Example sentences of "and [conj] [det] [noun sg] [is] " in BNC.

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1 We must consolidate our expertise and where that expertise is not evident , we must create it .
2 Where is it clear that reliance may be placed on our association with the preparation of financial information , and where that reliance is not justified by the nature of the association , we should take every opportunity to make the nature of our position clear ( for example , in discussing information , prepared but not reported on by ourselves , with a client 's bankers ) .
3 The arithmetic alone shows that this Government is only prone to defeat when there is an issue over which all the non-government parties intend to vote the same way ( ie including the Official and Democratic Unionists , plus the self-styled popular Unionist , Sir James Kilfedder ) and where that total is topped up by a dozen or so Tory malcontents .
4 Far less argument has taken place on the subject of broadcasting which is almost entirely government-controlled and where that control is usually direct .
5 Forgetfulness proves deadly because it strikes deep into the delicate area where conscience registers sin and where each person is most attuned to the nuances of relationship .
6 But what about the regimes he defends in other Arab countries like Saudi Arabia where women can not even drive a car and have no rights at all , and where all opposition is crushed without mercy by long prison sentences , condemnation to death or assassination ?
7 In certain circumstances it may become necessary to seek waivers from the Law Society , as for instance : ( 1 ) where the new office is no more than a consulting room open for restricted periods , when a waiver would normally be granted provided ( a ) the opening hours are sufficiently advertised ; ( b ) during those hours there is always in attendance a person duly qualified to manage or supervise the office and that all correspondence is seen by a partner of the firm ; and ( c ) the business of the consultancy is accounted for centrally and not as a separate business ; or ( 2 ) where the new office is an annexe ( whether housing a separate department or otherwise ) near to the main office , when a waiver could be expected to be granted if ( a ) a common switchboard is used for both main office and annexe ; ( b ) accounts are centralised ; ( c ) correspondence is attended to in the main office ; and ( d ) clients are asked to address correspondence to the main office .
8 The main assumption is that you observe the exact service interval ( say every 6000 miles ) and that all servicing is done then , even to the little things like oil and new headlamp bulbs , and big things like tyres , batteries , exhaust systems etc .
9 I am absolutely delighted that in this Bill the Government have provided the discount for a single-person household and that that discount is automatic and mandatory .
10 But when Sam I could put it on in the bedroom and sit and watch it and Sunday , I get up on Sundays and that that cat 's ugly I get up Sundays now because Grange Hill 's on .
11 of imported coal goes directly to British Steel and that that coal is not currently available in the United Kingdom ?
12 What Derrida argues is that any discourse which conceives of itself as scientific is bound to be logocentric : it will assume that it is transparent to its object and that that object is a stable entity .
13 Is the Secretary of State confirming by that last statement that the union can be negotiated only by the House , the people of Northern Ireland and Her Majesty 's Government — and that that matter is no concern of Mr. Reynolds or of the foreign state to the south of Northern Ireland ?
14 ‘ I apprehend that a tribunal which is by law invested with power to affect the property of one of Her Majesty 's subjects , is bound to give such subject an opportunity of being heard before it proceeds : and that that rule is of universal application , and founded upon the plainest principles of justice .
15 ‘ I apprehend that a tribunal which is by law invested with power to affect the property of one of Her Majesty 's subjects , is bound to give such subject an opportunity of being heard before it proceeds : and that that rule is of universal application , and founded upon the plainest principles of justice .
16 Brunner was as insistent as Barth that God is known only by revelation , and that that revelation is Jesus Christ himself .
17 use your mirrors often , that you know what is behind you and that each sign is what you said
18 You also spot that the paragraph ends are marked with a little bent arrow , and that each paragraph is preceded by a short line .
19 Clearly , it is good that the Israelis and the Palestinians are sitting around a table in Washington , and that each side is advancing ideas for the future of the occupied territories .
20 Clark ( 1973 ) assumed that , given the arrival of information , the values of the consequential price change and volume of trading are distributed independently from each other , and that each variable is independently and identically distributed over a series of information arrivals .
21 It has also been suggested that much of the roughland converted to grass leys will revert again to roughland and that this interchange is an established , if episodic , occurrence .
22 What all the theories have in common is the fundamental assumption that criminals are different from non-criminals in that they have a more or less enduring disposition towards the commission of crime and that this disposition is explicable in terms of ‘ causes ’ .
23 Though he found the passionate irresponsibility of the Homeric world ‘ shocking ’ , preferring its Virgilian successor ‘ because it was a more civilized world of dignity , reason and order ’ , Eliot also realized that the all-important ‘ mind of Europe ’ was one ‘ which changes , and that this change is a development which abandons nothing en route , which does not superannuate either Shakespeare , or Homer , or the rock drawing of the Magdalenian draughtsmen ’ .
24 It appears that , contrary to popular belief , many Adult Education Institutes do NOT now provide insurance cover to tutors employed by them , and that this tendency is escalating , in view of current cut-backs in educational budgets .
25 By footprinting , DMS interference , site-directed mutagenesis and UV-cross linking techniques we demonstrate that at least two nuclear factors , with MW of 90,000 and 30,000 , bind to the 80 bp fragment and that this binding is necessary for transcription .
26 We now show that this effect is also seen in the transcriptional level , that IFN γ binds to colonic epithelial cells , and that this binding is reduced in the presence of salicylates .
27 Its significance lies in its double message : that the aim of the Palestinian struggle is the establishment of Palestinian independence , and that this independence is regarded as being not at Israel 's expense .
28 Increasingly , research evidence shows that , in mixed-sex schools , girls are consistently subjected to harassment , sometimes sexual , by boys , and that this harassment is either ignored or treated as harmless .
29 Our argument in the following pages will be that there is a knowledge about language appropriate to foreign language teaching and that this knowledge is at present provided neither in the academic nor in the professional course .
30 However , Smith also points out that there is another division in the subject , between the logical positivist ( objective ) and the phenomenological ( subjective ) approaches , and that this split is delaying the development of a rural recreation geography paradigm .
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