Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] just [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have watched famous conductors direct this music and I know just from looking at their backs that in some passages they are no longer in control , they are terrified .
2 So Sid and I sat just outside the trench discussing the events of the day , and swatting mosquitoes .
3 The twins go to school at 8.45 , and I leave just after them to work in the library . ’
4 Erm and I think just by way of introductory comment , I I refer to the the paper that that North Yorkshire put round , N Y eleven , erm in which there there 's a far fuller discussion in there of what of what the environmental constraints are and what the considerations should be .
5 And you open just like a little shelter .
6 With her little black broom in her hand , Angela danced gaily out of the tent , and she looked just as if the Gnome on her Brownie uniform had come to life !
7 And she filmed Just Like a Woman , on general release later this month , in which she plays a woman who falls in love with a transvestite .
8 The door was open and she stood just outside the aperture taking in the five men .
9 We went out to lunch to er Tesco 's we got to pick Christopher up from school and we went just for lunch time , that was quite nice
10 ‘ Do you remember when we wanted to get Gawain into Almeira Road school , and we could n't , because all the middle-class parents in s.w.23 were trying to get their kids into Almeira Road , and we live just over the zoning boundary ?
11 Just like a dance and they sung and they had just in each station you could hear them in Papa Stronsay we could hear them singing and dancing .
12 At the same time the woman moved , incredibly quickly — ; she seemed to glide quite upright , and they met just beyond the platform roof in the sunlight .
13 You can change the diagram very slightly and they look just like the normal neural network .
14 He was talking to Vern and he looked just like him except his body was bulky , and his face — talk about animated !
15 Take a Break , and he looked just like this , they , oh it was er , a wrong picture or something it looked just like this poor bloke and a pale wrote in from this town saying oh I know him
16 And he 's coming down on all the way through there and he landed just across there and landed , I think he very .
17 He is still very much alive and he looks just like his pictures , only considerably older of course .
18 Yeah he does look like but oi , you know that Spiderma oi oi , oi you know that Spiderman one you had yeah where deathlock is that was Spiderman and erm it erm and erm Spiderman 's talking to this guy and erm he 's he 's dressed in green and he looks just like erm death like erm Kill Power .
19 My brother was like that once , he , he used to hate he used to hate he used to hate peas thank you , and once he got invited to a friend of his and there was peas , and he put just of four peas on his plate and said
20 Measure that and have a look and it comes just on the thirty .
21 It started nineteen seventy one or seventy two , it must have been , when my predecessor and I were sat down , and we said what about a band , they all said , what band , well let's have a band , and and it started just like that , and we , we managed to get the whole of the brigade alerted to it , and we had a meeting at headquarters , to which about forty or fifty people turned up , of which two had probably blown a an instrument in the past , and there was enough enthusiasm to learn and we had a , a chap who was a musical teacher in town who was would happily teach our people you see and so we went out , we had a penny , with no help from the authority or anybody else and we got every type of brass instrument for a band on tick and we said we 'd pay for it , and er
22 If you rub it in your fingers , you 'll find that your fingers are actually stained red by the haematite dust , and it looks just as if you 've cut yourself .
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