go alright Jonathan , better go , you know and then he goes no no I 've got something to tell you and you go oh alright what is it then and he goes I ca n't remember it man , just talk to me for a bit longer and I 'll remember it then and it goes on like that for hours and hours and it 's so boring .
3 Now The Trust Deed and rules were asked for prior to their consent and the company made it clear that they would not be available until after the new scheme commenced on the first October nineteen ninety and indeed it was some eight days later on the ninth October at er Trustee meeting that the company presented the Trust Deed and rules and it was resolved that the Committee of Management would er transfer all the close scheme members er into the new nineteen ninety scheme and er the same Trustees appointed themselves er Trustees of the nineteen ninety scheme and one hour later were the presentation of a draft deed amending the British Steel Pension Scheme and a draft interim Trust Deed establishing the British Steel Pension Scheme in nineteen ninety and a draft Trust Deed and rules of the British Steel Pension Scheme of nineteen ninety were tabled for noting ; and those very Trustees that were on the first meeting agreed to transfer the assets to the new scheme , set as Trustees of the new scheme one hour later , accepted the assets and er without er seeking either legal or actuarial advice and in this case er Watsons were advisors to the company to the old scheme Trustees and to the new scheme Trustees .
4 Well once they 've got the valuations in and switches and it 's not till June
5 Youngsters do wheelies in bikes and cars and it is all very frightening for people in the area . ’
6 These will have a larger , even a massive number of entrances and bolt-holes and it is first of all very important to be able to distinguish between the entrances and exits .
7 San Antonio is , however , only one site in many to be investigated in detail by archaeologists and geomorphologists and it is too early to extrapolate from there to the Maya lowlands in general .
8 What can we get out of it and we 'll do that tomorrow , we 'll derive y'know estimates of expectations , co-efficients and and elasticities and it 's those sorts of things that you might be asked to in an exam but , you wo n't need to derive anything in your exams
9 Whereas you I mean it 's great you go into Birmingham Children 's Hospital and it 's red and blue and green and balloons and it was great !
10 School governors have increased powers and responsibilities and it is alleged parents will also benefit from the greater choices available and the clearer accountability of the system .
11 Relearning is a longer , gradual process with ups and downs and it is too easy just to give up .
12 Only early photographs and documentary and other materials could begin to resolve some of the arguments and questions and it was at this point that material from the archives , old maps , early photographs , traveller 's descriptions , census records , trade directories , window tax or hearth tax assessments , and so on could be meaningfully introduced to children hungry for further knowledge .
13 What people tend to do is they answer a question that they 've revised well and they can easily answer and they spend an hour and a half on it and then they fi they do , I mean you know you see them answering they write you pages and pages and pages and it 's a perfect answer and they get maybe ninety percent but had they spent about half as much time they 'd have got seventy percent anyway because they knew most of the important bits .
14 First , a number of rules were specified about the use of rewards and punishers and it was suggested that a reward ‘ menu ’ be drawn up for each intervention in order that the child does not become satiated by a single type of reward which could then lose its reinforcing properties .
15 I had to train myself to deal with people and situations and it 's quite possible — once you make your mind up .
16 There is a considerable number of textbooks which provide a run-through of positivist research findings and theories and it is not the intention to attempt yet another one here .
17 All clear : sparks fly along the nerve wires , pins and needles and it 's over .
18 You 've got to lift the whole lot off the wall and unthread the curtains and put back the right number of rings and hooks and it 's a palaver and I have n't done it .
19 My next film deals with what I call the private war between Africa-American males and females and it 's a romance .
20 The text of the lecture , which was available to guests on the night , was later updated to include the questions and answers and it was printed in booklet form .
21 INFANTS at Harrowgate Hill School in Darlington are adopting a uniform of hard hats , overalls and wellingtons and it is all because of the pantomime , Peter Pan .
22 Oxygen has been omitted because nearly all the oxygen in a planet resides in non-volatile oxides and silicates and it is extremely difficult to estimate how much of this oxygen has been liberated into more volatile forms and conversely how much oxygen originally in volatile forms has been lost by combination with various oxides and silicates .
23 They came from a variety of schools and backgrounds and it is difficult to believe that their pupils are more immune to racial prejudice than those mentioned above , or that such wording does not encourage prejudice , albeit subconsciously .
24 It attracted people of similar views and backgrounds and it 's no surprise — or should n't be — that such people still mix in the same circles now .
25 When I went into erm the annexe the walls , erm like i in Albans , honestly the walls are just covered in photos , you know , and they 're not so much people outside school but people in school , you know , there 's all the little , there are all the kind of groups , people and couples and it 's really sweet .
26 Most tissues are capable of synthesizing these unstable endoperoxides and prostaglandins and it is products formed further along the prostaglandin pathway which determine the biological effects observed in different tissues .
27 Some of the officers had gramophones and records and it was in Africa that Eva really got to love classical music .
28 There are enormous pressures on the time of the Administration and Commons and it is not always possible to give to Bills the leisured consideration desirable for good drafting and effective debate .
29 Lavender 's use can be traced back to the Greeks and Romans and it is more than likely that it was used all round the Mediterranean by Egyptians , Arabs , and Sumerians for a variety of domestic , cosmetic and perfumery needs .
30 This is equivalent to the competitive processes of matching consumer preferences and cost conditions in a market with many buyers and sellers and it is possible to show that under appropriate conditions similar efficiency properties will characterise the ultimate equilibrium of the distribution of households across local authorities .
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