Example sentences of "and [conj] she [be] not " in BNC.

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1 He went to her , and told her how much he loved her , and that she was not to heed him ; it was the headaches that made him distracted ; that day he had been almost blind ; Mr Lamprey had suggested spectacles , and perhaps now he could afford them .
2 She was a loving mother , tall and thin and delighted at the social success of ‘ Captain ’ Masters , the polite way the bank manager doffed his hat to her , and that she was not the only mother who was sending her son to Oxford .
3 He expressed the opinion that she was not fully compos mentis ; that she was not fully rational in making an assessment of her medical condition being unaware how critical her condition was ; and that she was not fully rational at the time of signing the refusal .
4 She feared that decisions were being made behind her back , and that she was not being told the truth by that apologetic mouse of a doctor .
5 The justices found that the appellant must have known of the possibility that a breach of the peace was a probable consequence of her conduct , and that she was not unwilling that this should come about .
6 She need n't have worried ; a brief note from Dana on the kitchen table said that Roman was taking her out to dinner and that she was not to wait up , neither was she to wake Dana in the morning ; she would come for her fitting in the afternoon .
7 Although she told me she was experiencing a certain amount of discomfort due to the condition of her appendix , and although she was not really looking forward to surgery and to the anaesthetic , none the less Kirsty seemed to have no more than the expected apprehension which would have been felt by anyone .
8 She noticed this peculiar fish and although she was not a fish specialist , she became convinced that it was of great importance .
9 Have you talked only about the bride cooking for the bridegroom when you know she is a career girl and a women 's libber , and if she is not some of the audience will be ?
10 She 's happy here , and if she 's not exactly helpful any more , at least she 's harmless .
11 Yes , well if I ca n't find her , I will have to ring her up and say what hours is she doing here ? and I think that will be a way of finding out , but I 'm not coming before nine and if she 's not here at nine I will want to know why , what time she 's started . .
12 Joe had comforted her , and told her that no one could help falling in love , and if she was not breaking up his marriage she was doing no harm .
13 And if she was not always cold and distant , what had made such a detached , unemotional mask necessary in the first place ?
14 Well er firstly , he can , even if it 's his money give it to his wife as his partner , and she could then invest the money , and because she 's not paying any tax , er she could get a ten percent return , so she could actually get a thousand pounds on that ten thousand and that would be payable gross .
15 He had said she was beautiful and called her Felipe 's woman , but obviously the count was not about to enlighten her on that particular score , and as she was not revealing her knowledge of his language she had to let it go .
16 And though she was not surprised that , for the sake of appearances , Jake 's fiancée was to be installed in one of the guest-rooms , it did surprise her that he had chosen the rose room .
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