Example sentences of "and [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How about your Christmas card this year ? why not knit one and them photograph it for a really professional look ?
2 Taylor to resign and them to offer it to Wilko
3 ‘ Come in , Hari , sure Cleg will be that glad to see you , he 's been wearing his brother 's boots to work in and them pinching him like the devil . ’
4 And me buying it from a stall in the flea market only last week . ’
5 of the electorate — it is impossible for my colleagues and me to involve ourselves in all the work of the House .
6 This way , Dad and I get you for a little longer .
7 And I get it on my forehead , down here
8 And I copied it over It all compiled first time .
9 Elton does n't deserve to be called the worst , he 's very stylish and I dress him for the country .
10 And I envy you for living here in these surroundings . ’
11 I did n't know and I hid from them in the semantics lab when they came to shrink me , and I sold myself to someone who did n't know how to do it .
12 Both my husband and I accepted it as a part of our way of life .
13 I did n't know him very well and I despised him for being well behaved and creeping around telling stories about me .
14 Henri and I sheltered them for a while , but of course it was very risky with the Germans billeted everywhere except the smallest cottages .
15 I tell the DI why ; I tell him about two more betrayals ; about the commanding officer who had let men die to cover up his own inadequacy ( or at least Andy believed he had , which was all that mattered ) , and I tell him about the locum doctor who could n't be bothered to attend a patient and then , when he eventually did pay a visit , just assumed her pain was something trivial .
16 Well phoned me about and I passed it to you
17 There were very few human beings I cared for and I cared nothing for cactuses .
18 I am grateful for the opportunity to enlighten the hon. Gentleman , and I thank him for his question .
19 I know of my hon. Friend 's deep interest in the affairs of the Province and I thank her for it .
20 And when , as shadow education spokesman , I was a frontline campaigner in the nineteen eighty seven election , it was the G M B which provided me with the necessary facilities to carry out that role , and I thank them for it .
21 We have enjoyed the loyal and industrious support of our employees throughout and I thank them for their individual contributions to the year 's achievements . ’
22 At the same time , I would warn Obair * , the same as I would warn anybody setting up a scheme , to make sure that the scheme is properly run , to make sure that the scheme is n't used to take jobs away from either the domestics , the home helps or any other jobs in the health service — make sure that abuse is taken away and I certainly wish them luck in the future and I thank you for inviting me here to speak .
23 And I thank you for your advice .
24 ‘ That is a tribute to your work and I thank you for it .
25 It has many tough , determined people who have been tested and not found wanting and I thank you for it .
26 So both in your letter to me and your letter to Mr Deva MP , you are helping to keep the voice of public opinion heard , and I thank you for both .
27 Erm first of all if I may just er point out that the example I put with my paper that I have submitted today , and I thank you for the er indulgence in allowing me to produce it so late , was simply that there was one particular appeal of decision where an inspector remarked particularly on the lack of a local or a development plan policy relating to generally relating to the countryside .
28 I 'm not offended , and I thank you for the jade .
29 ‘ I am very well , Sister Cameron , and I thank you for accepting my terms . ’
30 Nearly all of you promised to promote Society membership and I thank you for that .
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