Example sentences of "and [conj] i 've [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 That , and my only tape , ‘ Shepherd Moons ’ , reminding me of where I 've been and where I 've come from .
2 That one , that 's the big toe , is where the foot actually is twisted outwards this one is where the foot is curved under , and that I 've put in red because it 's the most common sort , very common , that is where the foot is forced up and that one is where it looks as though it 's standing on its toes .
3 I only mentioned it because I want you to know that I realise the problems we 're facing — and that I 've got plans to put us back on our feet .
4 How many times have you supposed to have taken something back or have it repaired or something and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there , and it 's sat there and it 's collected du , I 've got things round the house that I 've been working on and that I 've got ta , I 've got ta and it 's collected dust .
5 But I think they recognise that I 'm not trying to exploit the Broads to line my pocket , and that I 've taken a bit of care .
6 By this I mean that the bait is only fished on the outward journey , the retrieve being of such a speed to bounce the bait across the surface and although I 've seen pike strike at these surface poppers , it 's a very rare occasion .
7 ‘ We could share the driving and drive sedately through Germany , ’ she amended with a smirk of a glance to where Fabia was grinning , ‘ and once I 've done my interview we could make a holiday of it — stay longer , have a tour around .
8 It 's not the appointments that matter , it 's the activity around the appointment , the fact that I 'm gon na get up on Monday morning , I 'm gon na go training , and once I 've done that , I 've got to nip down to the library , O K , and look up that electoral role , I 've got an appointment , and then I 'm gon na go back to the office , I 'm gon na to do my mail shots and then I 'm gon na to go home , mow the lawn , have a bit of tea , and then I 'm gon na to my approaching , and then I 'm gon na go , yes , on that appointment there .
9 and once I 've got
10 for the first day of next term , and once I 've got that money and they 're registered
11 You know , I 've had a bitter , hard life since I last heard your voice , and if I 've survived , it 's all because of you ! ’
12 I appreciate the trouble you 've gone to with me and if I 've said anything … ’
13 And if I 've hung his coats up once I 've hung up , I 've hung them up a hundred times , he 's got a coat hanger on the back of the coat hook on the back of the door
14 What 's more , 'e 's callin' on me late tonight to find out if I 've 'ad another go and if I 've earned the quid . ’
15 Thank you very much , I can only say that I have always felt it a privilege to be part of N C V O. Er , I have enjoyed my time enormously and if I 've had any role that I feel that I 'm proud of , it 's constantly bringing members to mind .
16 I , I , I think this must be the hardest business to plan around in the market place Peter , because at the end of the day you 're chasing business , you , you 're looking for business and if I 've got an account , I 'll be honest with you , if I 've got an account tomorrow or , that rings in and it 's in for sort of Friday , yes , and that should be there , and I 'm out of the area Friday , I 'll go across and get that business , I 'd go out of my area and get that business ,
17 Erm , so I 'm hoping that that will work , it 's it 's down in the diary for him to do that , and and I 've given a little note about what the Adult School is all about .
18 Er and and I 've found it very useful in t term
19 These these black blobs are supposed to be proteins and and I 've tried to er illustrate the orientation of the protein by showing these er these supposedly er glyco er substi substituents on the outside of the cell .
20 And because I 've met you , Mr Rochester , and I ca n't bear never to see you again .
21 And because I 've known that love , I ca n't deny you the opportunity . ’
22 ‘ Oh , she 's angry because I never do anything useful , and because I 've got red hair , ’ I said .
23 Before that I was involved in women 's groups in Ireland and since I 've come here I 've been involved in the Women in Ireland group in London .
24 Yeah and while I 've seen what 's doing it
25 However , I 'm very much looking forward to being a member of N C V O as well as being a consumer of its excellent services , and while I 've got the the platform , I 'd like to take this opportunity to wish Judy every success as Director of N C V O. I think she 's got off to a marvellous start , and I 'm sure that N C V O's gon na flourish under her leadership .
26 And when I 've expanded and I 've told you then I then come back to my ending and I say , okay so what I 've done I 've told you about three aspects of flying , about the safety of it , ab about the costs involved in taking part in flying and about the enjoyment you 're gon na get out of flying and I hope that I 've persuaded you that you will come along on Saturday to take part , and that 's the ending .
27 He told me , ‘ You do n't speak a word to anybody else , and when I 've hit that ball , we 're on our way . ’
28 And when I 've done a good lesson — whatever that means — when it 's gone down well .
29 And when I 've done a a spot on photograph for them , when somebody else is mentioning a photograph , you know , er to go up in the Town Hall or whatever , er they the local mayor has just had one done by one of the guys in the workshop , and I know for a fact I could do one that 's ten times better than that .
30 And when I 've done emptying , I could come back here and empty your brains on the ground , could n't I ? ’
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