Example sentences of "and [adv] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But after two weeks of going back and fro to the barn they finally decided for some unknown reason that they had had enough .
2 At Trecynon , a suburb on the north-west side of the town , there is an iron bridge built in 1811 to carry products of the Abernant Ironworks on a tramway from the works to the Glamorgan Canal , and thence to the port at Cardiff .
3 There was no home leave from overseas and , as far as I knew , few individuals or units of the Eighth Army had returned to Britain , for most had been sent to Sicily and thence to the toe and heel of Italy , or to Salerno , and by this time were fighting hard up the Italian peninsula on one or other side of the Appennines .
4 The majority will be settled by agreement , but an appeal process , first to Valuation Tribunals through the Lands Tribunal , and thence to the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords on matters of law , is available .
5 This leads from the neighbourhood of modern Ljubljana ( Roman Emona ) by way of the Pear Tree Pass ( Hrušica ) to the Vipava and thence to the head of the Adriatic at Aquileia near present-day Trieste .
6 Powder systems either have a facility to pressurise the detergent drum , into which water is fed to solubilize the powder which is then fed by air pressure to the dispenser pump , or sachet filled hoppers which are auger fed into a chamber where water is mixed and thence to the delivery pump .
7 An example is the string of demes from Tribe Five , Akamantis , which run Thorikos-Kephale-Prospalta-Sphettos and thence to the city ; the section from Thomkos to Sphettos is along an arterial road , which by Kleisthenes ' dispositions was enclosed first within the coastal , then within the in land trittys of Akamantis .
8 ‘ We shall progress along the Parade and Albion Street , up to Fort House , known as Bleak House , and thence to the pier , ’ he announced grandly , pointing with his Golden Jubilee cane .
9 At the bottom ( north ) end it connects with a tarmac farm road which continues through a level crossing ( point C on map ) which is now open to pedestrian traffic only ( so it 's a very quiet lane ) , and thence to the entrance to Riccarton campus ( point D ) .
10 One of the attractions of the room was that one could climb from the window out onto the roof of the bicycle shed and thence to the ground .
11 Whereas the long-term significance of human activity upon plants and animals and soil characteristics and distributions has provided one research focus , in climatology the emphasis has perhaps been more evident on a spatial scale with the impact of human activity first appreciated at the local scale but then subsequently extended to the meso and thence to the world scale .
12 This eventually led to the establishment of the Phillimore Committee , which issued a fairly modest report in 1974,1R and thence to the Contempt of Court Act 1981 .
13 In particular , it is not difficult to imagine that the oral stage , with its central feature of attachment to the breast , and thereby to the person of the mother , holds rich possibilities for primitive superego-formation , especially if weaning creates a tendency to introject the lost object .
14 Within this context of the nation as a family , the actions of individuals were expected to be based on selfless service to their immediate group , and thereby to the state .
15 The duration of totality at each observing site provides an important clue to the size of the Moon 's shadow on the Earth , and thereby to the size of the Sun at the time of the eclipse .
16 Sometimes I 'd have to go off and strip off to fight straight after a caddying session , off the course , drop the bag and on to the fairground .
17 His body leaped like a salmon , airborne , as he turned and crashed down again , then rolled off the scarp and on to the clearing .
18 She turned her head away , scalding tears coursing down her cheeks and on to the pillow which had absorbed her earlier grief .
19 Corbett muttered curses but followed Selkirk up the ladder and on to the deck of the ship .
20 Ian shook himself free from his bunk , pulled on his flannels and swung himself up the companionway and on to the deck .
21 I thought that perhaps something came through the air-vent , down the bell-rope and on to the bed .
22 He got up , went out into the courtyard to piss and on to the kitchen to beg for a cup of watered ale and a slice of greasy bacon to silence the hunger pangs of his stomach for he had not eaten since leaving Holy Rood Abbey the previous day .
23 Steve Hinton , flying the T-33 Red Baron pace aircraft , led the racers down the ‘ chute ’ and on to the race course at about 400mph .
24 Afterwards , the actor was swept from the courtroom and along the corridors , closely pursued by screaming fans and on to the court steps , where he said in a prepared statement : ‘ This has not been a case about homosexuality and I resent any suggestion that it was .
25 Without speaking they walked through the gap of the east window and on to the edge of the cliff and saw only the moon-bleached beach stretching north and south , the thin fringe of white foam .
26 Christina was pleased to get her into the car without being mobbed , and drove quickly out of town and on to the coast-road .
27 Bella was very old now and would probably be glad of a rest , George considered , so he drew the pony to a halt and walked her off the road and on to the quarry floor .
28 ‘ Now the chief priest is going to say a prayer for the boats on the beach , ’ he explained , as they went with other spectators to join in behind the end of the procession and follow it across the square and on to the sand .
29 If you had any energy at all , you could keep height and continue to Sgurr na Sgine and on to The Saddle , but you would need thighs like Graeme Souness 's .
30 Adam was thrown forward , up and over the shattered windscreen and on to the bonnet .
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