Example sentences of "and [conj] [pers pn] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This growth and specialization mean that more and more people must be found to staff the hospitals , clinics and rehabilitation units , and that they have to be trained .
2 None the less , it is clear both that they are substantial and that they have to be offset against any putative gains in efficiency brought about by the internal market .
3 It may be argued , for instance , that the ‘ total wars ’ of the twentieth century , because they detach whole populations from their accustomed ways of life , and at the same time impose great sacrifices upon them , give rise to strong reforming movements even in the victorious nations ; and that they have in fact contributed significantly to the development of the welfare state .
4 The argument that structures of such scale and uniformity must be the work of the Danish monarchy is difficult to resist , and so they have to be added to the features at Jelling , the renewal of the Danevirke , and the bridge at Ravning , as evidence of a burst of building activity under Harald Bluetooth all the more remarkable because quite without parallel in the history of the Danish monarchy in the Viking Age .
5 We are fortunate inbeing able to use the video camera at training weekends and once you have over come the shock of seeing yourself , most students find it a valuable addition to their training .
6 And if they have to be ruled by politicians , voters prefer Labour leader John Smith .
7 So glorious and yet so very real that if we by faith , and if we have by faith looked to Jesus Christ dying on the cross for us and received him , now , not there of course , but risen , and ascended , and glorified is promising that we ha will pass , or we have passed from death unto life .
8 And if I have to , I can land on a stretch of roadway .
9 Well I 'd like to buy before my dad go retires , because he 's in the business as you know , he knows exactly what to buy and if I have to , you know , have work done , he has this erm you know , it does everything .
10 And if you have with Carole
11 And because you have to be bursting with energy and health to do the top jobs , they have to be given to younger men .
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