Example sentences of "and [noun sg] have [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The original commitment to high quality and reliability has been reinforced , leading to the investment of millions of pounds in new products and new technology .
2 Bomb-grade plutonium and uranium have been kept securely enough to persuade most potential proliferators that , if they want a bomb , they will have to make their own nuclear material , not just steal or buy it .
3 More recently fast-breeder reactors fuelled with a mixture of plutonium and uranium have been developed by some countries .
4 A democratic society was one in which the mass of the people played an active rather than a passive role , and in which the old traditions of deference and subordination had been replaced by a sense of equality among the people — the feeling that one man , or even one person , is as good as another , or at least has an equal right to be respected and listened to .
5 Volunteers from both east and west have been making mercy missions to the thousands of refugess caught up in the fighting .
6 The attacks continued after ibuprofen and cimetidine had been stopped and recurred three days later , after chemotherapy in conjunction with intravenous dexamethasone , metoclopramide , and oral dexamethasone .
7 Pictures of the Führer and Party emblems , uniforms , and literature had been thrown away or burnt before the arrival of the Russian , American , or British troops .
8 Pack sizes and colours extend the choice and labels and literature have been produced in eight languages , from English to Icelandic .
9 In recent years much energy and ingenuity has been poured into the task of showing that such markets do in fact exist and can be made to force managers to profit-maximize .
10 A great deal of erudition and ingenuity has been exercised by art historians of this persuasion to demonstrate interconnections of this sort .
11 Very unusual pentacles and magic circles etched into the stone and traced with silver and mercury have been destroyed as if by something bursting up through them from below .
12 Since the early 1980s the army 's strength and budget have been cut in half .
13 BR did not lodge a defence until it was too late and judgement had been made .
14 Yesterday 's jeans and shirt had been tossed on to the rumpled heap made by his sleeping-bag and two dented pillows .
15 In the discussions which had led to the creation of the ECSC , other economic sectors such as transport and agriculture had been highlighted as being ripe for similar developments .
16 In the interim , however , a number of schemes have been devised in which instabilities and chaos have been predicted in experimentally realisable systems .
17 The pharmaceuticals business — which was bound to suffer when the US patents expired last year on Tenormin , a beta-blocker and one of the world 's most successful drugs has been further hit by the failure of two products in which a lot of money and hope had been invested .
18 Planting , staking and feeding have been talked and written about so frequently that it really is astounding how many questions and problems still occur about these subjects .
19 The layers of horn and yew had been blended together with such care that it was hard to tell which was set upon which .
20 There have also been considerable advances in ‘ variable rule ’ methodology , with the development of GOLDVARB ( Sankoff , 1986 ) , and the journal Language Variation and Change has been founded , with an editorial policy that concentrates on quantitative methods of linguistic analysis .
21 Every shed and garage and outbuilding had been searched .
22 A course of ampicillin and metronidazole had been taken by this subject within four weeks of endoscopy .
23 In essence , the effect of medically conceived interpretations and solutions has been to provide institutional care settings and services , often taking over pre-existing custodial arrangements , in which basic nursing care , supervision and protection have been provided , with drug therapy as the major planned ‘ intervention ’ or treatment .
24 The Sultan had since abdicated , the Caliphate had been abolished , the Dervish orders had been suppressed and most traditional ceremonies and pageantry had been done away with .
25 After the suspender belt , suspender welt and foot had been cut off , the stocking was tied round the head and the hair rolled over and tucked into a v shape .
26 On the second day of the Macari trial at Winchester Crown Court , Swindon players past and present have been giving evidence .
27 It 's easy to overlook the need to register after a sale and purchase have been completed , for example , when acting for a seller to register newly imposed restrictive covenants , or for a lessee to register an option to buy the reversion or to renew the lease .
28 The balance between headings and text has been lost ; the typesetting is definitely more uneven and gappy ; and you seem to have switched to cheaper paper such that there is more show-through .
29 Hypertension is but one among many diseases , and progress has been made similarly in developing new drugs for regulating or adapting other parts of the body : drugs to strengthen the heart , to promote formation of blood , to help blood to clot or to prevent blood from clotting , to aid respiration , to increase the flow of urine , or selectively to increase or to diminish the amount of some selected component , to prevent conception or to promote fertility , drugs to stimulate the production of hormones or to block their actions , drugs to influence some particular aspect of the metabolism , and so on .
30 As the need for lexical resources has grown , greater numbers of machine-readable dictionaries have become available , and progress has been made regarding the issues of standardisation and format .
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