Example sentences of "and [noun pl] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For therapeutic and professional staff to reflect the cultural backgrounds of the children , and that for all children , including those with special needs , their day-care environment and activities to express a consciousness of the multicultural society in Islington .
2 The protests were stepped up on Feb. 18 when over 700 Enver Hoxha University students and lecturers started a hunger strike .
3 Psycholinguistic The psycholinguistic or ‘ guessing-game ’ approach reflects the way that competent and learner-readers tackle a text in order to obtain meaning from it .
4 The remains of houses and possessions give an idea of people 's lifestyle , while the remains of their tools can show what work they did , and to some extent how hard they would have had to work to do a particular job .
5 Some 200-plus pages of charts , tables and maps contain a wealth of information from vital data to the trivial and inconsequential .
6 The extensive range of machinery and accessories includes a range of workbenches and power tool stands , portable mortising machines , whetstone grinders , sawbench , pillar drill and router table .
7 Lashing of mortise and tenons produces a combination of strength and flexibility
8 News and Views gets a flavour of her work from sorting out chip butties to banquets .
9 Other joint statements and memorandums included a charter on American-Russian partnership and friendship ( in which both sides committed themselves to settle disputes peacefully ) , and agreements on co-operation in space research , on an early warning system for nuclear missile launches , on the elimination of chemical weapons , and on investment in Russia .
10 Sexologists claim the inside of the knee is a prime erotic area and acupuncturists confirm a cluster of sexual points there .
11 Scores of museums , theatres and cinemas offer a multitude of cultural possibilities .
12 Visits of inspection to the cookhouses and latrines had a squalor about them that scarcely repaid even average keeness .
13 All concrete panels are reinforced with steel , and garages have a choice of six door styles .
14 The valley narrows as the enclosing heights crowd in and the road ascends to a large car park and signs inviting a visit to the Falls of Measach nearby .
15 Symptoms and signs had a sensitivity and specificity of upper gastrointestinal disease of 50% and 83% respectively , and 44% and 80% for colonic disease .
16 The Likud government had refused to agree to a freeze on settlement construction and attempts to negotiate a compromise agreement failed [ see p. 38787 ] .
17 In fact , his parents discouraged Gedge , especially when they suspected it was infringing on his studies and attempts to find a job .
18 The research surveys current literature on the impact of legal regulation on different aspects of economic activity in Germany and Britain and attempts to develop a perspective from which to evaluate the changing role of law in government and industry relations in both countries .
19 It guarantees a place to anyone aged 18 to 25 who has been unemployed for over six months , and attempts to offer a place to anyone up to 50 who has been unemployed for over two years .
20 ‘ We will be using AEA 's knowledge of markets and products to develop a strategy for business development , ’ explained Ken .
21 Stable furrows , ridges and hillocks provide a range of environmental conditions which plants select according to their needs .
22 On the basis of US experience , Edwards ( 1979 ) identified a progression of employer strategies from ‘ simple ’ ( direct ) control in small firms , whereby arbitrary power to issue instructions and discipline employees is accorded to foremen and supervisors , 8 through ‘ technical ’ control in which machines set the pace of work , especially in mass-production industries , to a ‘ bureaucratic ’ stage where work becomes highly stratified and employers develop a system of impersonal rules to control workers .
23 And and employers put an end to people .
24 Lady Macleod and the young ladies have by their hospitality and politeness made an impression on my mind which will not easily be effaced .
25 The foreword to the Auditing Standards and Guidelines describes an audit in the following broad terms An audit is the independent examination and expression of opinion on the financial statements of an enterprise by an appointed auditor in pursuance of that appointment and in compliance with any relevant statutory obligation .
26 Listed here are some department stores and shops offering a wedding list service .
27 Of course , had the guilds and fraternities included a handling charge in their reckoning they might have attracted an income allowing them the freedom to purchase for themselves those ‘ extras ’ now being clamoured for .
28 Male dress presents a greater problem ; sleeve-fasteners imply a sleeved upper garment , either inner or outer , and buckles suggest a belt , but there are difficulties in going beyond this .
29 A rapid review such as this of theories of knowledge and the curriculum can not hope to do justice to the various concepts and models , and risks inducing a kind of conceptual vertigo .
30 Well I can I can remember when I was a child and kids had a lot of time to do hobbies and a favourite hobby was to make a a garden and I never made one , but a friend of mine was ooh forever making these things and giving them away as presents you got the lid of a biscuit tin or something of that sort and you I do n't know what they used for grass they used to model little ducks and things and he had a piece of mirror to make a pond have you ever seen this done ?
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