Example sentences of "and [conj] they [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In this way it is hoped to establish more precisely where competition for jobs takes place between young people and adults , where young people are protected from competition , and where they are not even considered .
2 He may know the difference between a tractor which works and one which does not , but he can not know how many tractors are required , what sort of tractors to build , and where they are most needed .
3 Both can be presumed to matter most when and where they are most influential — as in the charting of the interests , concerns and methods of analysis that make up a new academic discipline .
4 I doubt whether the working party will get any further than recommending the status quo , because I 'm absolutely sure in my own mind , that it is a duty that this council has to support village schools , where the parents support them , and where they 're educationally beneficial , to support them in the village communities , because they are , they have other importance than just education .
5 These refusals were mainly from relatively high-status households , and where they were not categorical ( for example , people sometimes excused themselves on the grounds that they were too busy to be interviewed ) , were dealt with initially by a follow-up visit .
6 In a general practice in north Edinburgh , between 1987 and 1989 , 265 injecting drug users were asked if they had any children and , if so , when they had been born and where they were currently living .
7 So I think I can express some of my neighbours concerns , unless , particularly , not particularly worried about those , but there is a general feeling that things are getting worse , and that they 're not safe in their own homes , among the more elderly .
8 Ralph says basically that they do n't exist , so how could there be one and Simon 's view is that he would know if there was a beast and that they 're just really frightened of each other .
9 You also notice that Sebadoh are n't afraid to improvise live and that they 're so prolific , perfectly-formed new songs seem to drop from the sky .
10 This is because they pay a premium rate to be ‘ first in break ’ , on the basis that more people are still watching ( prior to making the tea , or whatever ) , and that they 're still watching more attentively .
11 It helps to remind the tourists of our native bush and that they 're now out in the wilds . ’
12 Erm it seems to me that the emphasis has changed slightly in the representations being made by the West Yorkshire authorities and that they 're now saying that it 's much more difficult for them to accommodate housing developments within their own er districts .
13 a point at the moment , with the life of the county , I think that we should great potential and great opportunity available to us , and I do hope that all members will er , and I 've written to all our members of parliament with a copy of my letter , er , I had I 've had er , I know it 's been the Christmas period , and that they 're only just getting back into things , and there 's been a lot of diversions at length , and I do have a letter from , er I heard from er , Edward , er , Mr Edward Lee , and and , I still have to hear it from er , the rest of them .
14 Thus the percentage of the poll gained by UUUC was again over 50% in the third election within fifteen months and the result of the election suggests again that the majority of voters in Northern Ireland will not have an institutionalised Irish dimension and that they are profoundly suspicious of any party which is prepared to share power with those whose explicit or implicit aim seems to be to " destroy the state " .
15 Those parents helping in school can sometimes feel that their goodwill is being abused and that they are little more than washers of paint pots and menders of broken books .
16 Motorists , please remember that cyclists ( and pedestrians ) are road users too and that they are easily hurt .
17 May I assure the House that my right hon. Friend has their full support and that they are completely opposed to the right hon. Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) ?
18 Make sure that all pictures leaving the Press Office are properly captioned ( see Chapter 3 ) and that they are well protected .
19 We must ensure that the security forces are the real defenders of human rights and freedom from fear and violence , and that they are clearly seen to be so .
20 But Lévi-Strauss is arguing that kinship systems serve a similar discursive role and that they are similarly constructed out of units of meaning .
21 ‘ We can see no other reason why the Government should introduce this bill less than 24 hours before the house rises for Christmas and that they are fundamentally ashamed of it . ’
22 In other words , although a lot is said about " silent letters " , it 's more helpful to see that almost all words have " silent letters " in a sense , and that they are n't silent at all , but are attempts originally to symbolise regional or personal differences in pronunciation .
23 A certain amount of rivalry and competition is natural , but all children need to feel that they have their own special talents and that they are not always being measured against brothers or sisters and found wanting .
24 If there are possible problems and conditions that make the company worried about how a partner will cope make it clear that you know what they are and that they are not problems to you .
25 Provided that the instructions on the indications for such remedies as the tissue salts are carefully followed , and that they are not taken for long periods , they may be of benefit .
26 Is it not the case that the various systems of PAYE , tax codes , MIRAS , tax credits from dividends and so on are simply methods of collecting and giving relief for income tax at source and that they are not designed , nor do they have the authority , to be methods of assessment ?
27 It also helps them realize that there are other people who have similar problems and difficulties , and that they are not alone in their plight .
28 But the fact that corporate activities are not subject to high levels of surveillance compared to , say , lower-class adolescents whenever the ‘ Special Patrol Group ’ ( UK ) swoop down on ethnically mixed neighbourhoods , and that they are not confronted by regulatory agencies with sufficient resources to maintain an adequate level of surveillance through frequent inspection , also constitutes a greater opportunity structure conducive to corporate crime .
29 Now villagers feel that AIDS sufferers should be treated with compassion , and that they are not a danger to others if it is known how to protect oneself from the disease .
30 There may be a limited exemption for non-profit-making bodies and foundations , provided that the data is used only ‘ as part of their legitimate aims ’ and ‘ on condition that they relate only those members and corresponding members who have consented to being included therein and that they are not communicated to third parties ’ .
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