Example sentences of "and [conj] they had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yet it is important to realise that in the last decades of the old régime in France the parlements were often expressing more or less accurately what public opinion there was on the issues at stake , and that they had frequently widespread popular support for their attitudes .
2 Christopher Trickie and his Wife … told Mogg that the French people had taken the plan of their House , and that They had also taken the plan of all the places round that part of the Country , that a Brook runs in the front of Trickie 's House and the French people inquired of Trickie wether the Brook was Navigable to the Sea , and upon being informed by Trickie that It was not , they were afterwards seen examining the Brook quite down to the Sea .
3 He looked around and saw a great many faces all wearing the same expression , an expression stating that they were never going to be surprised by anything in history and that they had already had every thought that was ever going to be in his head .
4 The Assistant Commissioners ' later report mentions that Lightpill was occupied by Brown and Tucker , and that they had only two hand looms , both unemployed .
5 I was reminded of the Brecht poem in which the politicians decide that they can not trust the people and that they had better elect a new one .
6 ‘ Both the settlers and the natives assured me ’ , wrote Gould , ‘ that they [ the bronzewings ] had suddenly arrived , and that they had never before been seen in that part of the country .
7 It was argued that such covenants are often contained in conveyances , leases and mortgages , and that they had never been subject to the doctrine of restraint of trade and consequently the test of reasonableness .
8 I felt betrayed ; I had never thought of all my friends noticing my weight , and that they had all been thinking of me as a fat person .
9 Swirling snowclouds and rain strengthened the illusion that there was no outside world anymore , and that they had all been transported to some frozen Hell .
10 I did their first demos with them , and took the opportunity of telling them a few facts of life , saying that while it was nice to play guitar , if at the end of the line they were all broke then they were going to be very unhappy musicians who had missed their chance to be big , and so they had better take care of certain realities and do it right away .
11 And so they had better be , she thought , a little indignantly .
12 Trouble is , I do n't know what he 'd do - " He broke off suddenly and turned his head away , whispering , " My father , my father , my father … " in a way so bitter and desperate that she turned to him and held him ; and although they had already stayed far longer than on previous nights , she had a sudden foreboding of events , so that she needed to love him again , now ; and a little while later , without thinking of the danger , she cried out with the joy of him : a single shriek in the night that echoed in the trees below the house and was followed by a strange , almost tangible silence .
13 And when they had accidentally found , the Master had sworn , and his cousin Meredith had deliberately headed the fox back to earth .
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