Example sentences of "and [noun sg] which [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Right knowledge was a necessary safeguard against the immorality and perversion which stemmed from ignorance .
2 He went to the dressing-table and threw cold water over his face and chest which streamed with cold sweat .
3 Here is the verse and chorus which appealed to me the most .
4 In the old days , local politicians fought one another to obtain the prestige , jobs and money which came with a nuclear power plant .
5 While he suggests in apocalyptic tones in The Problem of Method that this process of self-consciousness is at last beginning to take place , and that civil , foreign and colonial wars are becoming apparent as different forms of a single class struggle , Sartre also admits that the divorce between theory and praxis which ensued under Stalinism has generally prevented any clear self-consciousness among the masses .
6 Undoubtedly much of Lewkenor 's commercial activities verged on the illegal , but few of the Sussex coastal gentry were probably uninvolved in the piracy and smuggling which flourished in the troubled international scene and which , in the guise of ‘ sea-dogs ’ , has long been acknowledged as one of the great Elizabethan attributes .
7 This attitude both belittles the quality of the author 's work and also underestimates the wide reading and research which went into the creation of her most famous character .
8 Despite grand plans for the ‘ informationisation of society ’ , the partnership of government and industry which operated under the government of Valery Giscard d'Estaing left the French information-technology industry in a mess — at least compared with American or Japanese firms .
9 The college had been founded in 1823 by George Birkbeck as a ‘ Mechanics ' Institute ’ , enshrining those virtues of self-improvement and industry which corresponded with the best qualities in the character of William Joyce .
10 She fluttered ahead , pouring out a little flow of sympathy and self-reproach which fell like music upon the rector 's ears .
11 But the floor was wet and I slid along before colliding with a slab of sprats , cod and ice which showered over me .
12 There is little or no hint of the compassion and humanity which lay beneath the cool exterior .
13 I remember visiting a hospice for the terminally ill and being struck by the peace , joy and laughter which abounded among both patients and carers .
14 In the aftermath of the coup attempt mobs engaged in widespread violence and looting which resulted in some 100 deaths and damage estimated at several million dollars .
15 It lacked , however , Tree 's own personal papers and correspondence which remained in the possession of Lady Cory-Wright .
16 Its origin is in coal , the marine transport of that coal and the industrial structure of engineering and shipbuilding which developed from coal and its transport .
17 Edward Thompson has written of the " deep-rooted folk memory " resting on " nostalgia for the pattern of work and leisure which obtained before the outer and inner discipline of industrialism settled upon the working man " .
18 The man who issued every order and arranged every detail of the lying and brutality which resulted in these massacres was Brigadier Toby Low … subsequently ennobled ( in 1962 ) as the first Baron Aldington . ’
19 They used the language of murder about the slave trade and Fox proclaimed himself an enthusiast for ‘ that zeal and warmth which arose from a sense of justice and was that kind which made men act with energy in a noble cause ’ .
20 Having gone out onto the lake as calm as the surface itself , he had caught , as it might be , some of the immovable unsettling darkness and chill which lay for ever imprisoned deep below , like his own too-recent self .
21 He reversed some of the laws on language and education which discriminated against Tamils , and took to visiting some of the Tamils ' Hindu temples , even attempting the odd public statement in Tamil .
22 They developed a theory of the state which was a long way removed from the rational calculative tendencies of utilitarianism and provided a justification for the role of the state in the spheres of economic life and welfare which went beyond what has usually been countenanced within Liberalism , whether based on utilitarianism or Lockean theory .
23 Despite this glimpse of vintage anti-Semitic paranoia , setting the tone for the new wave of anti Jewish action and propaganda which began in the last months of 1937 and continued throughout the following year , the ‘ Jewish Question ’ was scarcely touched upon in Hitler 's speeches throughout the critical year of 1938 .
24 This group benefited most from the increasing absorption of men into the Army and Navy which peaked at around 10 per cent of the adult male labour force , nullifying the effect of population increase on the labour market .
25 Early studies took the form of a competition between Boeing and NAA which resulted in two grossly overweight designs .
26 Following an address on July 6 to the Council 's Assembly by the Soviet President , Mikhail Gorbachev , the first by an East European leader ( see pp. 36821-22 ) , the Council and the Soviet Union set up a joint working group to develop contacts and co-operation which met in September and October .
27 As Derek Fraser has suggested , they were of four main types : ‘ a fear of social revolution , a humanitarian concern for suffering , a desire to improve the moral tone of the recipients and a satisfaction of some psychological or social need ’ , i.e. a desire for the confirmation of social status and superiority which came from giving to those poorer than oneself , and perhaps basking in their gratitude .
28 A debate was going on within the library profession on the whole question of dispersals and conservation which culminated in a symposium at Loughborough in 1987 chaired by Lord Quinton , Chairman of the British Library Board , and a report by the British Library itself , Selection for Survival : A Review of Acquisition and Retention Policies ( 1989 ) .
29 Social psychoanalysis , by contrast , takes the view that contemporary character should not merely be explained by reference to contemporary culture and childrearing , but that in any society contemporary childrearing and culture are the consequences of historical changes and that the contemporary individual recapitulates the cultural past and therefore , by a sort of reverse neoteny , experiences in his childhood the traumas and stages of ego- and superego-development which occurred in the adult lives of his ancestors .
30 Despite the opportunities for patronage and profit which resulted from the statute , what we need to note here is the existence of an explicit legal restriction on endowments for the church , a limitation which found its way on to the statute books and into the consciousness , therefore , of lawyers and members of parliament for the rest of the Middle Ages .
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