Example sentences of "and [conj] he [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 He knew it was a person 's natal chart that decreed whether he should become an Ixmaritian , and where he would be educated .
2 After they had gone through the ordeal of giving evidence , their father , who was found guilty of eight serious charges with nine being left on the file , was put on probation and allocated to a hostel not two miles from where his last victim lives and where he can be seen by the family as they pass through the town centre .
3 Edouard was worried that it might be difficult for Grégoire to adjust to St-Cloud , and that he might be homesick .
4 Then , all of a sudden , there was a sort of bang and the dog started yelping and I thought he must have fallen or something and that he might be hurt .
5 Was there maybe a sneaking feeling that , if he was n't laughing at her , he was usually laughing at life in general , and that he might be quite fun to be with ?
6 Further to compound my mystification , he does not seem to realise that according to Christian dogma , God is not only loving but also just and that He may be calling Christians to a future life which is not necessarily ‘ better ’ than the present .
7 NO SNOW fell during the night and at 10.00 , after Erika had run her five kilometres under a dazzling blue sky , Karl ran and said that he thought he rather did that a brief tour of Berlin would be possible and that he would be waiting in the lounge of the Palast at 11.00 ; adding that Paul should meet them at the television Tower at 1.00
8 The Director of Personnel responsible for the personal affairs of overseas executives rang Mark from Detroit to say that compensation terms had now been worked out , and that he would be visiting England the following week to discuss the subject with him .
9 He thought of taking the man 's rifle but knew it was too heavy for him and that he would be incapable of aiming it .
10 He said that he would publish the book without a single alteration and that he would be obliged if I would kindly call him to discuss details .
11 It might be argued that in such situations it is the only course of action open to a man and that he would be at fault if he acted differently .
12 In a taped interview which was played to the jury , Paul said : ‘ I just thought it was like a little tap on the head and that he would be all right .
13 He knew the airliner would be turning right at the end of the runway and that he would be turning left .
14 Despite this I still had a strong impression that the Principal was clearly in control of the centre and that he would be unlikely to tolerate breaches of the rules .
15 Indeed , the year before , he had spoken at the Moot of his hope , according to the minutes , " for occupation in some form of national service without that official status which might shut his mouth , and that he would be free to take part in any work for the future that was possible .
16 He knew he ought to feel guilty about Cora-Beth , to whom he had not yet written the promised letter , but with a telegram already despatched to Mrs Appleby , advising her of his visit and that he would be bringing a young lady , he told himself that it was too late to change the arrangement .
17 ‘ You ca n't , ’ said Michael , frightened , knowing the challenge was there , and that he would be bound by the rules to keep silent , like a second in a duel .
18 He informed them that Stella had not only had her appendix , but also her gall bladder removed , and that he would be home in time to attend to the next horse trek arranged for Saturday .
19 Why , for instance , did the Oval board of directors emerge from a meeting last month to declare that Jackson 's job was safe and that he would be in charge next season ?
20 The French President , François Mitterrand , confirmed on Oct. 15 that Aoun had been granted political asylum as a " question of honour " and that he would be allowed to remain in the embassy indefinitely .
21 Gould knew , long before he ever decided to set sail , that the province of Australia had fallen miraculously into his lap , and that he would be able to publish from the ‘ rich ornithological productions ’ of this country a series of works which were beyond challenge .
22 Norma Thomson , secretary of New Deer Community Association , said : ‘ Perhaps whoever did the break-in knew there would n't be a policeman going back and forth and that he would be tied up at the meeting . ’
23 She knew he had gone to Mrs Lorimer 's funeral and that he would be unhappy ; Letitia was a good sister .
24 He said good-night to Evelyn quickly and that he 'd be back after breakfast in the morning .
25 ‘ You mentioned that you had a half-brother , ’ she murmured , ‘ and that he 'd be coming into Woodline Design . ’
26 The story of his binding makes clear that he remains so , and that he must be accepted as such .
27 She watched him stroll away down the corridor as if he had n't a care in the world , knowing full well he was putting the act on for her benefit , and that he must be worrying about the star performer who was also his best friend .
28 He was told that there was a waiting list and that he must be referred by his General Practitioner , as a National Health Service patient , in order that the local Health Authority provide the necessary funding , as the operation is only available on the N.H.S.
29 Within seconds , the vet announced that the lump was a large umbilical hernia which would need to be operated on , and that he should be castrated as these hernias are hereditary .
30 She feels that he does not appreciate her and that he should be grateful to have a good looking young wife .
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