Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Dewey then identified the characteristics of practical judgments in terms of their tentative and hypothetical character and suggested that we may often misjudge what is to be done either because we have overlooked relevant facts or misinterpreted them or because we have misjudged the best course of action to be followed .
2 Though he was a college Conservative of a patriotic and nationalist kind , he had shown at first no sign of the bitter and obsessive anti-Semitism that became the hallmark of his speaking and writing .
3 SHOCKED onlookers told last night of a shattering blast and raging fire that killed two chemical workers and injured 15 .
4 She cleaned and polished and tidied and shopped and cooked and washed clothes and sewed buttons onto Jack 's shirts .
5 She joined the Women 's Social and Political Union and became its joint honorary secretary .
6 He argued that these publications were the precursors of the flood of artistic , intellectual and political creativity that accompanied the move towards colonial independence .
7 Presumably it was both practical and political reasons that led him to the subject working party strategy .
8 This , coupled with a return to high monthly inflation , precipitated fears of growing economic and political instability and led to a run on the austral and the resignation on Jan. 28 of the Economy Minister [ see p. 37959 ] .
9 And that is a terrible terrible thing that we 've all got to face , but I think we have to realize that we have the potential , we have the ability of saving the lives of fifty million children , and the world 's leaders at the conference , at the summit over the weekend , actually turned their minds for an instant , away from all those economic and political problems and focused on this , and I think that that was tremendously important .
10 The term ‘ local state ’ gained critical acceptance and helped place on a new conceptual stage the mass of research and political activity that had gathered around local , or community , politics since the late 1960s. for those on the radical left , the state , and of course the local state , came to be seen as a site of competing political interests rather than as a neutral set of administrative institutions .
11 In the latter half of the 1970s , for example , policy discontinuity arising from an electoral and political system that encouraged an " adversary style " of politics was offered as a partial explanation for Britain 's poor economic performance .
12 Within the lively political and religious life of Leicester in the 1820s and 1830s the Baptist Mursells , father and son , shaped a commitment to missionary work and its support , antislavery and political liberalism and launched the young Congregationalist Edward Miall on his notable career in journalism and reformist religious politics .
13 This ‘ rediscovery of poverty ’ would seem to be a function of an academic and political interest that had emerged , concerned to look at the adequacy of social policies .
14 However , the Junkers , military , civil service and politicians chose to react to the Polish uprisings of 1830 , 1846 , 1848 , 1863 and 1905 — which took place in the Russian and Austrian sectors — by seeing , not a social and political movement that harked back to French revolutionary practice , and which aimed only in part at the restoration of the Polish state , but a Polish threat to Prussian and German identity .
15 It was decided that before going up to Oxford , which in fact he never did , he should spend time with a German family in Mecklenburg and three months studying at the university in Jena , where he attended lectures on philosophy and political economy and made many close friends among German Jews .
16 He graduated from Moscow University with degrees in psychology and political science and joined the internal security .
17 In the case of the famine of 1921–2 , a sudden alteration in the agricultural setting deeply affected , not just the local peasantry , but all the other provinces of European Russia and the very basis of the economic and political calculations that had led to the introduction of the NEP in the first place .
18 For all the surface change that accompanied the industrialisation of Prussian and German society the social and political pressures that emanated from the Junkers on these issues remained uniform and constant .
19 He indicated that Soviet leaders had themselves to clarify their agenda for economic and political reform and added that " if they do … we can serve as a catalyst " .
20 In order to bypass this traditional way of seeing society , Marx turned away from administrative and political organization and tried to see society in different , more fundamental terms .
21 However , given the demoralised state of the army , the growing dissatisfaction of the officer class , the bitter social and political polarisation that followed the defeat of the Spartacist uprising , and the clear numerical and logistical superiority of Allied forces , the High Command abandoned the idea .
22 It was Lear 's example that provided the impetus for the Goulds ' first publication , and it was Lear who later transformed Gould 's static and unimaginative style into the confident and innovative work that characterised his second and all subsequent publications .
23 On Sept. 25 Mulroney promised urgent action on land claims and aboriginal rights but declined to reveal what steps he proposed to take .
24 Israel and I pushed by the startled and helpless usher and swaggered into the arena dressed in our Mau Mau uniforms .
25 In all of this — in matters appertaining to ‘ taste ’ , that is — there is a new kind of predatory cruelty in the air , which is now as much a part of the successful survivor ( also known as the yuppie ) as Paul Smith togs , a Betty Jackson outfit and extruded plastic or brushed aluminium accessories .
26 Land was given away and there were tax incentives to exploit the area , though increasingly it was large-ranching projects and multinational interests that took more and more land .
27 Perhaps it is better , rather than roaming back into the recesses of geological time to consider the sudden and simultaneous extinctions that happened in Our geological yesterday .
28 Brought up at a cultivated and tolerant court and doted on as an only child , she became a catch on the German dynastic marriage market .
29 Millions of viewers became aware of some of the practical and emotional problems and watched as she struggled to bring up a baby without a partner or an income .
30 The project required one full-time worker and administrative assistance and aimed to provide a welfare , advice and referral service for the 98 people detained there under Immigration Act powers .
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