Example sentences of "and [prep] they the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thin streaks of cirrus lay parallel to the horizon , and between them the sun 's orb had become a well-defined sphere of a rich rose-crimson .
2 Those at St Germain never questioned the validity of James II 's acts as King , and for them the Revolution remained totally unjustifiable .
3 The socialist parties thought of themselves as the avant-garde of a class which was striving to bring into existence a new kind of society , and for them the struggle for power of the working class was , in principle , more important than any existing institutions .
4 So many conductors — and I must say Furtwängler was sometimes one of these — create enormous crescendi ; and after them the music collapses .
5 They were passing over North Gate Bridge , and below them the River Lee flowed on to Cork harbour and the open sea .
6 The trees in the grounds were in full , fresh leaf , and behind them the sun declined towards the moorland horizon , its rays making a brilliant silver-gold glare through the tracery .
7 Such blood , and the mud of Culloden , were the last Gaelic colours to fly over Scotland ; the clans looked straight into the mouths of Cumberland 's cannon and died , and with them expired a way of life — the Stewarts of Appin , and the Maclarens , and the Camerons , and the Atholl Brigade , and behind them Ogilvies , and behind them the prince himself .
8 One needs the published histories of the towns and behind them the town records themselves .
9 The bride and groom knelt before the altar , and behind them the benches were packed with nobility from all over Portugal .
10 Many men played a part in building this system : leading ministers such as the confidence-rebuilding Walpole and the quietly reforming Henry Pelham , and beneath them the officials and clerks .
11 From a wall niche , a pair of crystal decanters glittered like splinters of ice , and beneath them the object of my search , the pyx itself .
12 The young elephants threatened to flounder to a halt , and with them the flow of life-blood to Verdun .
13 Gorbachev 's speech on his election as party leader laid proper emphasis on domestic priorities , but also called for better relations with the ‘ great socialist community ’ , particularly China , and for the continuation of ‘ peaceful , mutually advantageous cooperation ’ with the capitalist world , leading if possible to an agreement that would provide for the complete elimination of nuclear arms and with them the threat of nuclear war .
14 Wooden frames came much later , and with them the problem known to every householder today — rot ; or , if you prefer , decay , which sounds less threatening .
15 Car sales were uncomfortably large , and with them the July trade deficit ; but the Treasury thought it detected more comforting underlying trends .
16 See , the very place where the mighty throng and the Empress Judith Had been standing , and with them the boy Charles himself !
17 But the animals then begin to remove the diatoms , and with them the nutrients they contain .
18 In no time , it seemed , the Easter holidays were with us , and with them the start of the visitor season .
19 He passed the rope through the now open apertures , down into the place where those toffee-brown overcoats had once hung and above them the brown felt hats with their Cambridge-blue ribbons .
20 The side windows had curtains which could be drawn in sunny weather and above them the opening lights had radiused outer corners and yellow ‘ Cathedral ’ glass ( i.e. crinkled glass ) .
21 Figures 6.1–6.3 show the main branches , and within them the divisions , under the control of each of the three deputy secretaries .
22 The first women doctors and lawyers , the women artists and writers , the politicians and trades unionists , the women who came out as lesbians ; and before them the witches and the suffragettes : the paths we walk so freely are paths they laid down for us .
23 His family had always been Delhi jewellers — his ancestors had served the Mughal emperors and before them the Delhi Sultans .
24 The Seerucken hills rise at the back , and on them the forts of Neuberg ( 1270 , now a ruin ) and Liebenfels ( 1254 ) bear witness to wars and feuds now forgotten .
25 They are polytheists , of course , and to them the ark means only ‘ a god ’ .
26 However , insects can not see the warning spots , and to them the spider 's disguise is deadly perfect .
27 Just before La Barre , the road for Biarritz bends to the left and you can drive peaceably into that still glamorous resort , with the racecourse , the pine trees and beyond them the sands on one side , and more pine trees , the little Lac de Chiberta and the best known of Biarritz 's golf-courses on the other — the Basque Coast is very good for golf , with four courses all quite close to one another ; this is the English influence once again , creating links out of some auspicious dunes .
28 As he gazed out over the still wet cobblestones , all he could see was the glimmer of lights — lights on the barrack square , lights on the sentry posts at the main gates , lights in the barrack huts , and beyond them the lights of the hospital 's east wing .
29 The road led between lemon groves , and beyond them the sea sparkled in the distance .
30 Nearly 1,000 correspondents from around the world have been accredited to cover the match and among them the betting is that Kasparov will win .
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