Example sentences of "and [art] long [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 His arms hardly move at all — just the legs move , and his bare feet on the ground as he jumps up and down , and the long tuft of hair that bounces back and forth over his shoulder .
2 I dream of Strathspeld , and the long summers of my childhood passed in a trance of lazy pleasure , ending with that day , running through the woods ( but I turn away from that memory , the way I 've learned to over the years ) ; I wander again through the woods and the small , hidden glens , along the shores of the ornamental lochan and the river and its loch and I 'm standing near the old boathouse in that defeatingly bright sunlight , light dancing on water , and I see two figures , naked and thin and white in the grass beyond the reed beds , and as I watch them the light turns from gold to silver and then to white , and the trees seem to shrink in on themselves , leaves disappearing in the chill coruscations of that enveloping white blaze while the view all around me becomes brighter and darker at once and all is reduced to black and white ; trees are bare and black , the ground smother-smoothed in white and the two young figures are gone , while one even smaller one — booted , gloved , coat-tails flying behind — runs laughing across the white level of the frozen loch .
3 The fundamental divide in British politics in the inter-war period proved to be not the differences between the rapidly growing and supposedly socialist Labour party and the long tradition of high politics , encapsulated in the party divisions between the Conservatives and the steadily decaying Liberal party , but between the economic conservatives and economic radicals across the political spectrum .
4 Critics of the planning system argued that the resulting system was bureaucratic and slow moving because of the problems of dealing with competing interests and the long cycles of committee meetings that local authorities use .
5 He did not have time to study any more , and the long hours of work on the farm made him tired and dull .
6 Had Johnson walked Drummossie he would have had to contemplate the events there , and the long reverberations of 1746 , and the gloatings and celebrations that took place annually in Inverness long afterwards , and since he was chronically and constitutionally unable not to give an opinion , whatever he said would have landed him in difficulty with somebody .
7 Given the extreme nature of the problems experienced by this client group and the long history of failure by services to do more than provide custodial care this is no mean achievement .
8 And the long roads of dust
9 The competition between the US and Europe , for example , and the long hegemony of the US have determined its character rather than the general laws of an undifferentiated world economy .
10 This and the long duration of the eclipse at low frequency require that this material extends well beyond the pulsar and of course the companion 's Roche lobe , the region within which matter is gravitationally bound to the star .
11 The extensive slate quarries , and the long rows of cottages occupied by those who work there , are a strongly-marked feature in the day 's walk ; while many of the walls are entirely composed of slates fixed into the ground and placed upright : in the churchyard many of the tombstones were slate slabs , with painted inscriptions .
12 Over the river , the banners glinted red over the fort , and the long line of its shadow began to creep down its rock to the east .
13 While Germany as a whole might well be described as a capitalist state with feudal trimmings , Pomerania and the long arm of East Prussia remained feudal with modest capitalist trimmings .
14 For the primary tumour , allele losses were found on the short arm of chromosome 17 ( probe : p144-D6 , 17p13 ) and the long arm of chromosome 5 with the probe Lambda MS8 ( 5q35-qter ) ; other probes showed either no allele loss or a non-informative pattern .
15 The public consultation exercise that was part of that erm Greater York study , and quite clearly the Greater York study was not a statutory plan , it was an informal plan , but it was the only way really that progress could be made in the absence erm of adopted local plans in Greater York , it was essential that that document was pursued to give a framework for the preparation of district local plans er and the greenbelt local plan , and the resolution that followed the consultation and the long body of work , and I 'll read it out , was that the development strategy for Greater York from ninety six to two thousand and six should be based on agreed sites within and on the periphery of the built up area , and that the residual requirement be met for the development of a new settlement or settlements located beyond the outer boundary erm of the greenbelt , a quite clearly there 's a major policy implication there that a new settlement was not acceptable within the greenbelt but would have to be er outside the outer boundary of the greenbelt , and the public consultation on that er study er attracted widespread support for a new settlement strategy in Greater York , all six authorities agreed that that was the direction er that had to be taken , it also had another benefit in that it enabled work on the York greenbelt local plan erm to proceed and that has now been taken forward to the stage where the enquiry terminated in May , it 's a joint enquiry in the greenbelt local plan enquiry , with a Southern Ryedale local plan enquiry in April ninety three , and we would hope that the inspectors report on that six month enquiry , when he considered all the objections to the er greenbelt proposals of the County Council , largely supported by the er District Council will be available er in the near future .
16 Given the 74 years of Communist dictatorship and the long period of Tsarist dictatorship before that , is it not essential to provide aid and assistance so that at long last Russia and the countries associated with the former Soviet Union can become stable democracies ?
17 He based his position not only on the writings of the early Fathers and the long practice of the whole Christian Church but on reason and common sense .
18 When our turn came , I could see the rifles and guns lying on the table and the long queue of lorries , leaving the land of oranges far behind and spreading out over the winding roads of Lebanon .
19 As Syme has remarked , ‘ Rome 's peculiar greatness was due not to one man 's genius or to one age , but to many men and the long process of time . ’
20 Xerxes , the invader of Greece in 480 , died in 465 and the long reign of Artaxerxes I began , lasting till 425 .
21 The sensuality of her broad , peasant face was heightened by her modestly downcast eyes and the long swathe of glossy black hair that reached to her waist .
22 The two young Tuaregs wore the voluminous light-blue ganduras or smocks , baggy green trousers , indigo head-wraps and the long swords of their tribe .
23 Rachel spent a troubled and restless night , her brief snatches of sleep haunted by distressing dreams and the longer periods of wakefulness filled with thoughts and reasonings that chased each other through her mind .
24 The oil has begun to evaporate from the stones , helped by the lashing rain and the longest spell of gale force winds for decades .
25 The foundations of the White Tower of Hoeth are laid down and the longest period of continual peace in Elf history begins .
26 Wide side decks and a long run of substantial grabrail on each side of the coachroof allow a secure passage to and from the foredeck .
27 By contrast , Parkhurst , with long-term high-security prisoners , a badly-sited chapel and a long tradition of low attendance , has between ten and twenty men at the Eucharist .
28 Not that he anticipated great trouble — most of the fell people were there to entertain themselves in ways which might appear rough and sound loud but came from characters largely tolerant , polite , gentle , qualities widely commented on , coming from the ease of great and graceful physical strength , the pacific , solitudinous nature of the daily lives , and a long experience of continuing community .
29 The Centre for Human Ecology , with its origins in the late C.H. Waddington 's ‘ School of the Man-Made Future ’ of the 1960s and a long history of promoting environmental awareness within the University , today finds itself at the hub of current ideology .
30 The west wing , where spacious living quarters should have been sited , consists of a bath-suite , dining room and kitchen , while the north wing has a large bath-suite and a long range of rooms , most of them quite small , all entered from a corridor .
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