Example sentences of "and [noun pl] were [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Doctors and clergymen were among the earliest birth controllers in the middle class .
2 There was more to come : about 5,000 troops and seamen were in the area , including the crews of the five minesweepers and four harbour defence boats and the technicians of the naval Works Companies Nos 2 and 4 .
3 WWF members and supporters were amongst the first to receive full details of the new card .
4 That is why there is so much stress in Luke 's account of the life of Jesus that his deeds and words were at the inspiration of the Spirit ( Luke 4:1,14 ; 10:21 ; 23:46 , etc . ) .
5 ‘ I could n't see his face very well because the leaves and branches were in the way , but I saw him climb the fence and steal the bulbs . ’
6 But I incline to think that our grandfathers and grandmothers were in the right of it , and that no one can claim to understand Wordsworth who has not been to Hawkshead and Ambleside .
7 Mr. James Munby , appearing as amicus curiae , in his most helpful skeleton argument approached the matter as if 16- and 17-year-olds were in a special category .
8 As a twentieth-century writer has said , ‘ Parish destitution had passed beyond any solution : repressions , palliatives , exhortations and sermons were of no avail .
9 Joints and lids fitted perfectly and hinges were of a concealed wooden type , probably invented in Lanarkshire .
10 The toilets and urinals were to the left of this section — the urinals being roofless and thus open to the elements .
11 In 1870 Stroudley was appointed locomotive and carriage superintendent of the London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway at a time when its locomotives , rolling-stock , and workshops were at a low ebb .
12 Under the old Warsaw Pact policy of distributing military infrastructure , there were major imbalances ; most air force installations and planes were in the Czech Lands , for example , while training centres and tank depots were mainly in Slovakia .
13 Her white silk jacket and trousers were of a masculine cut and she looked androgynous and faintly degenerate — an irresistible combination to the sexually confused .
14 The toilets and bathrooms and showers were at the end of the hall on the second floor , and from my window I had a splendid view of the cathedral , whose Gothic , Renaissance and baroque styles mingled perfectly in the dark-rose-and-amber stone to give it almost the appearance of some natural rock formation .
15 Coming home to the lesbian in me , my joys and fears were of a different nature from those posed by continually having to straddle the mutually hostile worlds of lesbianism and heterosexuality .
16 The room had several unexpected creature comforts : mineral water and glasses were on the table , along with a coffee tray , ashtrays and even a vase of fresh flowers .
17 ‘ We talked ourselves into believing that those gaunt , tight-lipped men in caps and mufflers were round the corner and tailored our policy to match these imaginary conditions . ’
18 Machine guns , shotguns and rifles were among the weapons recovered in a series of raids on homes in Milton Keynes , Northamptonshire and other parts of the country .
19 Pierre Naville , for instance , enthused that we should get pleasure from the streets of the city in which kiosks , autos , and lights were in a sense already representations , and Breton spoke of the world as ‘ automatic writing ’ ( Krauss 1985b , p. 99 ) .
20 Thus Naville enthused that we should get pleasure from the streets of the city in which kiosks , autos , and lights were in a sense already representations , and Breton spoke of the world itself as ‘ automatic writing ’ .
21 Inflation reached levels beyond the control of the authorities , and mines and bakeries were among the few concerns continuing to operate , as workers did not arrive to work or raw materials were lacking .
22 Some at least of those corrections and qualifications were amongst the matters considered by the board on 26 March 1991 .
23 Four years ago , the National Certificate was still in its infancy and centres were in the process of adapting to the new system .
24 ‘ The club was struggling 18 months later and players were in a cushy position .
25 You could not have called it grey , it was of some colour that had never been given a name , and it glowed as if the moon and stars were behind the skin of it , waiting to break through .
26 About twenty boys and girls were at the party , ranging in age from ten to nineteen .
27 Before their reforms all footmen , livery-porters , and under-butlers were under the master of the horse .
28 When bad times came and wages were below the level on which they could support their families , the labourers found that they had to ask the authorities of the parish in which they lived for relief ; in other words they became paupers , who could be sent to the workhouse .
29 But he could not give supporting fire to protect the civilian drivers because women and children were in the way .
30 Brewers , drugs shares , leisure and stores were in the vanguard .
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