Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [be] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The " freedom of private property " was to be protected by the state , and taxes were to be imposed " on a basis of justice and only when the need for them arises " .
2 A Will is simply a clear statement about how your money and possessions are to be divided when you die .
3 Two knights were to be elected in each county court to appear before the Council ‘ with full power to assent for the community of the county as to what shall be ordained … concerning the forests ’ : all landowners who wished to claim the disafforestment of their lands and woods were to be there to substantiate their claim .
4 If a post of Acting Head of Campaigns and Personnel is to be created this would have a different Job Description to that of Head of Personnel .
5 The purchaser and vendor will need to negotiate how the assumption of debtors and creditors is to be reflected in the price paid for the business .
6 Of course , the fact that structure and rules are to be found within the behaviour of football hooligans does not mean that there are no problems at football terraces and that such behaviour is to be condoned .
7 Regional health authorities are waiting for news of their allocation and meetings are to be held between the hospice and Darlington Health Authority chiefs this week to discuss details of the services to benefit from the extra cash .
8 Advertisements of the above resolutions were to be published in the press , including The Times and Topham 's World , and copies were to be sent to members of both Houses of Parliament , to other noblemen and gentlemen , and also to high sheriffs , to be laid before grand juries ( composed of men of substance ) at the ensuing assizes .
9 He believes not only that our particular desires , expectations and values are to be explained by the structured wholes in which we live .
10 Over a period some mistakes had been made and several members of the Committee were not in full agreement , but if ideas and plans were to be achieved there was bound to be hard talking at Meetings .
11 The highlight of this sale of French and continental furniture and tapestries is to be found among pieces put up for sale by Lord Elgin and supplied to his ancestor Thomas , the Seventh Earl , by Martin-Eloy Lignereux .
12 In education two new city technology colleges were announced and attempts were to be made to extend the system of ‘ compacts ’ between business , schools and colleges.under which all pupils/students are guaranteed jobs with local firms when they leave school .
13 The section gives no indication that the interests of employees and shareholders are to be given a different weighting , and hence the duty of the directors in running the company would appear to one of balancing the respective interests .
14 Meanwhile , book buying habits and patterns were to be had from sources such as BML and the British Market Research Bureau , TGI , Euromonitor , Mintel , and trade journals .
15 Though pedestrians and cyclists are to be ‘ encouraged to use the facilities provided for them ’ there do not appear to be any facilities other than the traditional footpath .
16 Compulsory membership of a trade union , in force since 1936 with only a brief interlude , was to be abolished , and employers were to be released from their obligation to recognize or negotiate with unions or to be bound by pay awards negotiated at a national level .
17 Supplies of liquefied gas fell 20 per cent in June and exports were to be cut by 60 per cent in the third quarter .
18 Enterprises were to be compensated for expenditure on equipment and construction and for outlay incurred because of the price reforms , and concessions were to be made in their hard-currency and social insurance contributions to the state budget .
19 The tax treatment of companies ' foreign exchange gains and losses is to be reformed , and the Government has now authorised the preparation of draft legislation .
20 Greylag geese , pink-footed geese , wigeon , whooper swans and curlews are to be expected , the geese making a splendid sight ( and sound ) as they return to the loch in the evenings from October ( when there are many thousands in the area ) through to March .
21 There was to be an import ban on construction materials for which local substitutes were available , and cuts in subsidies to coffee producers and exporters were to be made by April .
22 The separate implementations and cross-compilers are to be converged in a new Ada9X .
23 To make such fraud more difficult a new electoral roll was to be compiled , new voter identification safeguards were to be produced , there was to be access to the electoral commission 's computers at the time of counting , and disputes were to be settled by an electoral court .
24 Theory and tactics were to be laid down from the centre .
25 ( When writing a parallel construct the programmer must declare which global variables and channels are to be assigned to each component process . )
26 Soviet customs regulations were to be maintained in Lithuania ( the Lithuanian government on March 17 had announced plans to curb exports from the republic , including introduction of Lithuanian-run border checkpoints ) , and guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations and " other very important sites which are all-union property " .
27 To the extent that such rights and privileges are to be found in the Bill of Rights , in my judgment they will not be infringed for the reasons which I have given .
28 The other is the right to treatment as an equal , or , as Dworkin puts it ‘ the right to equal concern and respect in the political decision about how these goods and opportunities are to be distributed ’ ( Dworkin , 1978 , p. 273 ) .
29 Where these three conditions were n't met then policy erm reducing interest and rents was to be taking place .
30 We must , therefore , I believe , be very cautious in opening the door to the reception of material not readily or ordinarily accessible to the citizen whose rights and duties are to be affected by the words in which the legislature has elected to express its will .
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