Example sentences of "and [adv] they [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 But stolid stonewalling makes for poor copy and dull viewing , and eventually they let him go , although even then a few of the younger and hungrier among them followed him down the wide staircase and out into Piazza Matteotti , hoping for a belated indiscretion .
2 He immediately queried the instructions and eventually they gave him a new course to steer .
3 Furious , Dr Dunstaple now seemed on the point of turning on the Padre and mowing the wiry cleric down with his fists , but by this time Louise and Mrs Dunstaple had hastened to his side and now they dragged him away , hushing him desperately .
4 What happened was there was a burglar and er they went downstairs and they him over the head and then they put him a chair and they got the and he goes , what shall we , what shall we wrap him up in ?
5 You know chuck him out right , the whole of the bloody lesson but you , you 're not allowed to do that and then they chuck him out again .
6 He remained like that for a few seconds longer , while they tied his wrists to a pair of iron rings bolted into the wall , and then they let him go and left him dangling there — half in , half out of the river .
7 ( Otto once told me some unbelievably shocking — to me — tales about Jean-Claude and American soldiers , and how they paid him in cigarettes and chewing-gum .
8 He was popular with the grooms and the coachmen and yet they respected him and his discipline was firm .
9 They had declared at his accession , they had repeated often since , that they desired him to reign upon the selfsame terms as his predecessors ; and yet they made him aware , whenever it was needful to ask for a grant of money , that in fact he stood upon ground subtly changed , and must ask as a favour what had been Richard 's unquestioned right .
10 And it would be very interesting to know where his travels take him — I 'm not talking about his yacht cruises when she is with him — and why they take him there . ’
11 So they returned each to his own country , blessing him for their deliverance , and magnifying his great bounty ; and forthwith they sent him tribute and acknowledged themselves to be his vassals .
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