Example sentences of "and [conj] there was [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He thought that she must be feeling a great deal of pain , and that there was nothing he could do about it , and that , if his suspicions were correct , her pain would get a great deal worse …
2 I feel like that the situation in which Carrington was in is what God does and that I 'm part of that situation , and that he was going to die , and that there was nothing I could do about it .
3 I could see he was going to be unhappy about it for a long time , and that there was nothing I could do about it .
4 It was n't until a physiotherapist found a vertical tear in the hamstring that they had to admit I was injured and that there was nothing wrong with my motivation .
5 I gathered , however , that they expected it to continue to get worse and that there was nothing they could do except give me vitamins .
6 So it began to be asserted that this was a social service , and that there was something inherently reasonable and even laudable about subsidising the price of rented house-room — though how it could be reasonable or laudable to reduce by arbitrary and locally varying amounts the rents of an arbitrarily selected minority of families who have no common economic or other characteristic , is something which no one to this day has attempted to explain .
7 If he felt , sometimes , that he had heard too little of that interview of Primaflora 's , and that there was something of desperation now in her love-making , he did n't pursue it for once ; and even the matter of Katelina remained only as an anxiety held well in check .
8 It had already dawned on the girl that , from this moment on , she was on her own , and that there was nobody to stand between her and whatever might be devised for her in the future .
9 If there was nobody it did n't matter , and if there was somebody , careful creeping was n't going to make a ha'porth of difference .
10 And if there was something wild and desperate about her London career which disturbed her uncle and aunt a little there were few to criticise .
11 To her amazement he took this like a lamb , and then had the effrontery to say that it had been a pleasure working with a businesswoman like her , and if there was anything else he could help her with , she only had to ask !
12 Now er when we 'd done a waggon er it was n't just er right , that 's alright , er we had a railway examiner come along and er he 'd go round it and if there was anything as he was was n't satisfied with , or any other further repairs , he he 'd stop that waggon from going out , and er of course we had to go r go back and do it .
13 Fortunately both parents were experts at managing money ; Robert at saving , when and if there was anything to save ; Ella at making the housekeeping stretch twice as far as anyone else .
14 She might despise him for the methods he used in business , but the fact remained that she loved him , and if there was anything she could do to protect him she would do it .
15 Yes , he thought , and if there was anything damaging it will have been removed .
16 And if there was anyone
17 And if there was someone there , then she definitely did n't intend to do anything brave .
18 Then he remembered a woman he 'd met once on a train , she was singing hymns to the window , he 'd been embarrassed at first , half her fringe was missing as if someone had taken a bite out of it , only he knew she 'd done it because she caught him staring and laughed and said , ‘ I always cut it when I 'm loaded , ’ and he remembered something about a house , and because there was nothing left to cling to , because it was the only piece of wreckage left afloat , he remembered how to get there too , it was either remember or die .
19 And because there was nothing on costs there could be nothing on cost-effectiveness , no appraisal of different ways of achieving similar goals .
20 I was in complete agreement with the pathologist 's view … that death resulting from status asthmaticus is death due to ‘ natural causes ; ’ and since there was nothing to suggest , in my opinion ( then and now ) , that the death was ‘ violent or unnatural , ’ or that it otherwise fell within the provisions of section 19(4) of the Act [ of 1988 ] , I was satisfied , in all the circumstances , that an inquest was unnecessary .
21 However , because all the cards bearing messages of sympathy had been removed , exactly who had sent flowers other than his immediate family , and whether there was one from the infamous Kray twins , must remain a mystery to all but the Thompsons themselves .
22 He lifted her hot hand and pressed the key into her moist palm , and as there was nothing more to say he turned and walked away , Ruth watching numbly , powerless to scream out in her own defence , powerless to feel .
23 And though there was something immeasurably sad about this hopeless daily wait , yet sometimes , just briefly , Creggan would catch her looking in his direction in a way that spoke of support and encouragement .
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