Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [subord] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Group methods are used by large companies and organizations when dealing with applicants for jobs which require considerable organizational and leadership skills .
2 These explanatory notes amplify the implications of the 10 point Code for individual registered engineers and technicians when dealing with risk issues .
3 Now I find I 'm getting " inspired top-off-the-brain " signals and ideas while travelling in an aeroplane — at the window and looking out at the snowy cotton-wool cloud land ( no artificial stimulants ! ) .
4 We accept responsibility for the acts and/or omissions of our employees or agents and suppliers while acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment , agency or contract of supply and we also accept responsibility for any deficiencies in the services we are contractually obliged to provide or for any failure of such services to reach a reasonable standard save , in each case that :
5 Look at unusual sources and suppliers when searching for storage systems .
6 Cultural marginality refers to a different set of values , lifestyle and cultural patterns from the urban environment , thus suggesting that migrants may still have rural attitudes and traditions though living in the town .
7 This can be created by planting coloured and oakleaf lettuces , parsley and chives as edging in front of groups of red and green Swiss Chard , gold and purple podded French beans , red-purple flowered Asparagus Peas and yellow courgettes .
8 You are able to define , to make sense of people and situations while listening to others who help you with this definition .
9 It is , therefore , important to use brass screws and fittings when working in oak .
10 Instead of seeing parties and pressures as enhancing of things they talked in terms of adversary party politics and an overload of interest group demands having harmful effects both politically and economically .
11 Dustin relied mostly on coffee and aspirins while shuttling between the theatre and the studio .
12 Many of us indeed see the arts and sciences as pulling in different directions , ‘ different ways of knowing the world ’ , we might say .
13 In court , address all judges from the High Court upwards ( including both circuit judges and recorders when acting as High Court judges , and including also all judges sitting at the Central Criminal Courts ) as ‘ my Lord/Lady . ’
14 Some of the criticisms which are voiced by service planners and professionals when thinking about ordinary housing for long-term patients is that it is ‘ too expensive ’ , or that ‘ They ca n't cope on their own , ’ or that ‘ They 'll be affected by the same stresses and strains that put them in hospital in the first place . ’
15 British Gas will ensure that its contractors are aware of the Company 's environmental policy and that their practices and procedures when working for British Gas are compatible with it . ’
16 However all property belongs to God , ‘ The Land is mine and you are coming to it as strangers and pilgrims ’ ( Gen. 25:23 ) and so property rights are circumscribed by legal requirements : the responsibility to leave gleanings of corn and grapes for the poor , the right of a person to eat corn and grapes when passing through a field or vineyard , the requirement that the land be fallow during the Sabbatical year .
17 However , Aracy Lopes da Silva , who has recently done research with Shavante females , tells me that : ( a ) Shavante females have considerable strength within the ‘ domestic arena ’ , and ( b ) Shavante males are often gentle with women and children when interacting within the domestic field .
18 She cites Bernstein and others as testing for uses of the form ‘ I think ’ .
19 Third , Greeks in the fourth century and later are described in written sources and inscriptions as coming from Naukratis , which was the old port of trade between the Greeks , with their silver to sell , and the xenophobic Egyptians with their more stagnant economy — but a surplus of wheat .
20 In his book Lost Senses Kitto relates his feelings and impressions when awakening from the coma caused by his fall , and how when he demanded that people around his bed speak to him , someone wrote on a slate , ‘ YOU ARE DEAF ’ .
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