Example sentences of "and [adj] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Coenwulf vigorously crushed the revolt in Kent and captured Eadberht , who was blinded and mutilated and taken in chains into Mercia ( ASC A , F , s.a. 796 ) where he was imprisoned for some years at Winchcombe .
2 Moreover , their vast size , around 2,000 patients in many instances , together with their past custodial traditions , tended to produce a form of organization that was rigid and hierarchical and threatening to the patient .
3 These expressions , Ustachi or Chetnik , cover anything from guerrilla forces raised by the Germans from Slovenes and Croats and Serbs to fight Tito , and armed and maintained by the Germans — to people who , either because they are Roman Catholics or Conservative in politics , or for whatever cause are out of sympathy with revolutionary Communism , and therefore labelled as Fascists or Nazis .
4 D. desulfuricans grown on H 2 -sulphate medium were anaerobically collected by centrifugation and washed and re-suspended in 10ml of anaerobic bicarbonate buffer ( NaHCO 3 , 25mg ; cysteine-HCl , 2.5mg ; pH6.7 ) under N 2 -CO 2 ( 80:20 ) in sealed 25-ml serum bottles .
5 If Olwyn did not go of her own accord she was taken , undressed and washed and put to bed forcibly .
6 It is produced in English , French and Spanish and mailed to AMARC members in 120 countries .
7 Parcels thus came into the Gare du Nord , the splendid Paris terminal of the network opened in 1846 and rebuilt and extended in 1864 .
8 Like an x-ray her mind went through walls to every room and every cupboard and felt everything clean and orderly and done within them .
9 Then we come to the problem of sequencing which , one again , can be visual and auditory and connected with the hearing .
10 these proposals we regard as doing no more than initiating a programme of family welfare which will have to be kept under continuous review and modified and expanded in the light of experience and deeper knowledge .
11 As his last , and most understanding wife , Jacinta Mulcahy , looked neat and supportive and sang with tremendous conviction as Oona .
12 But if criteria for inclusion and exclusion are not technical and professional but based on a philosophy about what human beings are , then parental expertise can not be different in kind from that of professional ( unnatural ? ) experts .
13 At this time of year , with the flood still some weeks off , the Nile had shrunk back into its bed , uncovering a wide strip of mud , now baked hard and dry and cracked like crazy paving .
14 I almost feel as if I have gone on getting to know and understand her after she died , and have done my mourning as I go , whereas with my father the relationship was perfect and complete and ended with his death . '
15 It was not even as noble and hopeless as tilting at windmills ; she was blindfolded by not understanding and whirled towards every sound — Lucy 's voice , laugh , profile , light footfall : all worn by unknowing everyday strangers .
16 He became very gloomy and depressed and according to the girl it was only then that he interfered physically with her .
17 Naturally it should be clean and unrumpled and worn with a clean shirt and shoes .
18 ‘ Something that was warm and alive and filled with hope and joy and fear and laughter , and all the living things , has suddenly gone from the room . ’
19 Sometimes they would get together , swim at the cove , eat the Spanish way , siesta in the heat of the day , and life would be sweet and lazy and dripping with olives , vines and honey .
20 There 's us lot working and slaving from dawn till dusk for nowt , and the two who 've not stuck to the straight and narrow as come off t'best .
21 The main house is long and low and dates from the 16th and 17th centuries .
22 Roads , railways , lakes , rivers , major settlements , chemical storage facilities and political boundaries can be displayed and used as overlays for the various modules that examine the impacts of chemical spills into the atmosphere and river systems .
23 Above all he had conceived a mission to " clean up Cardiff " by " fighting The System " by which the " slimily cunning oddments of humanity " , the boarding house keepers , the cafe owners , the Red Lamp proprietors , even the laundrymen , battened on the sailors and their families The Achilles Heel of " The System " was , he concluded , the Chinese element in the port , especially when Chinese seamen were brought in from outside and used as blacklegs by the employers .
24 The section only applies to public houses ( for meaning of " public house , " see s.139(1) ) in respect of which applications for Sunday opening have not been granted under Sched. 4 , and , in respect of which , part of the premises have been adapted and set aside for the provision of the customary main meal at mid-day or in the evening or both , The procedure for applying the section to the premises is similar to the procedure under 5,57 , Before a licence-holder can apply the section to his premises , he has to obtain a declaration of satisfaction from the licensing board that part of his premises are adapted and used or intended to be used for habitually providing the customary main meal at mid-day or in the evening and that the adapted part does not contain a bar counter ( subs .
25 After sorting out our bases we cut a couple of small gaps in the reeds to our left and right and put in the rests for the cat rods .
26 As I panted into Stranraer Gardens , following the no-hopers rule for cross-country — never run in a straight line — I was flailing my arms left and right and zigzagging at an angle of about ten degrees to the horizontal .
27 Colonic washout reduces rapidly and significantly the serum concentrations of 5-ASA and Ac-5-ASA as seen in Table IV .
28 A window is a screen display stored in the computer which can be created , recalled , modified , scaled , repositioned and combined or overlapped with other windows by user messages .
29 The muffins are hot and buttered and sprinkled with salt . ’
30 For this , you don a neoprene suit , boots , flippers and life-jacket and take to the water in a specially adapted inflated lorry inner tube .
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