Example sentences of "and [adv] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Inside the first attic , Léonie had discovered , if you fumbled your way through the dusty darkness to what seemed a cupboard on the far side , you found , within this , a ladder clamped to the wall that led to a trapdoor and thence to a bit of flat roof .
2 On 17 December ‘ Reynolds ’ and his wife ‘ Anne ’ , with Blake safely hidden away , left Britain on the Dover ferry to Ostend , drove across Belgium to West Germany and thence to a border crossing-point with East Germany where they arrived on 19 December .
3 Again in the case of Trieste , Dell'Aqua describes how patients , painters , doctors , nurses and students built a blue horse — the Marco Cavallo — which led a joyful procession of about 6,000 patients through the town , and on to a celebration of the emptying of the first ward , held at a local primary school .
4 I try to sleep , but can not , and go for a walk along the shore and on to a ridge from where Sør-Fugløya is thrown into relief by the blinding sun .
5 I walked out of the sea and on to a beach , where there was no sign of any people or houses .
6 The image in Figure 5.12 of an inlaid Islamic brass ewer is formed by X-rays passing through the ewer and on to a sheet of film beneath it .
7 They must have walked for at least three miles and eventually came out of the wood and on to a pathway which led to a crossroads .
8 Turn left past the junction and on to a path .
9 Jim still carries the scars of his Carry Ons — he fell off the camel he was supposed to be riding and his left arm was badly broken during the making of Doctor , when he had to ride a hospital trolley down a flight of stairs , through a plate-glass window and on to a table .
10 In its pure form , the Dionysiac impulse leads to apathy and hostility to any political action , and eventually to a total , Buddhistic withdrawal from the public world in pursuit of mystical self-negation .
11 Keep left along the wall and down to a gully with Caperby below .
12 Relaxed and complacent , we headed our way out of the pub and down to a dip — then straight up a ferocious bank turning right at a junction in the road , signposted to Dale End .
13 Homeless and down to a fiver .
14 In real life it is really not very likely that six people ( and six is about the right number , pushing upwards to eight and down to a minimum of three , though you have to be skilled to have that few ) will each have good reason for committing the same murder .
15 In the case of a buy-out , disclosure should be made at the first board meeting at which the proposed buy-out is considered , and should be made to the full board and not to a committee of it .
16 May L.J. , at p. 41 , refers to a submission made by counsel for the prosecution that Nolan J. 's reference to ‘ the alternatives ’ was a reference to a choice between breath on the one hand and blood or urine on the other hand and not to a choice between blood and urine .
17 Mr. Armitage [ junior counsel for the plaintiff ] suggested that clause ( b ) applies only to a mistake made by the officials in the Registry and not to a mistake made or induced by one or other of the parties .
18 The result is an industry-standard PC network built to perform — and not to a price ( although , as you 'd expect , our buy-direct prices are highly competitive ) .
19 What is particularly interesting , however , is the fact that the shorter prologue ascribes the Pactus Legis Salicae to the Franks , their nobility and these four individuals , and not to a king .
20 It will be noted that failure to comply with a direction regarding structural alterations to a seamen 's canteen may result in a refusal to renew the licence It the next application , and not to a fine as under s.36 .
21 Unlike Design Changes , SPRs and SSRs are related to specific versions of a module and not to a module name .
22 It was contended that purchasers looking for a good-quality carpet would go to a conventional carpet shop and not to a carpet superstore which they considered was more applicable to the lower end of the market .
23 The Act was needed to make up for the shortcomings of the Sale of Goods Act , 1979 , which applied only to the transfer of goods from a seller to a buyer and not to a situation where goods were being provided as part of a service , such as building work and car repairs , for example .
24 ( 6 ) and not to a contravention of subs .
25 The self interest of the senior managers has promoted the interest in the Trust application and not to a commitment to provide and maintain high quality care .
26 A change of home help , a fall , or a recent bereavement might any of them result in a sense of not being able to cope , and thus to a referral .
27 She jumped out and ran through the swing doors and over to a desk where a nurse in a white uniform sat waiting .
28 We then made brief visits in turn to some greenhouses , to a school where we witnessed an English lesson , to a clinic where we saw barefoot doctors and Chinese herbal medicines , to an agricultural machinery factory , and finally to a couple of peasants ' homes .
29 Krishna Kumar Rawal ACA of 74A High Street , Wanstead , London having been found guilty of misconduct within the meaning of Bye-law 76(a) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he at Ilford and Wanstead between 18 November 1987 and 1 April 1990 failed to account properly and promptly for monies held on behalf of a client and in that he at Wanstead between 18 November 1987 and 6 January 1992 failed to account properly and promptly to a client for interest received in respect of monies held on behalf of the said client and having been in breach of Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he at Wanstead between 3 December 1991 and 18 June 1992 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) was reprimanded , fined £1,000 , ordered to take advice from the Professional Referrals Service and to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
30 Developers had planned to construct a hotel , leisure and golf course complex on the hill 's summit , which is the source of five rivers , 40 per cent of Penang 's freshwater , and home to a number of rare species , including flying lemurs and giant squirrels .
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