Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [verb] been at " in BNC.

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1 to acknowledge how ‘ well run ’ the wilderness has been ( and presumably would be under the same regime in future ) and how adept their bailiffs and stalkers have been at pursuing ‘ a careful policy of highly selective culling , a scientific approach to hind and calf management . ’
2 Conservatives councils in shires , districts and cities have been at the forefront of these reforms .
3 Once inside those walls , it really was another world , more than fifteen square kilometres of streets bordered by the crumbling walls of houses , public buildings , cemeteries and reservoirs , some with bits and pieces of bone lying exposed where long-dead looters and grave-robbers had been at work .
4 In many countries teachers and academics have been at the forefront of the fight for justice , democracy , trade union and human rights — the Pro-Democracy movements in China , South Korea and Myanmar have all been led by students and academics — and they have suffered for their non-violent dissent .
5 Lower corporate profits , the crisis caused by reckless bank lending and corporate dabbling in financial derivatives , tumbling property prices and scandals involving business , investment houses , the yakuza crime syndicates and politicians have been at the core of Japan 's financial woes .
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