Example sentences of "and [noun sg] [conj] [vb past] that " in BNC.

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1 New lawyers acting for two the three defendants accused Galligan of racism and incompetence and suggested that they would appeal against the sentences .
2 She was dry by day and night but insisted that her mother put on her nappy for her to pass a motion .
3 He seemed vulnerable but then I heard the chink of armour and , looking carefully through the trees which swept up from the river , caught a glimpse of colour and steel and knew that help , if he needed it , was never far away .
4 Stotland and associates analysed the effects of subsequent increases in prosecution and enforcement and concluded that ‘ a tendency toward an upward rise of home repair fraud was reduced by convictions … however , the increased sanctions did not appear to have completely reversed the upward movement of home repair fraud ’ ( 1980 : 262 ) .
5 Sally could taste the cigarettes and beer and found that that too was exciting .
6 He distinguished clearly between velocity and acceleration and asserted that freely falling objects move with a constant acceleration that is independent of their weight , dropping a distance proportional to the square of the time of fall .
7 Wycliffe denounced the abuses and corruption of the clergy and Papacy and insisted that the authority of the Scriptures was self-sufficient .
8 Much of the literature on goals has linked recognition and power and concluded that they are the same goal set .
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