Example sentences of "and [noun sg] would [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her reputation and experience would have to be investigated very carefully .
2 Only then did he disclose to John Macnab that he and Margaret were leaving for Germany next morning , 26 August , the day on which the powers of detention and internment would come into effect .
3 They would pass , coming from different directions , and Babur would smile at him .
4 Stockings were never long enough and the tension between suspender and stocking-top would result in spring-loaded legs ; if you had to run for a bus , the legs would keep going for three stops .
5 If the economy were boosted , most of the extra revenue and income would go into the service sector , money would be spent on our imports , and the balance of payments would get worse .
6 It might be anticipated , therefore , that the pattern of gastrin and pepsinogen would differ in H pylori positive subjects without symptoms and in patients with duodenal ulcers .
7 Therefore the use of s.52 agreements to achieve odour prevention and abatement would seem to be unaffected and still legitimate .
8 The ice and snow would disappear from the mountains , and as the new plants from the more temperate regions of the south migrated northwards , replacing the arctic plants , these latter would crawl up the now uncovered mountains , and likewise be driven northward to the present arctic shores .
9 The fundamental stress on proper moral order as the basis of a healthy society could be dangerously two-edged ; it could plausibly be turned against the reformers by the assertion that abolition and emancipation would cut off the civilising influence of Europeans on Africans and result in social and political upheaval in the colonies .
10 I am told that the same considerations of constituency difficulty , demography and geography would apply to rearranging the constituencies within Scotland .
11 He said the former Yugoslav republic could become a ‘ European Lebanon ’ and fighting would spread beyond its frontiers if Bosnia crumbled into separate ethnic mini-states .
12 Requiring temperature controls in factories would mean that both thermostats and insulation would have to be imported into Poland , until factories could be established there .
13 If so , they would correspond to the native serf labourers of Persian Asia Minor , and Bakal and Alazeir would correspond to the far fewer privileged Anatolians who achieved honour and office under the Achaemenid satraps . )
14 He said the extension of VAT to domestic fuel and power bills would hit the poor hardest and Labour would vote against it .
15 However where the restraint of trade doctrine applies , for example in contracts of employment , a confidentiality obligation will only be enforced if the information in question can fairly be regarded as a separate part of the employee 's stock of knowledge which a man of ordinary honesty and intelligence would recognise to be the property of his employer and not his own to do what he likes with .
16 A general principle in the employment field was laid down in Printers and Finishers Ltd v Holloway [ 1964 ] 3 All ER 731 where Cross J said that employees are prohibited from using information which " can fairly be regarded as a separate part of the employee 's stock of knowledge which a man of ordinary honesty and intelligence would recognise to be the property of his old employer and not his own to do as he likes with " .
17 In past operational plans the Eastern Health and Social Services Board had stressed that efficiency and flexibility would need to be introduced .
18 If , for example , we were to create a drawing of a No Smoking sign the cigarette would appear on the black sheet while the red circle and bar would appear on both the magenta and yellow sheets because the shade of red we chose requires both .
19 Sister Dannii would often join in and little could parents Carol and Ron have realised just where this extrovert show of singing and dancing would lead to .
20 It seems a natural assumption that someone with Gould 's talents and skill would go from working for people in politics to working in politics .
21 Phases of weathering , drying and deflation would lead to a steady deepening of the hollow .
22 Between July and November 1916 on this front there were on both sides three million men in arms , of which the dead , wounded and shell-shocked would amount to one million two hundred thousand .
23 Such grants had some advantages from the crown 's point of view , for in the event of the failure of direct heirs the lands and title would revert to the crown and would augment the resources of royal patronage , as happened with the Audley , Clinton and Ufford inheritances ; but the underlying reason for limiting descent to heirs male was the wish of the nobility to preserve the integrity of their inheritances and to ensure that the title descended with the land .
24 It would be too much to hope that , once ordinary people became governors and once ordinary parents became involved in what ( and why ) a school chooses to do , then the process of improvement and development would look after itself .
25 Since employment was not available here , the unspoken suggestion was that the recipients of training and education would emigrate in search of work .
26 Here , near the two fig trees , she would pick a little bunch , and Maman would sniff at it while she was eating her breakfast .
27 A fast turn of speed was not as important as a range of at least 1,000 miles , and flight would have to be maintained on one engine with 60% of the fuel still aboard .
28 Britain is not yet ready for a Ministry of Justice , but if such a change were to come it is unlikely that the distinction between administration and policy would endure for long .
29 The idea was to take a person who was in excellent nutritional shape and consuming a good , better than average diet without taking any vitamin or mineral supplements , who was a non-smoker and moderate consumer of alcohol , sugar , tea , coffee and chocolate ; and to see what effect consuming the national average amount of alcohol , cigarettes , sugar , tea , coffee and chocolate would do to this fine healthy specimen .
30 Instead , both position and velocity would have to be smeared out with some probability distribution around the nucleus .
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