Example sentences of "and [adv] by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Every bill of lading in the hands of a consignee or endorsee for valuable consideration representing goods to have been shipped on board a vessel shall be conclusive evidence of such shipment as against the master or other person signing the same , notwithstanding that such goods or some part thereof may not have been so shipped , unless such holder of the bill of lading shall have had actual notice at the time of receiving the same that the goods had not been in fact laden on board : Provided , that the master or other person … may exonerate himself … by showing that it was caused without any default on his part , and wholly by the fraud of the shipper or the holder , or some person under whom the holder claims .
2 Amused by Mr Baker 's diplomatic skills , I composed a letter to Roald Dahl , and luckily by the end of July he had sent us a sensible letter of resignation .
3 Matthew Boulton lived close to his works at Soho ; but his son bought the estate and country house of Great Tew in Oxfordshire and went to and fro by the coach which is still preserved in the stables there .
4 Leaning back so that the chair creaked alarmingly , he held her watch up , dangling it to and fro by the strap , his expression neutral .
5 Yes , they were quite an elite band of brothers , but it was possible to break into the circle , and eventually by a stroke of luck and a bit of help from one of Vincent 's crew who took pity on me , I managed to get a short spell of leave relief on HMRC Vincent .
6 Scotland was still a divided and badly governed nation and David thought that progress to a well-ordered State could be achieved most quickly and effectively by an extension of Norman influence .
7 ‘ Often as he sat in Davin 's rooms in Grantham Street , wondering at his friend 's well made boots that flanked the wall pair by pair , and repeating for his friend 's simple ear the verses and cadences of others which with the veils of his own longing dejection , the rude pheoboric mind of his listener had drawn his mind towards it and flung it back again , drawing it by a quiet inbred courtesy of attention , or by a quaint turn of Old English speech , or by the force of its delight in rude bodily skills , for Davin had sat at the feet of Michael Cussack the game , repelling it swiftly and suddenly by a grossness of intelligence , or by a bluntness of feeling , or by a dull stare of terror in the eyes , the terror of sole of starving Irish village in which the curfew was still a nightly fear .
8 The plea or defence to this was that the notes were made jointly and severally by the defendant 's father , John Revill , and by Samuel Revill , as well as by the defendant , and that before the action the plaintiff , without the defendant 's knowledge or consent , struck out the name of Samuel Revill on the notes and wholly discharged him from liability .
9 Later one of the teachers noticed that Stephen had written a short piece about the provision of gas masks that concluded : ‘ No real gas attack ever took place and so by the middle of 1940 most people had stopped carrying their masks . ’
10 They need not return all the way as they had come but could strike southwards up Jed Water and over to Hobkirk and so by the Note o' the Gate pass into Liddesdale .
11 The Canadian authorities , in the meantime , asked for forty-five cuts to be made , which Nicholson refused to do , and so by the end of 1971 the film had been shown only in selected cinemas in America and even there , the reaction had been mixed .
12 Her natural passivity , encouraged by her religion and perhaps by the fact that she was pregnant , committed her to a mood of acceptance that was sweetly and hermetically selfish .
13 Heaps of spoil lay between Stags Fell and the road , so we picked our way through them and down by a wall to the road , following a pleasant series of falls through Shaw Gill Wood above Hardraw Force for a while before hitting the road again where a footpath took us down through flower-spattered meadows to Hardraw .
14 And down by the water side it there 's a a sort of a ruin just you can see it and he said that was where they stayed , a little monastery there .
15 She ran like the wind back to the apartment and tumbled her few clothes into bags , then raced back through the back alleys to avoid the crowds and finally met Lucenzo pacing up and down by the column .
16 I 'd of been jumping up and down by the time I got to the
17 He continued on across the road and down by the side of the church , heading south towards Pimlico , trying to imagine how it had been on that September day all those years ago .
18 Sub-section ( 4 ) provided that the power to re-hear should be exercisable only within 28 days of the order/sentence/finding of guilt as the case may be and only by a court constituted in the same manner as that which made the earlier decision .
19 Bundles of entries may only be transferred to higher level groups and only by the leader of the higher group .
20 Perhaps the Minister can clarify whether the provisions of the Bill will be operated specifically and only by the transport police .
21 In most countries north of the Alps wine was the luxury of the rich , even though most of the wine drunk at this time was what we should call ‘ vin ordinaire ’ ; and even communion wine ( which had done so much to foster the growth of the northern vineyards ) was drunk less and less by the laity in these centuries , until communion in one kind became the rule .
22 Pressure in this sense was exercised by the customers , and especially by the customer with whose wife the employee had an affair .
23 When we adhered to the gold standard , the House had no say in monetary policy because the money supply was dictated arbitrarily and objectively by the volume of gold discovered in the world .
24 That was true , and if it suggested they had been alerted by the security pass and not by a friend in the underpaid BBC World Service , then so much the better .
25 This meant more than the elimination of exploitation , which had already been achieved in the Stalinist period : it meant the elimination of the oppression of man by man , which could be achieved only by the working class itself and not by a bureaucracy on its behalf .
26 But from the peace of your Munro , all such regrets at its passing as a place of tranquillity vanish and it unveils its wilder delights at the east to those who come by foot and not by a knob-head 's speed boat .
27 " It was a political decision made by the government and not by the Federation , " Bland said .
28 Rather , the new law requires that academic positions be filled by responses to open advertisements and that the disciplines concerned be determined by the universities and not by the ministry .
29 It seems we do such a professional job many people do n't realise we are funded by voluntary contributions and not by the Government .
30 It seems we do such a professional job many people do n't realise we are funded by voluntary contributions and not by the Government .
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