Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [prep] [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 Since the newcomers are dependent upon them for neither employment nor housing , they are not inhibited by a web of economic and social ties from expressing their opposition to the opinions and activities of farmers or landowners hitherto considered locally omnipotent , Middle-class and well-educated , they even compete with farmers and landowners for positions of authority and local responsibility , disrupting or threatening to disrupt the customary hierarchy of dominance and status in the village .
2 Young people should emphasize extra projects , responsibilities and activities at school or college .
3 ( 3 ) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions , regard may be had to the previous conduct and activities in business or financial matters of the person in question and , in particular , to any evidence that he has — ( a ) committed an offence involving fraud or other dishonesty or violence ; ( b ) contravened any provision made by or under any enactment appearing to the Bank to be designed for protecting members of the public against financial loss due to dishonesty , incompetence or malpractice … ( c ) engaged in any business practices appearing to the Bank to be deceitful or oppressive or otherwise improper ( whether unlawful or not ) or which otherwise reflect discredit on his method of conducting business ; ( d ) engaged in or been associated with any other business practices or otherwise conducted himself in such a way as to cast doubt on his competence and soundness of judgement .
4 After 1968 , no new artistic movements were permitted , and groups of artists or intellectuals meeting in cafes became the subject of suspicion .
5 There is little excuse for allowing these situations to drift ; and it is in preventing such situations that professional practice based on research parts company from common sense and rules of thumb or the use of ‘ hunches ’ .
6 What , more than anything else , distinguished towns of all sizes was a narrow £3 — £9 band which , with a relatively high proportion of assessments upwards of £10 , left something of a gap between , on the one hand , the upper tradesmen , and , on the other , artificers and labourers at 40s. or less ; the big £3 — £4 group at Bury suggests nonetheless either a strong contingent of master craftsmen or unusually well-to-do workmen .
7 Instead of the Roman damnum fatalis , the common law carved out exceptions for inherent defects or vices of the goods , shipper 's contributory negligence , and acts of God or of the King 's enemies .
8 Policy would focus on economic efficiency , there would be explicit rules and guidelines ( including exemptions from the rules ) , there would be a relatively unified set of competition-policy institutions ( a strengthened OFT , and a reformed MMC to act as a tribunal to review the analysis and proposals for fines or remedies made by the OFT ) , and there would be penalties for abuses .
9 Many social workers fail to visit on a regular preventive basis and requests for assistance or cries for help are often ignored .
10 Causes of secondary hypertension were sought in all cases , including estimations of urine vanillylmandelic acid at periods of peak pressure or anxiety , plasma potassium , urea , and creatinine concentrations , and searches for bacteriuria and signs of coarctation or renal artery stenosis .
11 Although the relevance of recordable bill of lading data depends upon the type of transaction involved , the following data are sufficiently generic so as to become prime candidates for public registry recording : 1 ) storage of goods in carriers ' warehouse or independent warehouses awaiting carriage ; 2 ) issuance of port to port and combined transport bills ; 3 ) on board loading ; 4 ) carriers ' ( actual or contractual ) names , and electronic signatures or authenticating devices ; 5 ) certificates of carrier , freight forwarder , and other issuer solvency or sufficiency of insurance ; 6 ) inspectors ' and other examiners ' names , electronic signatures or authenticating devices , and certifications of solvency or of sufficiency of insurance ; 7 ) negotiation , transfer , pledge , and presentation ( including cancellation ) of port to port and combined transport bills ; and 8 ) storage of goods upon termination of carriage , and issuance of warehouse and trust receipts .
12 Just as Sgt Wilson 's thesis was channelled to me because I was known to be interested in research , so many police research departments now get allocated the task of reading the essays submitted by sergeants and inspectors for NEBS or DMS qualifications .
13 Beccaria , it may be remembered , was criticised for only considering the disincentives associated with the operations of the criminal justice system in controlling crime , when the logic of his position clearly suggested the relevance of all incentives and disincentives for conformity or deviance encountered by individuals in their social settings .
14 There was a Christmas tree and presents of books or toys and , as they left , each was presented with a bag which contained an orange , sweeties and raisins .
15 In 1643 , parliament gave retrospective official approval to this iconoclasm by passing an ordinance for the dismantling and destruction of ‘ all crucifixes , crosses and all images and pictures of any one or more persons of the Trinity , or of the Virgin Mary , and all other images and pictures of saints or superstitious inscriptions ’ .
16 It was possible for a man to achieve social promotion in the Church : if a few bishops were sons and brothers of kings or great lords , many more owed their position to talent and service , not to birth .
17 While temples built in the later eighteenth century may have stood in a naturalistic landscape inspired by the paintings of Claude , earlier garden buildings almost certainly stood in more formal settings , and fragments of avenues or long overgrown yew and beech hedges may remain .
18 And then there will not be room at the head of a reformed social system for duds and vipers like North or Castlereagh .
19 If you act for the seller of a building estate , even though it comprises no more than a dozen houses or flats , it will repay you to have printed as many documents as possible ( drafts and engrossments of conveyance or lease , contract , etc ) and to anticipate as far as you can a buyer 's preliminary requirements .
20 The characteristic earthworks of holloways , platforms and house sites may be recognisable , as well as areas of nettles and traces of stone or brick foundations .
21 There was of course no sudden switch to solos and duets with continuo or other independent instrumental accompaniment , yet by the mid-century the old forms of madrigal , polyphonic chanson , and Lied were obsolescent .
22 One solution could have been to put the smaller plants and animals in boxes or circles around a central illustration of a lake or pond with arrows indicating where they could be found .
23 The operating divisions have responsibility for keeping their employees fully informed about the state of the business and matters of importance or interest are featured in LASMO 's in-house magazine .
24 Targets for performance by each profit centre can be established , actual results monitored against targets and control action taken by appropriate subordinates with the necessary authority ; the subordinates would then be held accountable and responsible for their results , and areas of efficiency or inefficiency within the organisation would be more easily identified and remedied .
25 All the personal chattels ( that is chattels such as furniture , motor cars , and articles of household or personal use or ornament , but not chattels used for business purposes ) .
26 They are also given power to vote on fundamental structural changes to the company , such as altering the memorandum and articles of association or merging with another company or dissolving the enterprise which are thought to resemble constitutional issues .
27 Occupational welfare may include tangible benefits such as non-contributory pensions , company cars or cheap loans , but may also refer to less tangible aspects of employment like the number and range of hours worked , the working environment and effects on health or future prospects .
28 We hear , for example , of someone ‘ doing research ’ into child abuse or , on a grander scale , of a three-year research project into the causes and effects of deprivation or addiction .
29 Once within the council sector , tenants may find their circumstances changing : families may increase or decrease and places of work or school attendance may change , so that many tenants apply to transfer accommodation .
30 Christmas came in the summer holidays and was celebrated with a simple feast and decorations of flowers or branches .
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