Example sentences of "and [conj] he be not " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Our friend here does not seem to appreciate that the world 's greatest detective is conducting a criminal investigation and that he is not to be thwarted .
2 Thus , it shows that man has an inherent ability to overcome his misfortunes and that he is not dependent upon his material success .
3 When an owner of property against whom an order has been made under the Act comes into this court and complains that there has been some irregularity in the proceedings , and that he is not liable to have his property taken away , it is right , I think , that his case should be entertained sympathetically and that a statute under which he is being deprived of his rights to property should be construed strictly against the local authority and favourably towards the interest of the applicant , in as much as he for the benefit of the community is undoubtedly suffering a substantial loss , which in my view must not be inflicted upon him unless it is quite clear that Parliament has intended that it shall .
4 Rather , the courts have held that it is enough if the constable has a power to act as he does , and that he is not acting illegally in the exercise of that power at the time of the act complained of .
5 In the course of my pastoral visiting , before I took a funeral service , I called on the dead man 's son , who told me that he fell out with his father at his wedding twenty years previously and that he was not going to the funeral service now !
6 ‘ Bumface came here to tell me that he was going to fight the War Office and that he was not having the WO Instruction for me to report forthwith to the Ski Battalion at Bordon .
7 Thirdly , he was concerned about the possibility that his faith was merely an intellectual understanding coupled with a fear of God , and that he was not truly regenerate .
8 They both understood that this was a formality and that he was not thought to be ‘ ill ’ .
9 ( Incidentally , during the Fontainebleau conference Ho had called on the US Ambassador in Paris to assure him that he and his party aspired to independence in the French Union and that he was not a communist . )
10 During 1918 they met principally at Lord Derby 's breakfasts , from which Baldwin recorded impressions and interchanges which indicate both that the Prime Minister was a near stranger to him and that he was not above a little daring toadying .
11 He was concerned that they were getting stuck in a rut and that he was not getting much creative thinking , though his company needed innovation for survival .
12 In a speech at the launch of the ss Trevethoe in February 1913 he took the opportunity publicly to declare that he was in favour of a conciliation board , and that he was not alone in this conviction .
13 I seem to recall that a gentleman called T. Dan Smith was also involved at that time and that he was not a Conservative .
14 It would arise where a defendant could not prove , on the balance of probabilities , that his story was correct , that someone else was responsible for causing personal injury or damage to the vehicle taken or to other vehicles and articles , and that he was not a party to the offence .
15 Mr Hull made it clear that he did not know very much about the paintings and that he was not an expert in them .
16 At the last hearing at Oxford County Court Judge Charles Harris said their payment record was intolerable and that he was not mindful to postpone the eviction again .
17 A pardon would mean she could rest in peace , and that he was not a coward , ’ said Mrs Booth .
18 Bryan Adams has a tremendous knack of writing very catchy and memorable guitar parts , and although he 's not particularly known as a lead soloist his rhythm playing approach is well worth looking at .
19 He did n't want to exacerbate what he saw as an existing weakness of his own in that respect , and although he was not censorious of other people , I think he was genuinely quite frightened of it , and at one point in the Arts Lab , when there was quite a lot of speed pills , amphetamines , going around amongst the young people there , he did speak out very strongly one evening against it , saying that he personally did not want anything like that around anything he was closely involved with because he felt that it was not a good thing for people to be speeding and it created the sort of vibes that might end up causing problems .
20 He planned to acquire one of the Agricultural Project smallholdings , and although he was not eligible , he had some hopes since those who were qualified were not applying .
21 The Archbishop arrived in Munich between performances of La finta giardiniera , and although he was not to hear the work himself , he learnt about it from the Elector and his family :
22 The promise of enlarged democratic rights had encouraged the ‘ playful giant ’ to be less submissive than formerly , Arnold thought , and he was beginning to assert with increasing regularity ‘ his right to march where he likes , meet where he likes , enter where he likes , hoot as he likes , threaten as he likes , smash as he likes ’ : Matthew Arnold thus proposed in the late 1860s that crime and disorder should be understood as a consequence of the already evident ‘ permissive ’ disintegration of the stable traditions , and although he was not narrowly obsessed with street violence and rowdyism , nevertheless these were an integral feature of his vision of decay — something which was deeply characteristic of this era .
23 And although he was not directly involved in the Nghe-Tinh debâcle , one may assume that , Ho , too , had ‘ overestimated the capacity of the communist leadership to transform spontaneous revolt into a nationwide uprising , and had underestimated the ability of the colonial regime to quell any challenge to its authority ’ .
24 When Tate took his leave , Eliot stood at the door of the drawingroom leaning on two canes ; Tate waved goodbye , and although he was not able to raise himself from the canes he smiled and made a movement with one hand .
25 Mr Rushdie also met federal parliamentarians in Ottawa , and although he was not granted time with the Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney , he said that his reception by the External Affairs Minister Barbara McDougall encouraged him to believe that Canada was firmly behind the campaign to get the death sentence lifted .
26 And supposing he were not ill at all — how embarrassing that would be .
27 Lessees are sometimes astonished to be told that in spite of obtaining planning permission with their landlord 's knowledge , they still require his consent and if he is not inclined to give it , the means of getting him to agree can be difficult , slow and expensive .
28 And if he is not prepared to fight , then he should say so but there is no point in lying to the people around him saying he can do the job if he really believes he ca n't . ’
29 And if he 's not in I lets it ring .
30 And if he 's not altogether wrong , then Connon suddenly gets a great big motive . ’
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