Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [that] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's not just that your inability to go out is restricting your life ; as you say , your daughter is missing out on many of the events and activities that help a child 's emotional and social progress .
2 The elaborate carving and tiling that clothes most traditional architectural forms ; the row of badges and lamps that decorate the grille of an enthusiast 's motorcar , the roses and shrubs in front of a suburban house ; all act as buffer zones between differing activity spaces .
3 The few hill-walkers and climbers that fancy a weekend away in February certainly do n't bring enough custom to keep the hotel owners in beaten copper coffee tables and onyx standard lamps .
4 Furthermore , certain commercial practices such as ‘ meeting competition clauses ’ , ‘ most favoured nation ’ ( MFN ) clauses , and tie-ins that release the buyer if she can find a lower price supplier elsewhere can serve both to ensure information-sharing about discounts and price-cutting and to give ( in the case of MFN clauses ) an incentive not to cut price ( see Salop , 1985 ) .
5 But if you 'd like to put them to the test , we 've put together a list as a brief explanation os some skin care jargon and products that incorporate the latest technology .
6 We need also to participate in wider networks of interaction which extend from the individual into a complexity of connections with the groups and institutions that constitute the society we live in .
7 Fundamental to this , Paasi argues , is the identification of regional boundaries which provide ‘ the foundation upon which the conceptual shapes ( the manifestations of symbolic orders ) and institutions that commence the process of maintaining and reproducing the existence of the region will be constituted ’ ( pp. 124–5 ) .
8 As the official in charge of the stockpile , Jones administers the 114 depots and warehouses that store the materials .
9 Realistic energy pricing and policies that safeguard the long-term well-being of the land are needed , instead of short-term narrow market accounting .
10 She chooses to paint objects and settings that reflect the natural pleasure and sympathy she has with her daily life .
11 In addition to rate and resource limitations there are contradictions and conflicts within the set of jobs and goals that form a teacher 's working agenda .
12 Its unique policy of lending only on houses that encourage self-sufficiency and homes that promote a saving in non-renewable energy makes it worth every penny .
13 They are born into a nexus of interactions and relationships that shape the expression of their own needs from the very beginning .
14 Architecture and art are areas in which disorder may be deliberately generated by creating forms and relationships that have no precedent for the express purpose of attaining a new , higher level of orderliness .
15 The study of interactions and relationships that constitute the social structure of these various rearing units has begun to provide a description of the rules whereby the structure is maintained from generation to generation .
16 Virtually all of the plants and animals that comprise the earth 's agricultural systems have been manipulated in this way .
17 Latent inhibition occurs readily with stimuli like lights and tones that have no obvious antecedents or consequences in the way that consumption of a flavoured fluid does .
18 To discover the main points in this writing you must identify the key words and phrases that create the mental picture .
19 We need to understand the assumptions and models that inform the world-view of those , from politicians to United Nations officials , who attempt to address them .
20 But if they do look up they will see a cat's-cradle of motley cables and wires that have a tale of initiative and rebellion to tell .
21 For Humphrey , aesthetic structuring arises from the urge to group and classify information as well as from a capacity to pick up similarities and associations that generate a sense of rhythm and rhyme .
22 Many of these are brought about by the presence of the River Avon , cutting off areas , and the railway lines and sidings that criss-cross the area .
23 This means a network of modern highways , high-speed trains , airports and air routes , superior facilities for passenger and freight handling — and telecommunications that support the management of trade .
24 A CONSTITUTION MAY BE DEFINED as a body of laws , customs , and conventions that define the composition and powers of organs of the state and that regulate the relations of the various state organs to one another and to the private citizen .
25 But if only 2½ per cent are on the land , they are supporting ( and rely on ) a vast population of industrial and commercial workers — over whom they have no control — who supply the machinery , power , feeding-stuffs , and fertilizers that make the specialization possible .
26 It is an absolutely essential part of the nuts and bolts that hold the thing together — though the client rarely meets a traffic person except in a crisis .
27 Many of these birds feed on the millions of worms , snails and cockles that inhabit the mudflats or on the eel grass , a green seaweed , that grows on top .
28 Know and understand some practices and customs that distinguish the lifestyle of two religious/cultural groups and evaluate one of them
29 It should examine the attitudes , values and assumptions that underlie the kind of information that comes from various sources .
30 The governors must then decide on the policies and priorities that help the school to fulfil its aims .
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