Example sentences of "and [prep] [adj] [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 In 1989-90 the total amount of grant was £33.8 million , in 1990-91 it was £31.2 million and for 1991-92 it is £29.7 million .
2 And for this it is as remote as Inverness …
3 ‘ If you succeed ’ , he went on , ‘ you will have hundreds of miles of country and thousands of men under your orders , and for this it is worth bartering the outward show . ’
4 It added : ‘ It would be a tragedy if the frustrations and the hardships that the recession has caused , and for some it is still causing , if it meant that Britain threw away all the achievements of the last decade .
5 Many partners make personal commitments to a school , for others they are representing their companies ' commitment to this activity , and for some it is their job .
6 She told me that eagles from there carry a great burden and for some it is hard . ’
7 For one thing it is by no means easy to recognise an official curriculum and for another it is very easy to confuse a government 's policy , a process which is growing and evolving , with static written evidence which may be out of date and even recognised as such .
8 First , we know ( ( 33 ) 1 ) that it is not the end of the conversation because utterance ( iii ) is not a possible closing utterance : for one thing , it requires a response from B , and for another it is not a token of one of the regular closing forms that persons use in conversation ( Okay , see you later or the like ) .
9 Add a couple of pieces of fruit each day as part of your menu , and after that it is n't at all difficult to include enough dietary fibre in your other two meals to succeed m your alms .
10 When one thinks of all the PM 's work these last four and a half years and of all he is and stands for , and that this is the response it gets , it makes one lose faith a bit .
11 And of these it is the small-to-medium family cars that sell in the greatest numbers .
12 Like all enzymes it is a protein and like some it is made up of a number of polypeptide subunits ( so forming a ‘ complex ’ ) .
13 Although it is somewhat limited in its applications it is easy to operate and above all it is fun .
14 It forms a hard case called a chrysalis around its body , and inside this it is rearranged in a miraculous metamorphosis until , after two or three weeks , it emerges as an adult butterfly .
15 At some maxima Mira can reach the second magnitude , and in 1779 it is said to have risen to 1.7 , much brighter than Polaris , while in 1969,1977 and 1987 I estimated it as 2.3 at its peak , though on other occasions it never exceeds magnitude 4 .
16 Batch production work is often of this kind and in general it is by no means as unchanging or boring as it might appear to the casual visitor to the factory .
17 It is a typical Karajan project because in one respect it is enormously sophisticated — the technology is elaborate , expensive , and bang up to date — and in another it is very simple , inasmuch as its ultimate aim is nothing more or less than the lucid presentation of the music .
18 She does want to be ‘ one of the gang ’ and to be admitted to the fortress den and in this she is successful .
19 Certain drafts of The Cocktail Party , for example , are marked with Mary Trevelyan 's handwritten alterations " as dictated by T. S. E. " From the late Forties she kept a diary of their friendship , and in this it is possible to see how bewildering Eliot could appear , even to those who knew him best .
20 There are earlier Berman recordings of nearly all the pieces in this latest recital ; in no instance is the interpretation all that different ( though he has found a better edition of Funérailles ) and in most it is rather less satisfying .
21 This guidance is , of course , not available in smooth-brained animals like rats and mice , and in these it is extremely difficult to make accurate cortical removals .
22 It is likely that the panel requirements will be under regular scrutiny and in particular it is likely that there will be an increasing tendency towards ongoing monitoring of those who are panel members .
23 A member is obliged to comply with the Rules and in particular he is obliged to comply with rule 2.12(1) under which :
24 Obviously , if Jane says I 'm skipping and Mary says I 'm skipping we observe that on one occasion it is Jane who announces that she is skipping and on another it is Mary .
25 SCOTLAND ‘ The knock-on effect has come through to us and at last it is being admitted in Scotland that prices are falling , ’ says Dunan McDougall of Ryden Residential in Edinburgh .
26 And at last he is mine . ’
27 This can sometimes be achieved by reacting to individual happenings to media enquiries but at best this approach is haphazard and at worst it is inefficient and potentially dangerous .
28 The Queen will arrive at 11.33 , and at 11.33 she is there .
29 Præsepe , nicknamed the Beehive , is one of the finest clusters of its type ; it is easily visible with the naked eye and is well seen with × 7 binoculars , while with × 12 and × 20 it is truly glorious .
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