Example sentences of "and [conj] [pers pn] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 A soldier with a machine gun , bulky in his bullet-proof jacket , asked Rory for his licence , and where they 'd been .
2 He listed all the sculptures made and where they had been found .
3 News of the Sheikhs , where they were going and where they had been .
4 It was important to present an accurate annual review of visitors from the three groups and where they had been .
5 The majority of the contracts have been awarded to Northern Ireland institutions and where they have been with other institutions it has been the policy of the Panel to encourage the employment of junior Northern Ireland based researchers on the projects .
6 The group runs workshops where the women watch videos and then hold discussion groups and where they have been taught how to make simple handicrafts .
7 The general effect of these four differences between health and education in relation to economic growth is that it has proved far more difficult and controversial to measure the impact of health on economic growth and where it has been attempted the effects have been estimated to be lower than those resulting from education .
8 It is the recognition of this principle and its implications which is particularly characteristic of Labov 's approach to data : ‘ for the section of speech being examined all occurrences of a given variant are noted , and where it has been possible to define the variables as a closed set of variants , all non-occurrences in the relevant environments ’ ( Labov 1982a : 30 ) .
9 Recall the requirements of this principle ( cf. 6.1 ) that ‘ all occurrences of a given variant are noted , and where it has been possible to define the variable as a closed set of variants , all non-occurrences of the variant in the relevant circumstances ’ ( Labov 1982a : 30 ) .
10 To forecast where the economy is heading , economists need information on where it is now , and where it has been in the recent past .
11 And where I 've been is none of your damned business .
12 Ever since he could think at all he had realised that the class which exploited the worker in every country would fight to the last ditch for the sake of keeping the worker where he was and where he had been all his life .
13 Miss Fergusson had maintained , when they first stood before the haloed mountain , that there were two explanations of everything , that each required the exercise of faith , and that we had been given free will in order that we might choose between them .
14 Much of the general comment has been that quality improvement is just common sense and that we have been doing it all of the time anyway .
15 Local sources insisted that all the dead had been unarmed and that they had been attacked with sharpened spades and a noxious gas , which had itself been responsible for the death of two women .
16 ’ The committee heard evidence from Stemp and from Worcestershire and were satisfied that he had not knowingly taken amphetamines and that they had been administered to him without his knowledge , approval or authority .
17 Oh yes very much so and we 've been these er lots secretaries and presidents and all miners and that they 've been coming up you know and er you had a chat with them and they put us do n't let this happen , do n't let that happen , and make sure that erm you know people do n't suffer and er oh it 's been quite a vast experience for us yeah .
18 If all these are in order than see if anyone has replaced any of the chassis outriggers in the past ( as for the some reason 6 cyl station wagons suffer more than their fair share of chassis rust ) and that they have been replaced accurately .
19 Make sure that they have everything they need and that they have been thoroughly briefed , but do leave them alone to do their job .
20 If there are to be company spokesmen involved in the filming , it is your job to make sure that they are there when they are wanted and that they have been briefed on what to say .
21 Does he agree that such improvements are a key component in a strong economy and that they have been achieved through the Government 's industrial relations laws , which the Opposition parties wish to repeal ?
22 I remember that luncheon with Basil absolutely perfectly , and that I 'd been at the National Gallery or the Tate , and I had a postcard with me of one of those primitive paintings , naïve paintings , of a cricket match they still have postcards of it .
23 For me , it was sufficient satisfaction that Eliot had approved my essay ; that he considered it the best thing I had done ; and that I had been one of the few to express opinions which had his total concurrence .
24 I 'm defiantly proud to point out that I did thirteen drafts of Wanda and that I 've been writing comedy professionally since ‘ 63 , so by the time I was writing Wanda it was 24 years .
25 So then Berndt and the old witch will know I 'm as smart as they do n't want me to be , AND that I 've been poking around in high-security files .
26 A sergeant appears from what a plate beside the door indicates is the dentist 's and I go up to him and tell him my name and that I 've been told to report my movements by Detective Inspector McDunn .
27 Right up until I was n't able to do any more and able to , like all engineers you get most of the men when you get to the stage where you 're not able to crawl under cars and do things like that so you you find another bu business , we went into sales and , and er accessories , stores and that I 've been in all that line in the last twenty years before I retired .
28 getting increasingly frustrated on the subject of other things , pelican crossings and that I 've been concerned to hear since I 've I 've been requested this question and er it was briefly reported in the Cambridge evening news last night that they they 've had almost continuous telephone calls today complaining erm which shows the public as I thought of my own experience er are very concerned about this and would like to erm first of all bring it to the council 's attention and do regard as serious and ask the chair if there is a proper investigation will be made into the way the council handles this subject .
29 I feel that somewhere over my head is hanging some kind of spirituality-ometer , and that I have been found wanting .
30 The main thrust of all the writings was to show that Bonapartism was for France the natural system of government and that it had been so since the Revolution .
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