Example sentences of "and [art] [adj] [noun] give " in BNC.

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1 And the archaeological remains give authenticity to the fascinating legends of Greek mythology with the most famous of them all , the Parthenon , looking down from the acropolis over the bustling city of Athens below .
2 Distillation is another , in which flowers are boiled in water , and the essential oil given off in the steam is collected and condensed by cooling .
3 Harvey Nichols , London 's smartest store , has the best designer names for your autumn wardrobe and the cleverest accessories to give an essential fashion edge to classic clothes .
4 Groups can help members to discuss their feelings and needs more safely , and the mutual support given can help them develop new coping strategies for dealing with them .
5 The integer declares what kind of information is on the next line , and the following lines gives a name or a numerical value .
6 There was no light except hard bars of sunlight shafting almost horizontally through the broken windows , and the concrete floor gave the place a gloomy chill even on that evening .
7 The quota was 8,907 and the first count gave Paisley 14,533 votes , a surplus of 5,626 .
8 Bunny banged on a table instead and the new girl gave a convincing scream .
9 Health care markets are not easily " contestable " ( Baumol 1982 ) since there are many barriers to entry against potential new suppliers , for example the heavy costs of new hospital development and technologies , and the legal monopoly given to doctors controlling entry to the profession .
10 This is deemed the choice posting for a fighter pilot , and the final chapter gives you about as much insight into flying one of these extraordinary aircraft as you are likely to achieve short of flying one yourself .
11 The government confronted opposition and frequently overcame it , and the extra powers given to ministers — especially in education and housing and potentially in the personal social services — were extensive .
12 The decisive victories at Tannenberg and the Masurian Lakes gave both great prestige in Germany .
13 The Scottish midfield of Gary McAllister , Paul McStay and John Collins was also thrusting forward in an unfettered way and the overall impression given was that Andy Goram , who had begun the game with an unblemished record at international level inside Ibrox , would not be bettered by Malta where Italy and Portugal had failed .
14 This has generated a considerable debate on the size of the household , its class basis and the changing meanings given to it .
15 In 1836 , the Bill now having been passed , he suggested to Gladstone that there ought to be more enfranchisement to cure the effects of it ; if the pyramid were extended at the base and the lower classes given some power , this would counter the preponderance of the manufacturers .
16 Mr Christophersen urged EC governments and the European Parliament to give speedy approval to the loan , which will be paid in three instalments .
17 Mr Christophersen urged EC governments and the European Parliament to give speedy approval to the loan , which will be paid in three instalments .
18 Each diagnosis carries a weighting , and the combination of this and the accumulated points gives a predicted hospital mortality .
19 I unite with all who condemn the display of suggestive advertisements on billboards , at theatre entrances , and the favourable notices given to immoral motion pictures .
20 The excellent interest and co-operation by Tesco store management and staff , and the practical help given to the Association 's Branches in carrying out collections is much appreciated .
21 This night Moran enunciated each repetitious word with a slow clarity and force as if the very dwelling on suffering , death and human supplication would scatter all flimsy vanities of a greater world ; and the muted responses giving back their acceptance of human servitude did not improve his humour .
22 The upper surface is olive green , while the lower surface is pale to purplish green , and the entire leaf gives the appearance of being brownish green .
23 Some of the work was performed , as a matter of course , at ground level , and the highest staging gave immediate access to the roof of the vehicle .
24 ‘ Of course , I agreed to carry his bag like a shot , and the Irish golfer gave me some very basic instruction in my duties over a couple of pints of the dark stuff from his native land .
25 We got out at Pendre and Graham and the chief engineer gave us very detailed guided tours showing the extent of operations .
26 Vanguard had little organization in East Belfast and the Official Unionists gave very little assistance .
27 The threat by the INTO in respect of the removal of its investments , the placing by SIPTU of its National Office Network at our disposal , the many letters of encouragement and the great assistance given to our members on the Picket Line are some of the indicators of this .
28 And the forensic people gave evidence that pieces of brown paper and pieces of white paper they found in Griffiths 's overcoat pocket exactly matched pieces of brown and white paper found in Mr Ross 's safe . ’
29 I was staggered to learn that the Labour party and the Liberal Democrats gave categorical assurances to the House that rate capping or capping of any sort would not be part of their programmes .
30 The Pole Star and the Southern Cross gave early sailors some idea of where they had come from and the direction they needed to take .
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